Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2160: miss

Di Pingyuan’s plan is to build a teleportation array in Yangcheng, and then to the Rongcheng base in the westernmost Bazhou capital.

But Yangcheng is more than 10,000 kilometers away from Chengdu, and Bazhou has many dangerous places, mountains and rivers since ancient times. Compared with the previous Di Ping’s journey from Mincheng to Yangcheng, it is definitely more sinister after the end of the world. .

Now there are less than ten days until the end of the mission. In the unlikely event of an accident, the time is likely to be too late. Therefore, I decided to choose the nearest base to get through first and finish the mission first.

He has two choices. One is the Lanzhou base in the northwest, which is sheltered more than 8,000 kilometers apart. The northern trees are not as dense as the southern ones. There are many mountains but less water. The mountains are not very sinister. He must travel faster. He is sure of five days. Arrived within.

The other is the Shencheng base in the northeast.

Although Shencheng is far more than 10,000 kilometers away from the sanctuary, it is close to Kyoto!

Shencheng is only six to seven thousand kilometers away from Kyoto, and four days are enough for him to reach Shencheng.

Putting it all together, Di Ping chose Shencheng in the shortest time. It is not too late for the Rongcheng base to get through after the mission is completed.

Di Ping returned to the Sanctuary City alone and came to the City Lord's Mansion. Seeing Nuo Da's City Lord's Mansion was as quiet as no one, suddenly a deep sense of loneliness surged over.

This made him not want to stay in the city lord’s mansion at all. He simply cleaned it, changed his clothes, and went to his parents. He wanted to find some warmth in his parents. But when he arrived, his parents were already asleep, and he stood there again. Before the small courtyard, I didn't know what to do.

At this moment, he seemed to be even more lonely, walking back to the City Lord's Mansion in a loss.

He didn't feel such a state of mind when De Feiya was there.

Now that De Feiya is gone, he actually feels that he has lost a lot of popularity.

Although the city lord mansion was brightly lit, it gave him a sense of suffocation and loneliness. Standing at the gate of the city lord mansion, he was a bit at a loss. He didn't know what he wanted to do or what he wanted to do.

He walked forward slowly, like a lonely ghost, wandering aimlessly in the desolate and vast wilderness.

Even the guards greeted him, but he didn't hear them, and the guards looked at his background strangely.

He didn't know when he returned to the bedroom. He didn't even turn on the light, and stood dazedly in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window.

Seeing the twinkling lights in the city and the stars in the sky, it is so beautiful and dreamy.


It seems to be an affectionate call, and it is like a dream language murmur.

He missed Feiya!

I miss her gentle and gentle smile, miss her coquettish but still shy, miss her soft and sweet lips, miss her elegant and fragrant smell.

He had never missed it so much, making his heart feel painful.

He had long thought that De Feiya would leave, but when it came time to leave, he was so painful, especially in this silent night.

If he knew that De Feiya would leave so soon, he would have been by her side and staying with her, instead of running around every day in this last time. There was too little time for the two to get together, which made him feel deeply. A sense of debt.

It seems that there are still a lot of things that have not been said, a lot of emotions have not been told, and a lot of sincere expressions.

He looked up at the starry sky, gazing across the vast interstellar space, as if there was still a figure of De Feiya there, she was looking at herself smiling faintly, her smile was so gentle and sweet.

"Fiya! You are there... are you okay!"

Di Ping murmured and stretched out his hand to touch her bright face, but the hand stretched out to touch the cold glass.

It's just that he was too focused and didn't notice when.

Behind him stood a slender white figure, with a faint moonlight shining on her, a beautiful jade-like face glowing with luminescence, like a brilliant starry sky, two silver rivers crashing into the starry sky Among them, the stars above the Milky Way are shining and poignant.


A long, disappointed sigh sounded in the room, and Di Ping slowly withdrew his hand.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a soft body close to his back. He was taken aback and just about to move, but he endured it. He already knew who it was.

The soft and gentle body pressed tightly on his back, and a pair of weak and slender arms trembling around his waist, hugging him tightly, as if to blend himself into his body.

Di Ping did not break free of her embrace. A woman who dared to embrace a man in this way had to take great courage. He couldn't chill a woman's heart.

Moreover, her arm was weak and trembling constantly, but it gave people a very firm feeling, and it made Di Ping feel a kind of warmth and care at this moment, as if the pain in his heart was relieved at this moment. After a little, the weak body has a harbor to rely on.

"I miss Feiya again!"

The soft and charming voice of Liu Bingyu came from behind, softly flowing through the heart like a spring, making people feel comfortable and tranquil.


Di Ping made a soft noise from his nose and did not speak.

The room fell silent again, with only two soft breathing sounds, one strong and deep, the other delicate and soft.

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