Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2138: casualties

After knowing that Dephia turned out to be an alien, the two old men froze for a long time, and couldn't recover for a while.

How could such a beautiful and skilled daughter-in-law be an alien?

Are aliens not all long and weird?

Is it a mistake?

The two elders doubted that Di Ping was fooling them, but after Liu Bingyu and Di Ping explained together, the two elders believed.

Knowing that De Fei Ya was really gone, Di's mother remembered that De Fei Ya usually cuddled with her like a daughter, and she thought that she might never see her again, and she burst into tears.

Even Father Di was sighing, silently smoking.

It took a while to comfort the two elders!

The fright that the two elders suffered on this day exceeded the sum of their entire lives. Both felt very tired. Di Ping hurriedly took the two elders back to the room with the two women to rest, and gave the two elders a bottle of recovery medicine for recovery. physical strength.

Seeing the old couple sleeping, Di Ping confessed to Gina and took Liu Bingyu back to the city lord's mansion.

There are many things in the city, and many things have to be dealt with. He just stays too much time. Liu Bingyu also has to preside over the work of the secretariat. There are no fewer things than Di Ping.

Throughout the whole day, there were people coming in and out from the city lord mansion from time to time, and Di Ping sat in the city lord mansion to handle various affairs, and the whole sanctuary city was rejuvenated.

Participants in the rebellion at night were only a minority after all. Most people were hiding at home and dared not go out, listening to the sound of guns, shouts, and roars of beasts all night in fear.

I went out the next day and found that everything was back to normal again.

However, they found that they could not get out. Teams of heavily armed soldiers were patrolling the streets. There were checkpoints at all intersections, which were forbidden to pass. Even the entrance of the building was guarded by sergeants.

One by one, the soldiers looked fierce and lingering all over, as if everyone looked like a bad person, and made people afraid to approach.

The people were panicked. They didn't know what happened and why even the settlement in the new city was under martial law. Many people only knew from the shouts last night that there seemed to be a riot, but they didn't know the specific situation.

Until ten o'clock, notices were posted, and many people understood that someone took advantage of the mutant beasts to attack the city to initiate a judgment, create a bomb attack in the city, violently attack the inner city, and attempt to capture the sanctuary city.

There was an uproar in the city, and a group of people were filled with indignation and scolded these people who were convicted.

Although some people are dissatisfied with their current lives, most of them are very satisfied. They are even more grateful that the asylum city has provided them with a stable living environment.

But now someone wants to ruin the city of asylum, that is, to ruin their lives and everything to them.

For a while, the crowd was indignant, and under the guidance of the caring people, the whole city violently launched an action to expose the rebels.

This is the People's War. People who participated in the rebellion and went into hiding after the failure were arrested. They could hide from the eyes of the intelligence department, but they could not hide from the eyes of the people.

Di Ping stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, staring at the busy scene of the city in a daze. Liu Bingyu pushed in and walked behind him, saying: "City Lord, the preliminary statistics of the riots in the city last night have been sent!"

"Yeah!" Di Ping just hummed and didn't speak.

Liu Bingyu opened the folder and read:

"Yesterday there were a total of eleven explosion sites. Three were concentrated in Anju New City, three were in refugee camps, medical offices, markets, workshops, manors, warehouses, and inner city gates. There were explosions and six buildings were destroyed. People were killed or injured. One thousand people, the refugee camp has the most deaths, seven people were killed or injured in the explosion in the medical department, five soldiers, two medical staff, and no casualties in the remaining explosions!"

"Is there anything wrong with Ning Nan!"

Di Ping clenched his hands tightly behind him, and suddenly there was a burst of air, and he asked hoarsely.

"No, Chief Ning Nan was not there at the time. She was undergoing surgery in the second hospital and didn't suffer!"

Liu Bingyu said quickly.


Di Ping nodded and hummed softly, Ning Nan was okay, and he felt a bit relieved, but then his murderous intent revived.

This is something that has never happened since the sanctuary city was built. Under his protection, no one has ever died in the mouth of mutant beasts, and this time there have been thousands of casualties. How can he not make him angry? Some One must pay for this.

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