Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1895: Become a blacksmith

The talks lasted for nearly an hour. There were twists and turns and stories, and even an old general who swallowed the blood and left the field ahead of time. But overall, the talks achieved Di Ping's goal.

One is the first big order, the construction of the teleportation formation. This will also be the first external teleportation formation in the city of refuge, which is of great significance to the city of refuge.

Second, I finally saw a group of people who really have the right to speak in these Kyoto bases. From the expressions of these people's eyes, he could see that these people still have good intentions towards the sanctuary.

Although there are two or three people who are hostile to him like Xu Hongchang, but it is not enough to affect the overall situation, and the cooperation with Kyoto has been firmly established.

Kyoto still needs him so far, and it is inseparable from the cooperation with the sanctuary, which means that in a short period of time, he does not need to consider the pressure from the military and political side of the Yan country. It is much more convenient for the sanctuary to expand outside with the support of Kyoto.

The specific negotiations certainly do not require Di Ping and Zheng Guohua to come to talk. The big guys just have tea and chat together, talk about the general direction, and have a special team to carry out bargaining.

The daily affairs of one or two million people in Kyoto are countless. It is very rare for a group of big men to get together and sit with Di Ping for more than an hour.

The crowd had a banquet that made Di Pin so tasteless and simple. He was invited to rest in a house with a single courtyard.

He did not live underground. The underground base was very spacious and the ventilation system was very good. However, Di Ping was very uncomfortable due to the depression of the space. At his strong request, Liang Jianyuan asked them for instructions and invited them to the ground to arrange In a villa.

In the afternoon, Liu Bingyu and Lu Guoliang came to Kyoto in the teleportation formation.

This is the negotiator he arranged. He doesn't have time to work for the negotiation here, but the system is very dissatisfied with him. He has too much work to do.

Both Liu Bingyu and Lu Guoliang are people who have dealt with officials. They will not suffer a loss in the negotiation, and they should be able to cope with them.

Leaving Ava to protect the two, he took Carmen to open the teleportation scroll back to the sanctuary, and then continued to devote himself to his forging business.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the negotiation began. The representatives of the other party were Liang Jianyuan and the military management department. There were only three people on this side, Liu Bingyu, Lu Guoliang and Ava.

When Liang Jianyuan knew that Di Ping had returned to the city of refuge, Liang Jianyuan felt relieved.

For Di Ping, he always feels everywhere. To be honest, he is unwilling to negotiate with Di Ping. Of course, he knows the two of them now. The intelligence system in Kyoto is not for fun. One is Yuan Zhongzhou. The secretary-general of the city is regarded as a part of Yan Guo's political system, and his own side naturally suppresses him.

Liu Bingyu, who was born in the Liu family of Kyoto, is known as the number one talented girl in Kyoto, and his mother, the number one beauty in Kyoto, dominates the top two places in Kyoto.

Liang Jianyuan didn't care about her, no matter how good she was, she was still just a yellow-haired girl, and she was born in a family in Kyoto, and she had a natural closeness.

However, Liang Jianyuan's good mood did not last long.

After reading the content of the agreement that Liu Bingyu had handed over with a smile, he almost burst out on the spot. He knocked the documents to the negotiating table and said in a deep voice: "Liu family girl, you are cooperation, you are completely overlord. , Look at you..." As he said, he opened the document and said with a note: "Look, this teleportation array is funded and built by us, but it only has the capital and no management rights. It will be returned after it is built. Unified management of the transport system into the asylum city!"

It seems that he gets more and more angry, and then he points to the next one and said angrily: "And this...Our side builds the land and guarantees the safety of the teleportation array. If it is destroyed by humans, all the responsibility will be borne by us!"

Snapped! Liang Jianyuan closed the document heavily and looked at Liu Bingyu with coercive eyes: "I can't agree to one clause of this clause. This is not cooperation. This is completely unilateral supply, and it is not fair at all!"

Not only was he angry, but the leaders of the military control office were also angry after reading this content.

Bao Ancheng also squinted his small eyes and said, "I said the Liu family girl, how can you slap so much not long after you left Kyoto? Look, do you have a decent clause on this clause?"

"I don't think this negotiation needs to go on anymore, it's completely kicking us off!"

Chen Changming put the documents together and threw them on the table coldly.

Lu Guoliang's back was sweating again at this time, and he was pressed by the fierce gazes of these big men that he had never seen before, making him feel a sense of powerlessness, but he couldn't say what he had originally thought.

This made him feel ashamed and felt sorry for the trust of Lord Di!

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