Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2190: play cards

Di Ping left the cell and did not continue to Shencheng. It was already late, and he couldn't walk much.

He came to the small courtyard where his parents lived alone.

This residential area is currently the most high-end residential area in the Sanctuary City. Many people yearn to live here, but it is not open. Now it is only for the city’s senior management, and even the awakened people only live in residential buildings.

Since the last incident, the security of the residential area has been completely improved. The military barracks have directly dispatched troops on duty, and the general control room has activated monitoring and early warning. As long as someone approaching with hostility, they will be locked out, and security personnel will receive it immediately. remind.

Di Ping learned of these functions from "Zero" only after this incident, and he really used them.

Sanctuary City has a powerful monitoring and early warning system, but he has not paid attention to it, let alone used it. If he had used it early, this incident would not have such a big impact.

Inspired by this incident, Di Ping also began to explore some functions of the system architecture.

"City Lord!"

The guard saw Di Ping coming and hurriedly saluted.

"Thank you!"

Di Ping nodded and greeted him, and then asked: "Are my parents at home?"

"The old man is out, the old lady is at home!"

The soldier hurriedly said attentively.

Di Ping nodded, and then walked towards the courtyard where his parents lived. As soon as he reached the door of the courtyard, he heard the sound of rubbing mahjong.

"Thanks to 30,000, I'm confused!"

Di Mu's joyous laughter came from the room.

A weird smile appeared on Di Ping's face. He knew that his mother couldn't play mahjong. Who gave her mother to the church.

He walked into the yard and saw the scene in the side hall. He was a little speechless. It was Xu Yingxiu, Liu Shufen and Liu Lanxin who accompanied his mother to play mahjong, while Gina stood by the side and poured tea and water.

"The old lady is so lucky, no wonder people say that you can't play cards with novices, the old lady will win us dozens of points!"

Xu Yingxiu smiled and handed the old lady a score roll, and said with a smile.

"That is, old lady, we still want to win points from you so that we can buy some cosmetics, but if you are so lucky, we will soon win all of them!"

Liu Shufen smiled while rubbing the cards.

"Old lady, don't listen to her, the few of us are the most full in her bag. Her old Han's salary is in her hands!"

Liu Lanxin shuffled the cards gracefully, and said with a joking smile.

"Oh...Lan Xin, you are envious, our old Han just loves me, and all the wages are handed in... if you don't agree, you will also take your old Lu's salary!"

Liu Shufen countered with a smile without showing weakness.

"Let's go! Your old Han feels pitiful when I look at it. Every day I can't bear to buy a pack of cigarettes. I rub all of our old Lu's. If I take away Lao Lu too, they will have two big smokers. The room cannot be smoked to the chimney!"

Liu Lanxin pursed her mouth and smiled.

"I said why my old Han Yan couldn't quit, it turned out that your old Lu broke him!"

Liu Shufen raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Okay! Your old Han still uses people to bring him, he is bad enough. Seeing Lao Lu first search his pockets without saying a word, it makes me feel sad!"

Liu Lanxin rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Oh! Sad! It seems that our old Han is quite attractive, and some people are worried about it, but I don't know if Lao Lu will be jealous!"

Liu Shufen didn't suffer at all, looking at Liu Lanxin's smile.

Di Ping almost didn't laugh out loud, Liu Shufen's mouth was too bad, and Liu Lanxin, a gentle child, bickered that it was her opponent.

Sure enough, Liu Lanxin's face turned red, and she gritted her teeth and cursed: "Your dog's mouth is not ivory, and it's not serious after a few words!"

"Look...Look, our beauty is blushing again, really rosy, no wonder your old Lu is reluctant to come out!"

Liu Shufen didn't constrain at all, but even laughed and teased.

Xu Yingxiu watched as the two of them leaned forward and back together after laughing. Di's mother laughed even harder to catch her breath. Gina hurried over and patted her back, slowing down Jin Di's mother while wiping tears while laughing. :

"Oh my god! You two little girls are about to laugh at the old woman, and you will win your points. See if you two are anxious!"

"Old lady, you will beat her more in a while and take revenge for me. Look at her ashamed!"

Liu Lanxin took Di mother's arm and shook her coquettishly.

"Okay! No problem, I'll avenge you!"

Di Mu smiled.

"Old lady, you can't be partial, you have to be colleagues!"

Liu Shufen hurriedly smiled and begged for mercy.

"Okay! Same, all the same...Hurry up and play cards, my card is pretty good!"

Di Mu smiled kindly and looked at the card in his hand.


This time the three of them screamed together and hurriedly looked at the cards in their hands.

Xu Yingxiu said anxiously: "You two can have some snacks! Otherwise, your man will have to redeem someone later!"


After saying that, it was funny, I couldn't help but laugh, Liu Lanxin and Liu Shufen also pursed their lips and laughed.

"Okay, I'm going to make you laugh to death, the cards are not playing well!"

Di Mu couldn't help laughing, even the cards in her hand were not lined up properly.

"Good! Playing cards and playing cards, don't laugh!"

The three women hurriedly stopped laughing.

"Five tubes!"

Xu Yingxiu played one.


The old lady took out a pair of five barrels and said with a smile: "This time I'm drawing again!"

"Ah!" The three of them felt bitter again.

Xu Yingxiu took the card and looked at the two with apologetic expression, but helplessly put the card into the pool.

"Ah what! To make a fortune... the old lady won't win you in vain! Gina will go to the old man's room in a moment and give three cigarettes to the three niezi, so that they don't say that the old lady is bullying them!"

Di Mu played a card with a happy face, then looked at the three and smiled.

"Ah! Old lady, you are so kind!"

"Long live the old lady!"

The three women shouted in joy.


There was a burst of joyous laughter in the room.

Di Ping stood in the yard and watched for a while. He quietly retreated. The old lady was very happy. It would not be boring to be accompanied by them.

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