Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2285: Amazing efficiency

Di Ping found a remote place, summoned the aircraft and piloted the aircraft, and disappeared from Lanzhou.

The Lanzhou army will not attack the wolves until tomorrow, and he can't waste most of this time. He drove the aircraft towards Rongcheng.

Walking from the air, the distance becomes closer, the straight-line distance is only more than 6,000 kilometers, and the aircraft only needs half an hour at normal speed.

Rongcheng base, located in the mountains, guarding the underground base of Rongcheng, built a huge city with a population of more than 1.3 million people, but this is the previous data, and now Di Ping does not know it.

He arrived at the place, checked it, and found that Rongcheng was intact and had not been breached. He put a snack, found a place to drop the locator, and left again.

The next thing is about the sanctuary city and the Kyoto delegation. He doesn't need to take care of it. Once it's done, he only needs to come and build the teleportation array.

Leaving Rongcheng, he went to Jiangzhou, two to three thousand kilometers southeast of Rongcheng.

Jiangzhou is a mountain city, completely hidden in the mountains. Di Ping had trouble finding it. Before Jiangzhou had a larger population than Rongcheng, but after the end of the world, the population was only less than 800,000, trapped in the mountains. The danger was high, and many people were killed and injured.

The population of the base is now less than 700,000.

Di Ping also put in the positioning stone, and reported the data to Liu Bingyu, and handed it all over to him.

After that, he went to three provincial-level bases south of Rongcheng.

The Yongzhou base of the Nanyue provincial capital has a population of 700,000.

The Spring City base in Yun Province has a population of 800,000.

The Lincheng base of Jingzhou provincial capital has a population of 500,000.

He hasn't stopped for half a day, but his results are outstanding. With a flying machine, it is really different. He can easily run five places in a half-day. If it is not for the exhaustion of the vitality, the mental energy is also consumed by half. He wants to run a few more places.

These bases are only known at present, but when Di Ping looked all the way, he has found many small bases, large ones with two to three hundred thousand people, and small ones with tens of thousands.

There are so many bases that are countless, but he can't take care of them and can only develop slowly. When the teleportation array is built, it will naturally radiate to the surroundings.

Liu Bingyu had a big head after receiving the data from Di Ping. She sorted the data and passed it to Lu Guoliang, who also had a tingling scalp.

When Liang Jianyuan saw this set of data, he was even more startled. These places are all provinces that can't be biased, far away from Zhongzhou.

This Di Ping has actually been to these places, according to past experience, as long as Di Ping has been to places, he will submit them, but how can he reach these places so quickly.

Liang Jianyuan's brain was spinning rapidly while standing, he only thought of one possibility.

That is, Di Ping has a vehicle that can fly fast, and this vehicle is probably an alien spacecraft. Apart from this, he really can't think of any other explanation, and it also makes sense.

After a long time Liang Jianyuan sat down, he felt that it was necessary to go back to Kyoto again, and he had to explain this situation to Old Shen.

This Di Ping is really surprising, his methods are really endless, one after another, you don't know what other methods he has.

It’s just that it’s not easy to go back now. At noon, I took the delegation and Lu Guoliang, who was in the same shelter city, to Lanzhou City.

At this time, I was having a happy conversation with Lanzhou General Pang Haidong and others.

His sudden action shocked Pang Haizhong's group in the meeting place, and he thought he had said something wrong.

But it doesn't seem to say anything out of specification!

Pang Haizhong looked at Liang Jianyuan, whose complexion changed, and looked at Wei Mingyang nervously. Wei Mingyang was also confused and confused.

"Director Liang, what are you?"

Pang Haizhong couldn't help but asked softly.

"Oh! It's okay!" Liang Jianyuan also reacted at this moment. He waved his hand, then looked at Pang Haizhong and said, "General Pang, since you agree to the conditions, let's settle it! Exchange with the Sanctuary City caravan for crystal coins as soon as possible Establish the teleportation array as soon as possible!"

"Oh! Okay, I will arrange for someone to prepare the crystal nucleus!"

Pang Haidong was taken aback. He felt that Liang Jianyuan seemed very anxious, but he wanted to build the teleportation formation as soon as possible, because he was more anxious than Liang Jianyuan. If it weren’t for urging, he would have started urging. When Liang Jianyuan’s words were heard, his heart Yixi nodded quickly.

Then they ordered people to prepare the crystal nuclei. This is not a big problem. After the usefulness of the crystal nucleus was notified, the city carefully collected it and stored it in a unified way.

Liang Jianyuan was anxious at this time, he wanted to build a teleportation formation quickly because he was going back to Kyoto.

Di Ping may have a fast flying tool in his hands. This is a big or a small piece of news. He feels it is necessary to let Kyoto know about it.

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