Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1873: 临 Kyoto

Sense of shame and then courage!

Di Ping followed his kindness and followed the system to improve his forging skills. Anyway, he has recently upgraded too quickly, and he needs time to settle down.

He spent three days in the forging building!

On the first day, he finally completed the nine-hammer forging technique and the last six hammers were fully integrated.

The next day, he successfully forged fine iron with a purity of over 90%.

On the third day, he successfully built the first knife-shaped tire.

The powerful soul realm has brought him unparalleled insight, and he can learn everything very fast. He is sure that on the fourth day, he will definitely master the method of condensing runes, and successfully make the first rank weapon by refining runes into the fetus. .

It’s just that when he had just smelted the most critical point, seeing the rune pattern was about to form, the door of the forging room was suddenly pushed open. He was shocked. The strength of his men became a little heavier. A rune collapsed, causing his previous achievements to be abandoned. The second mixer failed.

This made Di Ping angrily. It was like spending a long time, from catching the chicken, killing the chicken, removing the hair, chopping into pieces, frying on the pot, just about to pick up the pot and prepare it for serving, but the pot broke. A pot of chicken fell on the ground, and the ground was covered with gray tips. The suffocation in the heart and the pressure of the fire could not be suppressed. More than 90% of people would smash the pot.

Even if Di Ping's soul realm is extremely high, his mind is calm and condensed, and he is not as good as a mountain, but at this time he can't suppress the anger in his heart.

He threw down the scrapped tyre, he wanted to see if it was the brave daring to break in and interrupt his forging.

However, when he turned his head and saw Liu Bingyu rushing into the door anxiously, he suppressed the anger in his heart and frowned and said, "What's the matter!"

Although he suppressed most of his anger, his tone was stubborn and anyone could hear it. Liu Bingyu was hurriedly walking in the door and was frightened by Di Ping's harsh tone. She had never heard Di Ping's tone and her own. Speak, look at his face without a smile, and eyes without any emotion.

Suddenly, her body shook, as if the sky was falling, a gust of water filled her eyes, she stared at Di Ping blankly, her face was full of dead gray.

Although Liu Bingyu is witty and smart, she is still a young girl with many emotional experiences. All her thoughts are on Di Ping. In her eyes, Di Ping is everything to her, but at this time Di Ping has such a cold tone. And the ruthless look in her eyes made her feel desperate, and the whole world seemed to be gloomy.

For a moment there were countless thoughts in her mind. She felt that Di Ping was about to chase herself. He must have no self in his heart at all. He hated himself.

At this moment, like most innocent girls in love, she was suspicious, jealous, uneasy, and cranky. There were thousands of thoughts in her mind, but not a good one.

Di Ping had barely made an appearance in the past half month, and occasionally appeared once or twice with De Feiya. He stayed and stayed in two places, and was very affectionate.

This made Liu Bingyu worry and fear, and often cried secretly at night, feeling that he was about to lose Di Ping.

But today's appearance made her feel that the sky was falling, and her guess was confirmed.

All the emotions concentrated at this moment broke out, causing her to lose her calmness, her ability to think, lose all support and disguise, her body began to shake, her face instantly turned pale without a trace of blood.

"Master, please don't blame Miss Liu. I saw that she was in an emergency, so I let her in. It was all Ava's fault. Master, please punish me!"

Ava also felt the anger permeating the room outside the door. She was also terrified. The owner is usually kind. Who knows that anger can be scary in her life, so she hurriedly knelt on one knee and asked for punishment.

Di Ping's anger came quickly, and he disappeared quickly. It was just a moment ago that he was angered. He looked at the two men with a desperate expression, one kneeling on the ground and trembling without even daring to lift his head. , Suddenly it was still angry.

Even more dumbfounding, I can't even get angry now. If I don't explain clearly, seeing Liu Bingyu's kind of stunned me, this is a bit like Lin Daiyu.

"What are you two doing, I am not angry with you!"

Di Ping hurriedly regained his mood, with a smile on his face, gently pulling Liu Bingyu up.

Liu Bingyu's originally desperate face finally had a hint of anger, and she looked at Di Ping with tears in her eyes, as if she didn't believe it very much.

"I don't want a knife here. I can't do it anymore. What do you think it's done? I'm mad at myself. You are here. You are not the best!"

Di Ping picked up the tyre that had been cracked into cracks, flicked it with his hand to make the sound of shattering shells, and then explained with self-deprecating expression.

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