Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1985: Star Battleship

The vast and endless starry sky is not the eternal darkness, like the sand of the Ganges, the endless stars are spinning quietly, desperately exuding their own brilliance.

Red orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, white, black and red are intertwined with countless light points or lines, rendering the entire starry sky gorgeous and colorful.

A meteor was shining, traveling fast, and the extremely fast speed caused ripples of water in the void, like a bow ship traveling above the water, causing ripples of water.

The meteor is fast, quickly zooming in, and finally see the whole picture.

This turned out to be not a meteor, but a huge silver starship with a bow, flying quietly like a giant void beast, wiping a huge rock in the starry sky towards the depths of the interstellar darkness.

A human face and a pair of eyes were printed on the porthole on the side of the starship.

What kind of eyes are these, the golden pupils are like eagle eyes, awkward, cold, and cruel, despising everything, like a beast, even if it is printed on the window, it still makes people feel scared.

This is an extremely spacious hall, decorated extremely luxuriously, the walls are inlaid with gold and flowing colors, and it is magnificent under the lights, like a moving palace.

A handsome young man with black hair and dark eyes, lying languidly in a wide seat covered with an unknown soft exotic animal skin, glanced at the golden starry sky outside while sitting in front of the porthole A trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the long-haired eagle-eyed youth.

He stretched out lazily, yawned, and screamed boredly: "I said Tymon, you are also the second young master of the Ruth family anyway. Are you wearing such a tasteless dress? Shiny golden, I'm dizzy... and you didn't say that you should do more shows on this car. Drinking in the light of the day is really boring! I knew I had driven my own car!"

After hearing this, the blond youth finally retracted his gaze from the starry sky and turned to look at him.

This blond young man turned out to be extremely handsome, with a face like a finely carved face, with sharp edges and corners. His face was like a crown and his face was a silver plate, and he was indescribably handsome.

If it weren't for his extremely sharp golden eyes that made the whole person too cold, and the whole body exuded a breath that no one would enter, then he would definitely be an idol extremely male god.

His lips were a little thin, and his voice was cold, and said, "Crody, we are going to save your sister. I don’t think you are worried about Fiya’s accident at all. You are still thinking about playing. I really don’t know what you are. Not brothers and sisters?"

Claudius shrugged indifferently: "Is there anything to worry about? If something goes wrong, it will happen long ago. I am worried about the use! It is because of her bad fate that it should happen. We Neil family want the elite. The living elite!"

A light flashed in Tymon's golden eagle eyes, revealing a hint of sarcasm: "You all say that your Neil family are cold-blooded, and it's true. Even the most talented children don't care about the life and death!"

"Haha!" Claudius suddenly raised his hair and let out a brisk laugh. After a while, he turned his head to look at Tymon, and said: "Tymung, do you know why our Neil family has always had an endless stream of outstanding talents for thousands of years? This is the natural law that our Neil family believes in, the survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest. Only through such a trial can we become an elite and continue to strengthen our Neil family!"

Crowdy's pair of narrow eyes flashed with sharp light, his voice was full of domineering, and there was a hint of coldness.

Tymon was taken aback for a moment, and an accident flashed in the eagle's eyes, and it fell tightly on Crowdy, as if it was the first time he knew him. He didn't expect this dude to have such an understanding.

He was just about to speak.

At this time, the alloy door suddenly opened slowly, and a slender middle-aged man in a silver armor walked in quickly.

"Young Master Taimon, we are about to enter the Manli Star Territory, as long as we borrow their wormhole, we can jump again and reach the Star Territory where the Void Mark is located!"

Tay Meng's spirits lifted up when he heard the words, a smile appeared on his face, and Claudius, who had always been lazy, flashed with an undetectable trace of joy in his eyes.

"Okay! It's finally here!"

A lot of joy flashed in Tai Meng's eyes, and he slapped the armrest and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't delay, enter the Manli Star Territory as soon as possible, and apply to them for the use of wormholes!"

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