Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1882: Dazhenzhang

"City Lord Di, do you think this mutant bird will come down?"

Hu Jun walked back holding the firewood, put the firewood near the fire and asked.

However, his eyes were looking into Ava holding a hip flask. He already smelled the fragrance. This was the last time Di Ping asked him to drink it. It was called "Yuluchun". That smell... . His saliva can't help but gush out.

The mellow, full mouth and the endless aftertaste still lingers in the mouth, and now it smells even more itchy in my throat and saliva keeps gushing out.

"No hurry, it's not good that he won't come, let's have a good barbecue!"

At this moment, Ava squatted down and respectfully brought a glass of wine to his mouth. He drank it and said with a smile.

Hu Jun stared at Di Ping’s mouth, looking at that look that he wanted to grab the wine glass and drink it himself. His throat kept pulsing, a pitiful image with his eyes puffy, like a very hungry little beggar, watching the guests through the glass window. Eating meat and drinking.

"Shame! Really ashamed of his grandma, when I come back, I have to pour wine to death this kid!"

Hu Dahai looked at Hu Jun's eyes and movements on the big screen, and suddenly there was an urge to cover his face and not want to look at it. An old face flushed red. Seeing the contemptuous eyes that floated intentionally or unintentionally, Hu Dahai wanted to rush out now and take this The kid was choked to death.

"Old Hu, I'm afraid it's the wine you took, Xiao Hu can't drink it, but I heard from Jianyuan that there is a kind of wine in the sanctuary city that is very magical, like a fairy liquid, not only the taste is mellow, the body is smooth and the spirit is clear, but also It has the effect of strengthening the body!"

Shen Borong said with a smile.

Ouyang Hongshuo moved his eyes and asked, "Is it so good? It has the effect of strengthening the body!"

"It should be true. Jianyuan said that after drinking it, he felt light and healthy for a few days, and he felt refreshed. There was a sense of relaxation that Shen Ke had done!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that, if it can really strengthen the body, this would be a good thing.

You have to know that the one present here is not over 70. The body is already in severe decline, and the body is gradually unable to keep up. This kind of wine can strengthen the body and fit them. Maybe it can recover their physical fitness and live for a few more years.

"This wine does not contain stimulants?"

Chen Derong, the short and thin old man of the Chen family, looked suspicious.

He said that many people have doubts on their faces. The wines that can enhance physical fitness have been drunk before, and it is useless. The useful ones are stimulants.

"It shouldn't be possible. Liang Jianyuan asked Di Ping. He said that this wine is made from the spiritual valley and some mutated spiritual fruits produced in Sanctuary City. Long-term drinking can play a certain role in improving physical fitness."

Shen Borong shook his head regretfully, "Before we didn't have enough crystal coins, so I was reluctant to waste a little, otherwise I would have to let Liang Jianyuan get some and try it!"

Looking at his expression, you can see that this is also a good drinker, but not only him, the eyes of the big Kyoto guys look at the hip flask in Ava's plate, and the meaning in their eyes is also different.

Although these gangsters are not as bad as Hu Jun, their eyes are flashing, and many people are thinking.

"Ava, give General Hu a drink too!"

Di Ping naturally saw Hu Jun's longing eyes and constantly stirring Adam's apple. He didn't need to think about what he wanted to do, so he told Ava.

"It's the master!"

Ava nodded, like a conjure, there was an extra cup in her hand, and he poured a cup for Hu Jun, and then held it over.

"Thank you, Lord Di!"

When Hu Jun heard the words, his excited eyes lit up like an electric discharge, and he hurriedly stood up and thanked Di Ping, rubbing his hands and waiting.

Seeing Ava pouring the wine, she eagerly greeted her. As soon as she took the glass from the plate with both hands, she thanked Ava: "Thank you Miss Ai!"

Di Ping just clicked and turned over the meat in his hand. His mental energy had been concentrated on the sky at this time, and he was fully aware of the movement of the mutant birds.

Ava just nodded slightly, and retreated to Di Ping blankly.

At this time, all eyes in the meeting room were on Hu Jun. If Hu Jun knew that there were so many bigwigs staring at him, maybe he could throw the wine glass in fright.

Hu Jun carefully held the wine glass, as if he was holding a superb jade jade glass for fear of accidentally breaking it. Instead, his eyes calmed down when he held it in front of him. He put the wine glass under his nose and sniffed gently, and then he looked intoxicated. The expression on his face was so full before he even drank it.

Then he seemed to have made up his mind. He drank the wine in the glass with a sip, and his eyes suddenly lit up with a gleam of light, and then he slowly closed his eyes again, his face was drunk, as if already drunk.

At this time, he had forgotten the danger and the mission of this trip, only indulged in the delicious world of wine.

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