Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1900: Not a good place

In the past few days, the people of Kyoto discovered a strange place in the city. A rain cloth was enclosed in an open area less than 500 meters away from the entrance of the underground base, so that nothing could be seen tightly.

On the periphery of Yubu, construction vehicles are working intensively. Judging from the half-built buildings, it looks like a city wall and a guard tower are being built.

They are all strong reinforced concrete structures, and they are no worse than the city walls of the base. How can such a strong city wall be built to protect what is in this raincloth?

The most strange thing is that there are thousands of heavily armed sergeants guarding within a hundred meters of this area, and anyone who comes close to it is rudely driven away.

Among them, more than a dozen professional adults wearing weird armors patrolled the surroundings, their eyes sharply swept around.

This place is so close to the entrance of the underground base that many people can see it, and they are all talking about what this building is for, and it has to be guarded by professionals.

Some people speculate that it is building an arsenal, because such a solid construction method is most likely to build an arsenal.

Some people speculate that mutant animal pens are being built, used to detain powerful mutant beasts, and the base is used for research.

Some people even speculate that this may be the housing of those in power. It is close to the underground base and easy access.

Rumors like wait...

The rain cloth has never been opened since it was covered, and it has been like this for three days.

The outer city wall and the guard tower were built. The more than ten-meter-high city wall, five steps, one post and ten steps, one guard, standing spirit soldiers, and the guard tower is equipped with a forty millimeter caliber machine gun. The pitch-black gun muzzle was like a small cannon, and many people had scalp numb, preferring to walk around.

On this day, the sun is shining and the autumn is shining!

Many people in the Kyoto base suddenly discovered that all applications for entering the underground base were stopped. Soldiers with guns and live ammunition were everywhere, driving the people who had queued up for registration to the distance and were not prepared to approach.

In less than half an hour, I saw a car driving out of the underground base, all of them luxurious new energy vehicles. These cars drove out of the underground base toward the newly built small city 500 meters away.

Some people in the crowd opened their mouths in shock when they looked at the number on the car. The front of the car was the car of Zheng Guohua, the president of Yan State, and the car of Shen Borong, the director of the Military Control Commission, followed closely behind. Following the cars of the leaders of the Military and Political Department, they drove out of the underground base in a mighty manner.

There was a commotion in the crowd, what kind of event, even these big men were dispatched together.

Everyone talked a lot, no one knew what was going on!

The gate of the small city opened slowly, and the convoy drove in quickly. Everyone craned their necks to look inside. Many of them were well-positioned. They actually saw the scene. The whole small city was empty, only seeing it in the middle of the city. A mysterious object covered with rain cloth.

What on earth is this covered by the rain cloth?

Many people are curious, and even built a small city to protect this rain cloth. This is definitely an extremely important thing!

Di Ping stood in front of the raincloth and chatted with Liu Bingyu and Lu Guoliang, and behind him stood Ava and Carmen, five soldiers from the army barracks and a professional, this was the person he arranged to take charge of the teleportation formation. .

Seeing the gate opened and the convoy drove in, the three of them ended the chat and looked at the convoy that was slowly coming in.

Today is an appointment between Di Ping and the big bosses in Kyoto, the opening ceremony of the teleportation formation.

It's just that the ceremony is relatively simple, Di Ping couldn't get a ribbon cutting or something, just to show them the use of the teleportation array.

Bang bang bang...

With the sound of the car shutting open, Zheng Guohua and the big men got out of the car under the protection of security personnel.

"Old Zheng, why are you here in person!"

Di Ping hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Of course I have to take a look at such important events. This is a miraculous thing across the ages. It would be a shame not to see it in person!"

Zheng Guohua also smiled and there was a hint of excitement deep in his eyes. Although he was talking to Di Ping with a smile, his eyes floated to the rain cover behind Di Ping.

"Yes, we are all here to see, when the Lord Di can start, we all can't wait!"

Hu Dahai didn't conceal his excitement at all, and strode forward, his laughter rang like thunder in the town.

And all the big guys came up, nodded with Di Ping, and their eyes floated to the huge raincloth surrounding him, with curiosity in their eyes.

"Old Hu, don't worry, just wait for you to arrive, we can start now!"

When Di Ping saw the expressions of the people, he was not talking nonsense and smiled slightly.

"Let's start then!" Zheng Guohua's eyes lit up and nodded. Before waiting for some big guys to not get out of the car, they waved their hands vigorously, as if they were giving a combat order, and then seemed to feel a little too nervous. He looked back and smiled at everyone: "I am suddenly a little nervous, as if I was on the battlefield for the first time!"

"Haha! Don't tell me, my palms are sweating too!"

Ouyang Hongshuo smiled and stretched out his hand.

Everyone is actually a little nervous. After all, it is such a mysterious thing. It can be said that it only exists in fantasy, and it suddenly becomes reality. Don’t look at all of them, they are all battles, but at this time it is also inevitable that there is novelty and tension. .

Hearing what the two said, everyone burst into laughter, and the tense atmosphere became relaxed for a while.

"Open the cover!"

Di Ping also smiled with everyone, then looked at Ava and ordered with a deep voice.

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