Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2423: He Feihu

"He Feihu, I didn't realize that you are a real dormant tiger, why now you want to get a share!" Wang Zhenwei's eyes shot cold light, staring at He Feihu.

He Feihu was silent and stared at him. After a while, he suddenly flicked his sleeves and said: "Let's make trouble! But no one will hit me He Feihu's idea. He Feihu is not a sick cat. Swallow me, he has to be careful of his mouth!"

After speaking, all turned around and prepared to leave!

He huffed for a while, and a dozen people who had been silent all stood up, ready to follow.

Seeing this, Wang Zhenlin's eyes were full of horror, and he was so calm that He Feihu had such a popularity in Baozhou.

He and He Yingsheng looked at each other, and both of them showed fear and murderous intent in their eyes. This person must not stay, otherwise they would still be unable to control Baozhou City.

Wang Zhenlin cast a look at Guan Hongtao, his eyes burst with murderous intent, and then said to He Feihu:

"General He, go slowly!"

At this time, Guan Hongtao leaped like a big bird and shot He Feihu behind him, hitting his back with a punch.

"court death!"

He Feihu seemed to have eyes on his back, suddenly turned around and fisted to meet Guan Hongtao.

boom! With a muffled sound, Guan Hongtao flew back one by one, and fell back on the ground two or three steps.

However, He Feihu took four or five steps in a row before he stood firm, his face was black and red, and he was panting, his eyes surging with hot light staring at Guan Hongtao and said: "Sure enough. , Worthy of being the number one master in the military!"

"Nubuat's General He, no one thought that General He would hide deeply!"

Guan Hongtao rubbed his numb fists and looked at He Feihu solemnly.

Wang Zhenlin and the others were dumbfounded. They didn't even know when He Feihu was awakened, and his strength was so strong, how did he keep some secrets.

He Yingsheng was also stunned. He had always thought that He Feihu was a rash man. Now it seems that he is smarter than everyone else, and he really has a natural and honest face.

"It's a pity!" This is Guan Hongtao's words: "It's a pity that General He can be stronger. I will take this blow seriously!"

Guan Hongtao didn't see any success in one blow, and his shaking arm became numb. He was also angry, staring at He Feihu and said coldly.

"Try one more trick!"

Guan Hongtao's eyes were cold and screamed, and then he punched out again. The punch was thunderous and the air made a violent sound, showing how strong the punch was.

"Good job!"

He Feihu is also a combative person. He has been suppressing his strength for a long time and he can't hold it back. Today was just a fight, so he greeted him with a loud shout.

Bang bang bang...

The two moved as fast as the wind, quickly fisted and fisted fiercely, and the muffled sound resounded like firecrackers in the venue.

The meeting place was suffering. As soon as the table, chair and bench touched the two of them, they would break into pieces, and the broken pieces of wood shot everywhere, forcing everyone to dodge.

boom! There was a muffled sound again, and the two figures separated instantly.

The two stood ten meters apart. Both of them were flushed and sweaty. They were breathing heavily, but their eyes were staring at each other.

But it was obvious that He Feihu was at a disadvantage. He retreated three or four steps more than Guan Hongtao, and his breathing was heavy and thunderous. Although Guan Hongtao was panting, it was much lighter.

"You are very good, worthy of my seriousness!"

Guan Hongtao suddenly smiled coldly.

"Don't blow up the air, just use it if you have the ability!"

He Feihu was not the one who gave up, and shouted with his neck.

"Then don't blame me for making heavy shots!"

Guan Hongtao's face sank, and he shouted coldly.

"Come on, I really want to try the true strength of this number one master today!"

He Feihu was also angry and yelled violently. The worn military uniform on his body instantly shattered, revealing his upper body. His muscles were like copper, flashing with metallic luster, and his strong flesh was full of explosive force, and the blue veins protruded like a dragon Churning, amazing momentum.

"Fire blast!"

Suddenly Guan Hongtao held the ball with both hands, and a ball of flame condensed in the center of his palm.

As soon as the flame came out, the temperature of the entire venue seemed to rise suddenly, a heat wave rushed towards everyone, and everyone backed away a few steps again in horror, with shock in their eyes.

Guan Hongtao let out a sudden shout, and with both hands pushed out a bowl-sized crimson flame toward He Feihu.

"Good come, look at my great power!"

He Feihu's expression was also solemn, but by this time it was no longer enough. With a violent shout, his whole body suddenly burst into the weather, his body was raised nearly half a meter, like a big man more than two meters high with a pair of irons. Smashed to meet the flames of that huge crash.

However, when the flame approached, He Feihu's face suddenly changed. The intensity of the flame was beyond his expectation and the intense burning sensation had already hit.

He knew that he was too big, but by this time he could no longer escape.

His heart slammed, his body swelled again abruptly, and a pair of iron fists slammed into the flame like a casserole.


The dozen or so generals behind him all changed their faces when they saw this situation, and they all exclaimed, and wanted to rush to protect the general.


Suddenly, there was a soft sound, as if the air was punctured.

He Feihu was closing his eyes to face the flame, but his fist did not hit the flame, but he punched in the air, and he almost fell on the ground with a strong sense of emptiness.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and when he saw everything in front of him, he was shocked, as if he had seen a ghost.

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