Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2170: do you drink

Annie hurried over under the guidance of Xu Sheng. The second-tier priesthood had very strong healing skills. After treating Xiaobi, Xiaobi's injury stabilized. As long as he insisted on the treatment, he could recover for three or two days. almost.

The main Xiaobi's previous injury was too serious, and his bones were almost comminuted fractures. The whole body was like a puddle of mud. It was quite rare to recover so quickly.

Fortunately, Crody's men were merciful. If Xiaobi's meridians and dantian were destroyed, then Xiaobi would be over.

This is why, De Feiya thanked his third brother.

Holding the bracelet in his hand, Di Ping walked towards the city lord's mansion in despair, while Liu Bingyu quietly followed behind, full of worry in his beautiful eyes.

"do you drink?"

Suddenly Di Ping turned to look at Liu Bingyu behind him and asked.


"Drink with me!"

"it is good!"

On the roof top of the city lord’s mansion.

Standing here can overlook the whole city. Everything in the city is unobstructed here. The stars in the sky seem to be on top of your head, and you can catch the stars with your hands.

There is usually no one on the roof, but today there is a man and a woman sitting on the ground, and there are many wine bottles on the ground.

This is no one else, but Di Ping and Liu Bingyu.

Liu Bingyu was brought here by Di Ping, and he didn't speak the whole time, just drinking with Di Ping.

The two did not speak, so they were silent, each drinking his own food.

Of course, Di Ping's alcohol intake was like drinking ten Liu Bingyu, he had already eaten three bottles, and one bottle of Liu Bingyu was about to bottom out.

No one thought that Liu Bingyu was also a huge amount, but she was already drunk and dimly obsessed with this bottle.

When she drank too much, she let it go. Not in deep silence, she actually began to sing and dance, like a fairy in the moon under the moonlight, but drops of rain fell on Di Ping’s face while she was spinning, and she was cool. , There is a little salty taste.

Di Ping looked at the beauty in front of him, toasting and drinking, his eyes flashed with sparkles.

In the end, both of them were drunk and fell on the platform. Liu Bingyu fell on Di Ping's chest, sleeping very sweetly, with a smile on his mouth, as if he had dreamed of something beautiful in his dream.

While Di Ping held the wine bottle in one hand, he seemed to experience something in his dream, sometimes frowning, gloomy, and sometimes stretched out with a smile.

The entire sanctuary city has fallen silent.

The night is silent, only the stars in the sky are shining eternally.

A bird chirping sounded.

Di Ping suddenly opened his eyes, his strong body and vitality made him feel less uncomfortable after a hangover.

He saw the twilight starry sky at a glance, and he frowned, but instantly knew he was there.

I drank alcohol last night and it seemed that I drank too much and didn't go back.

At this moment, he felt something strange in his arms. When he looked up, Liu Bingyu was holding his chest tightly, with his entire face lying on his heart, sleeping soundly, and he could smell her faint fragrance while breathing.

A warm smile appeared in Di Ping's eyes.

Yesterday, the woman let go, singing and dancing again, and the tears that shed.

The morning wind was a little bit cold, and the woman had curled into a ball, clinging to him, like an octopus, sucking temperature greedily from him.

Di Ping frowned, his physical strength was super strong, and it was fine to sleep outside, but Liu Bingyu was an ordinary weak woman.

I was afraid that it would freeze her miserably this night, and it would be good if she was not frozen. At this time, her whole body and even her hands and feet were like ice.

He hurriedly picked up Liu Bingyu, with his palm pressed against her back, a trace of gang yuan entered her body, and the gang yuan exuding warm energy passed into Liu Bingyu's whole body. After a while, Liu Bingyu's face became ruddy again and his body gradually warm.

She also seemed to feel comfortable, and snuggled in Di Ping's arms, looking for a more comfortable posture, completely like a lazy kitten.

When Di Ping saw this, he relaxed, waved his hand to take away the wine bottle that had been thrown on the ground last night, and hugged Liu Bingyu to fly down to the rooftop.

Back to the room, she gently put Liu Bingyu on her big bed, covered her with a quilt, deeply looked at her delicate face, gently stroked her soft hair, and turned around with a sigh go away.

He cleaned up briefly and went to the training room to start today's cultivation. Like yesterday's decadence and indulgence, he was only allowed to appear once.

Feiya is still waiting for himself, he wants to improve his strength, he has no time to waste.

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