Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2162: The Lost Little Bi


Di Ping knocked her little head lightly, and immediately Liu Bingyu cried out with pain while covering her head and pouting her mouth.

"It's just that you are making a fool of yourself, and you still don't want a solution!"

Di Ping said angrily.

"What's the solution to this? This shows that our lord of the city emphasizes love and righteousness. Not only does it not damage your lord’s majesty, but it makes our lord of the city more flesh and blood... You don’t know how many girls there are now in the city. Moving tears, I can’t wait to come to comfort the injured heart of the Great City Lord who comforted them!"

Liu Bingyu pouted and said with an expression of dissatisfaction on Qiao's face.

"Is there such a good thing?"

Di Ping rubbed his nose and smiled.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, if you go for a walk, there must be a girl who rushes forward desperately!"

Liu Bingyu said with a pretty face.

"Just like someone!"

Suddenly, Di Ping stared at Liu Bingyu with a playful smile on his face.

" laugh at them!"

Liu Bingyu also reacted, his face flushed with shame, and he stomped and waved his hand and rushed up like a little female leopard with teeth and claws.

A pair of small pink fists hammered Di Ping's chest, but it was similar to a massage.

"Haha... Alright, alright, I won't laugh anymore!"

Di Ping looked at Liu Bingyu, who was flaring his teeth and claws, and suddenly felt very comfortable and at ease, and with a cool smile, he grabbed her tender arms.

"You're still smiling... let go of me!"

Liu Bingyu looked at Di Ping still smiling, and suddenly became even more embarrassed, struggling to reach out her hand, but how could her strength be able to resist Di Ping, her body kept twisting, but her wrists remained steady.

"Yeah!" spit out from Liu Bingyu's mouth with a whisper.

She was almost completely attached to Di Ping's arms at this time, her body inevitably touched, feeling Di Ping's generous chest, a strange feeling rose from Liu Bingyu's body.

She lifted up her already blushing face, her eyes were full of strong spring love, she was drunk, her white and rosy face, full and moist lips, and a seductive halo flashed under the light, which made people want to miss it. Take a bite.

Just as Di Ping had this idea, his body also leaned forward, but the next moment his body froze. What was he doing?


He hurriedly released Liu Bingyu's hand, coughing to hide his embarrassment.

But at this moment Liu Bingyu also woke up. She took two steps backwards, her right hand was tightly pressed to her chest, where the heart was pounding, as if about to jump out of the heart, so she could cover her cheek with the back of her hand, she felt red and hot there.

But at the same time there was a sense of loss in my heart. Is it so difficult to walk into his heart by myself?

The atmosphere in the room was a little dark for a while, exuding a taste that made people's heart beat faster, and the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

"Then what! How is Xiaobi's recovery from injury?"

Di Ping touched his nose, looking for the topic a little embarrassingly.

"Xiaobi...Xiaobi's injury is better, but human..."

Liu Bingyu hurriedly said when Di Ping asked.

"What's wrong with people?"

Di Ping frowned and asked.

"How should I say it! It just feels that she is in a wrong state, and she looks at the ceiling with her eyes open, and doesn't make a sound or screams, just in a daze!"

Liu Bingyu frowned and said.

"She is still young and innocent. After such a blow, she may not be able to accept the facts for a while, and she can't turn her mind!"

Di Ping's face darkened, and he said slowly.

"Yeah! Ning Nan said the same thing. She is mentally stimulated and needs time to recover slowly!"

Liu Bingyu also nodded.

"Oh!" Di Ping let out a long sigh of relief, with deep emotion in his heart.

Xiaobi recovered her life, but it might make her feel more uncomfortable than killing her. She knew that it was impossible to block Crody's hand. She wanted to die. She didn't want to leave Dephia, but now she Still survived, but left Diffie forever.

How did she accept it!

Since she was a child, she has been cultivating as a maid for De Fei Ya. Her whole life has been around De Fei Ya, and now she has been driven away from De Fei Ya. Suddenly she lost her goal, lost her direction, and more. Lost the meaning of life.

She suddenly didn't know how to survive.

"Go, go and see her!"

Di Ping took a deep breath and said.

De Feiya handed Xiao Bi to himself, then he had the responsibility to take care of her. If something happened to her, one day he would see De Feiya again, he did not know how to confess.

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