Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2249: Polypod

Thousands of mutant insects appeared under Di Ping's mental perspective, and they were crawling out of the ground in dense numbers.

If you have a intensive phobia, you can be dizzy just by looking at it.

Even Di Ping had a numb scalp. The amount was terrifying. Under his spiritual cover, it was all within two kilometers, as if the entire mountain was made up of these insects.

He endured the nausea in his heart and observed these mutant insects. These insects looked very similar to the pre-apocalyptic centipede, but the size was much larger, but only five inches in size, and the larger one was up to a meter long, terrifying and terrifying in appearance. Pounced towards Di Ping.


More than a dozen mutant centipedes shot dozens of white rays toward Di Ping, who was flying by, speeding as fast as a sharp arrow.

Di Ping hurriedly shook his body and avoided more than a dozen rays. These rays hit the leaves and made a creak.

A white smoke rose from the leaves, and several holes appeared in the leaves.

"Very poisonous!"

Di Ping's expression changed. This centipede didn't look great, but it was so poisonous that it instantly corroded the leaves and appeared holes.

No wonder he had seen many leaves with holes along the way, which seemed to be bitten by insects. Only now did he realize that they were not, but were corroded by the venom of these poisonous centipedes.


At this time, dozens of venoms shot towards Di Ping like a net, making a sound of breaking through the air at extremely high speed.

Di Pinnaken was shot by these venoms and slapped it out with one palm. The powerful Gang Yuan slapped the venom into the air, and even smashed dozens of poisonous centipedes into pieces. The light green liquid splashed around, making people extremely disgusting.

They flew less than a hundred meters, and had encountered several attacks, and they were getting more and more dense. These centipedes knew Di Ping as if they had radar, and they were ready in advance.


Seeing this, Di Pingna still wanted to fight, it was too disgusting, and with the appearance of these mutant centipedes, the fishy smell became stronger and stronger, and he could feel the effect of the medicine in his body being quickly consumed.

He hurriedly took another one, shaking the ground under his feet, and swept his body, and several Tenno Dipin flew to the top of the tree.

He began to fly by the top of the tree, his speed increased to the limit at the beginning, and it was tens of meters in a flash, quickly drawing a white shadow in the air.


The mutant centipede in the jungle below seemed to be extremely manic because it had lost its target, making a roar.

"Master can fly!"

A smile appeared on Di Ping's face, and his feet became lighter.


As soon as Di Ping flew just two kilometers away, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded in his ears, as if a fighter plane was approaching him quickly, and the sound became louder and louder.

He hurriedly raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, but his face became extremely ugly with just a glance.

I saw a group of dark clouds flying toward him quickly beside him, and he could see that it was a group of mutant centipedes with a pair of wings and half a foot long.

Centipedes can fly. This is really the first time he has seen him. Before he can think about it, he hurriedly threw an exploration technique at these centipedes.

"Flying Polypods: Bloodline Level: Low, Talent Skills: Venom Spray, Strengthening Level: Level One, Skills: None, Different World Species, belonging to the Polypod Clan, huge numbers, and violent toxicity!"

Seeing that it was poisonous, Di Ping dared to let these flying multi-legged insects approach. If these tens of thousands of them sprayed poison on himself at the same time, he couldn't avoid it, so he changed his direction and ran away.

He only flew less than two kilometers away, he knew that he couldn't hide. This group of flying multilegs was very fast, a lot faster than him, a few kilometers away, and they soon caught up.

The nearest one has chased a distance of one kilometer behind him, and Di Ping has been able to clear the appearance of these multi-legged insects, ghost-faced, fangs, and hideous, which makes people look scared.

"Spirit Storm!"

Di Ping didn't even want to go directly to the big move, a spiritual storm was launched.

Suddenly an invisible wave rushed towards the mutant insect swarm, like a storm, even the air was distorting.


A burst of firecrackers sounded, the hundreds of flying worms in the front burst one after another, and a green liquid rain fell in the sky.


When the liquid fell in the forest, white smoke suddenly appeared on the leaves, as if foggy, and a strong stench drifted towards Di Ping.

Di Ping used Gang Yuan to cover his nose, and the speed increased rapidly, and he swept forward. His mental attack only killed three to four hundred foot worms, but faced with such a large number, hundreds of thousands died. It's nothing at all.

This is much worse than what he expected!

He felt that there was a mysterious spiritual connection between these groups of insects, and they were able to resist his own mental storm, making his mental attack effect attenuated by only five layers, and only a few hundred were killed in one blow.

This made him want to use his mental power to kill the multi-legged worms. His mental power is not enough to consume. Let's run!

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