Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2194: Tiger shark accident

A stream of light flashed, and the entire forging room was lit up, as if it was cold.

If it was said that the fetus of the knife was just a dead thing, then this knife obviously felt different now, as if it had a little more spirituality.

Di Ping looked at the long knife on the forging table with surprise in his eyes. He finally succeeded. He successfully forged a second-order weak weapon and officially became a second-order blacksmith. He excitedly reached for the long knife, but he stretched out his hand. It stopped abruptly in the middle.

"not good!"

He seemed to remember something, his face changed suddenly.

He remembered an abnormal mental fluctuation in his mind before, but at the critical moment of forging, he chose to directly block this mental fluctuation.

Now he suddenly remembered that the fluctuation seemed to come from his tiger shark in the bay of Chongshan Island.

At this time, he was still looking at the knife, and hurriedly explored it mentally.

The mental seed belonging to the tiger shark is in a very wrong state at this time, it is very weak, and it seems to be extinguished at any time.

There is only one explanation for this state. The tiger shark must be injured, and its mental state at this time indicates the situation.

Tiger Shark, a second-order pet beast is not important, but its status is very important at this time. It is the key to whether Chongshan Island can become a million-level base.

There are now more than a dozen fishing boats carrying large numbers of people from Haicheng back to Chongshan Island every day. Once the tiger shark goes wrong, it will definitely affect Di Ping's plan.

If something goes wrong with Chongshan Island, then he will not only go to Shencheng, but also have to open up a new base again, otherwise the mission may not be completed.

"the host!"

Ava's door was opened, Di Ping hurriedly walked out, and she hurried up to meet her.

"Explain to Miss Liu, I am going to Chongshan Island now!"

Di Ping gave a command and rushed out quickly, all the way to the transmission well.

After the upgrade, the transmission well is no longer a separate transmission well, but a transmission array group.

In the middle is a large transmission platform, and there are three more transmission arrays on the periphery, forming a triangle to protect the main transmission platform in the middle.

The main transmission station can transmit over a long distance, reaching 100,000 kilometers, and the three small transmission stations are about the same size as before, and they can still be transmitted to the land boundary within 50,000 kilometers.

Therefore, generally only three small transfer stations are used, and the large transfer station is generally not used after the upgrade.

There is a line in front of the teleportation array, waiting for the team to teleport. Each teleportation array requires 20 talents to teleport. Either you are responsible for all costs to teleport. However, the teleportation array transmits two hundred crystal coins at a time, except for the major bases. No such group can afford such a big price.

This time it was teleported to Kyoto. People were already queuing in. Suddenly an administrator in charge of the teleportation array shouted: "Stop the teleportation. Everyone exits. The teleportation array No. 2 is transferred to Chongshan Island! Hurry... ..."

Everyone still didn't understand what was going on. A group of fighters had already rushed to chase the people. Although they were unclear about the reason, they still withdrew one after another. There was no one who dared to cause trouble in the Sanctuary City.

Instead, they looked at them in surprise, all wanting to see what happened.

At this time, a gust of wind passed, and then a figure stood in front of the teleportation tower, a dark silver armor with a long knife on its back, and a surging aura exuding the whole body, and everyone backed away in shock.

"I have seen the city lord!"

A group of soldiers saluted the man.

At this time, the faces of a group of people standing outside the teleportation array showed horror. It turns out that this is the Lord of the City Lord who sees the head and the tail of the Shenlong. They all stare at what the Lord of the City looks like, but they are hidden by the helmet.

"City Lord, Teleportation Array No. 2 has been transferred to Chongshan Island, ready to set off at any time!"

The teleporter sprinted two steps to Di Pianping and said respectfully.

"Okay! Let's get started!"

Di Ping responded and shot his body into the teleportation array, and then the teleportation wave fluctuated. The white light rose to the sky, the light disappeared, and Di Ping also disappeared in the teleportation array.

At this time, the hundreds of people outside were exploding, and they started talking.

"Hey! Did you say something big happened to Chongshan Island? This city owner hurried over?"

"Who knows! It's possible that mutant beasts have attacked the city!"

"Mutant beast attacking the city doesn't require the city owner to take action himself?"

"Aren't they from Chongshan Island? Just ask them!"

Someone pointed to a group of awakened people who were looking anxious not far away and said.

"I don't think you should ask anymore. If they knew, they wouldn't sweat in a hurry!"

One shrugged.

"This lord, can you help us open the Chongshan Island teleportation formation first, we want to go back and see!"

An awakened person on Chongshan Island rushed to the teleporter and asked anxiously.

"Okay! Give you an exception!"

The teleporter did not embarrass him, but nodded.

Just now the city lord went to Chongshan Island, it is very likely that something is going on on Chongshan Island, so it is reasonable for these people from Chongshan Island to go back.

"Thank you, Sir, thank you!"

This person hurriedly thanked, and then walked toward the teleportation array with a wave of a dozen people.

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