Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1847: Weird combination

But without waiting for him to think about it, the King Kong Demon Ape rolled to the ground, as if it was irritated, and its angry arms hit the ground, like a grumpy monkey with a passion.

squeak! The King Kong Demon Monkey suddenly raised his hair and let out a sharp hiss, boom! A huge surge of Qi and blood spewed out from its short body, like a volcanic eruption, the powerful aura pressured Di Ping retreated more than ten steps before he stood firmly, his hiss shook his breath. The blood rolls.

Di Ping's expression was horrified. With his own strength, he couldn't even stand its aura. The strength of the blood in this little demon ape's body was so strong that it rushed into the sky like a great desert wolf smoke.

He hurriedly used his mental power to protect his whole body, thus isolating the palpitating aura pressure, but the mental barrier was also shaken like water waves, as if it would break at any time, and the feeling of vibration made him depressed and uncomfortable. .

Bang bang bang...

A dull sound of war drums sounded again, like the war drums beaten on the ancient battlefield, dull and exciting, trembling the world.

With the sound of the drum, the small body of the King Kong Demon Ape actually began to grow, and in a blink of an eye it became a huge golden orangutan five meters high, with glaring fangs and a hideous face, a manic, violent, like an ancient head. Fierce beast.

Roar! It suddenly hammered its chest and made a roar like a giant beast, and a more powerful aura rose up, like the essence, there was a violent wind on the battlefield, and the swaying woods shook violently.


The mental barrier shattered in an instant, and Di Ping's brain was almost vomited with depression like a heavy hammer.


Di Ping flew back tens of meters again, his eyes were full of horror. At this time, the King Kong Demon Ape was as powerful as an ancient beast, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure of fear.

At the same level as the third rank and ninth rank, the red rock beast is also strong enough, but compared with this diamond demon ape, it is almost one day by day, so the difference is huge.


At this moment, Di Ping's ears rang out in pain, his expression changed.

Di Ping followed the voice and looked over, only to see the mutant tiger lying on the ground under pressure, blood was flowing out of his nose, and he was extremely frightened and weak.

"Reclaim pet space!"

When he saw this, he hurriedly asked the system to take the big cat back. After a while, the pressure that might be generated could shake the big cat to death.


The King Kong Demon Ape roared again, and its two sturdy arms slapped its chest, like a giant King Kong, its body once again rushed towards Defeia who was in front of it.

De Feiya also rushed forward with a soft drink and waved her palm. The two bodies banged together in an instant, there was a loud bang, and the whole earth seemed to tremble.

boom! The violent gang strength was like a blade blazing towards Wei Zhou. All the trees within a radius of fifty meters were instantly shattered, and the ground seemed to have been blown by a nuclear bomb. The mud layer flew up, revealing black and yellow soil, following the turbulent air waves. Rushing around like a huge wave.

Di Ping's face instantly turned pale, without thinking about it, his body flashed sharply, and he shot straight out several hundred meters away before avoiding the impact of the air wave.

At this time, the giant demon ape had already fought with De Feiya.

The two figures are as fast as lightning, and they can’t see their movements at all. They just listen to the continuous rumbling, like thunder. The white gang yuan and the golden gang yuan collide with each other, bursting out brilliant colors, but this color is too terrifying, than The blade is sharp, more violent than a bomb, and a dash of energy shoots outward from the circle of battle, crushing everything on the battlefield.

The battlefield keeps moving, one to the east, one to four, one gold and one white, like two meteors, blinking incessantly.

The trees within a kilometer of the surrounding area were all suffering. Whether it was a tree, a boulder, or a house, all of them collapsed, and then they were shot into the distance by the air wave, with great momentum, like two giants. The beast is fighting.

The speed was so fast that even Di Ping's eyesight couldn't see the two figures clearly. He was worried that De Feiya quietly pushed her mental power over, but the next moment, he was dispersed by the violent Gang Yuanzhen.

He uttered a horrible grunt on the spot, and his head was hammered with a heavy hammer. He quickly took it back, looking at the two figures on the battlefield with horror, and never dared to reach out his mental power again. Although his mental power was strong, but Compared with the existence of these two fears, it is still too weak.

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