Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1925: Female boss

This night Di Ping slept very peacefully, with the magic barracks and Xiaojin guarding him. He could sleep peacefully. He opened his eyes and saw the time at six o'clock exactly when there was a sound of birdsong in the wild jungle.

A simple wash, he started a day of cultivation, he first practiced the fierce golden body.

This is the Zhenyang Zongzhen school practice, which uses fire elemental power to strengthen the physical body. This exercise opens up a new way. Instead of using elemental power to nourish and strengthen the physical body, it uses the human body as a weapon to forge it with fire elemental power.

This method is more effective than ordinary nourishment, and it is more thorough, and the most important thing is fast enough.

There are nine exercises in the flame burning body exercise, one exercise nine times, two exercises eighteen, three exercises twenty-seven...Until the ninety-nine and eighty-one exercises, the whole body is as strong as gold and iron. .

The so-called exercise is to continuously burn the body with flames and treat the body as a piece of stubborn iron to exercise hammering. First, the meridians, then skin and flesh, then muscles and bones, and then the five organs and six internal organs. Every step is painful. It is a person with great perseverance to complete it. .

However, Di Ping has completed the fifth exercise, and his body strength has greatly increased. When he completed the third exercise, the iron wall skills were instantaneously completed. The surface layer of his body was like an iron wall when he activated it. The defense was extremely strong. It is difficult to break through the iron wall, and the defense is comparable to some powerful mutant beasts.

The vital energy began to burn the body according to the Fen Shen Gong exercise method. Only for a moment, the sweat on Di Ping's forehead appeared like a spring rain, but his eyes were calm and waveless, like Wang Qingtan, without any expression on his face. Like a stubborn rock in a mountain, it stays still after countless winds and rains.

After too many tempers, Di Ping has adapted to this pain. Although the sixth exercise is only one more layer than the fifth exercise, the difficulty has increased by more than one point, and the pain has become more intense. Every step is like a staggering old man. Struggling forward with difficulty.

Di Ping controlled the strength and quality of the fire yuanli, and he didn't dare to be careless. Fortunately, his mental power was strong enough and his control of the yuanli was close to perfection. He reduced a lot of obstacles in tempering. The strong are strong, but once the fire element is not well controlled, too much intensity may hurt the body.

So even if there is a master in Zhenyang Sect, there are very few who really dare to practice this technique, and those who have achieved great success are even rarer. That kind of pain is not something that everyone can bear, and it is not a strong character. , People with excellent talents don't even want to cultivate to ninety-nine-eighty-one.

Zi Zi Zi...

Di Ping seemed to be able to hear the sizzling sound of flame forging bones. The bone marrow seemed to be boiling, but the large fire element force impacted the bones at a very strange frequency, and the fire element force quickly rushed into the bones with each blow. Within, continuous refining and nourishing promotes rapid bone strengthening.

If someone who knows forging sees it, they will find that the fire element power in Di Ping's body at this time turned out to be the nine-hammer forging technique he used.

This is what Di Ping thought of from forging weapons. He was thinking since the fiery flames of the golden body must be forged with flames, why not use the body as a sword to forge, and whether the nine-hammer forging technique can be used in it. What?

After many experiments, he used the flame as the hammer, the body as the sword, and the nine-hammer forging technique. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his method was extremely feasible and the forging efficiency exceeded his imagination. The reason for the impact to the sixth exercise.

Moreover, the benefits of using the nine hammer forging technique to forge the body are not only faster, the forging is more thorough, and the degree of strengthening is significantly higher than the original fierce golden body fight, but the effect is only doubled.

Di Ping's current physical strength and some mutant beasts known for their defenses are not too much to surpass. His strength is terrifying, and his gestures can move the sky and the earth. He estimates that it is definitely more than 300,000 catties.

What a terrible power this is, it is hard to imagine that a small human body has such terrible power.

For half an hour, Di Ping was soaked with sweat, and the rocks were almost wet with his sweat. Di Ping finally completed the third tempering of the sixth exercise. He stopped, and he felt that his body had reached After reaching the limit, further tempering may hurt the body. Later, it must be nourished and moisturized slowly, and then tempered again.

The sixth practice has to go through six, nine, five, forty tempers, and it only takes half a month for him to complete the sixth practice, which is much slower than the previous ones.

He completed the first exercise in one day, the second exercise only took two days, the third exercise took four days, the fourth exercise took six days, the fifth exercise took eight days, and the sixth exercise was the first. More than twice as much as the five exercises, the time spent jumps up.

At this point, Di Ping almost collapsed, he rested for a while, and then began to practice his body.

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