Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 2429: Silver Scale Python Storm

Ava and others rushed to Kyoto and retrieved the entry and exit records of the Teleportation Array, but unfortunately there is no record of Xu Xingye's coming here.

The three rushed back to the Baozhou base again. After searching the city for a day and a night, Xu Xingye's figure was also not found, as if this person had disappeared from the entire world.

Ava and the three went back to the sanctuary city to report to Di Ping, asking the owner to punish them.

Di Ping didn't say anything, but let them leave with a few words of relief.

The trio’s achievements are still quite brilliant. The entire Xu family’s important figures were almost wiped out except for one Xu Xingye, and the foundation of the Baozhou Xu family was also destroyed. Without the foundation, there are not many waves that a single Xu Xingye can make. care.

But he didn't know that it was his own thought that almost caused the consequences that he could never forgive.

Of course this is something later, so I won't say it now!

After solving the Xu family, Di felt that his thoughts became more smooth, and finally solved a problem.

In the days that followed, Di Ping finally recovered his calm and was not as busy as before. Every day, he either practiced or went to the small world to fight monsters, or went to the forging room to improve his forging skills, or chatted and talked with his parents.

Life is peaceful and fulfilling!

Time flew fast, and another half month passed in an instant.

Of course, there is an interesting thing in the middle. Ten days ago it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Of course, many people are concerned about this traditional festival.

The city of asylum also doubled wages and even relief on this day. The whole city is considered to be the first festival since the end of the world. The atmosphere in the city is good, with lights and festivities, beaming with joy, and even the curfew has been postponed exceptionally to 11 o'clock.

So many people took to the streets to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. There were dragon dances, lion dances, juggling, some people set up a stage to perform a big show, and some hunting groups collectively performed martial arts, taking the opportunity to recruit people, noisy and noisy, it was more than the festivals in many places before the end of the world. Be lively.

The shops are also brightly lit, discounts are on sale, people are surging on the street, everyone has a joyful smile on their faces, and the whole city is celebrating in the joy of festivals.

Many bases knew about this grand event in the Sanctuary City, and those who had the conditions flocked to the Sanctuary City to participate in this grand event.

According to data from the Immigration Bureau, there were only 10,000 fewer people in the sanctuary that night, and consumption soared by 1,000%.

Even the soldiers of the city guards and the soldiers from the military camps of the refuge city took to the streets to have fun with the people. The whole refuge city was full of laughter!

Since the end of the world, countless people have been struggling with death. People need a grand event to express their long-standing pressure.

After this event, the atmosphere of the Sanctuary City suddenly became better. Many people lost a trace of hostility and became more peaceful. Of course, this is something later.

And that night, Di Ping first visited the city with all levels of supervisors in the city, and had fun with the people.

After that, he even hosted a banquet for the middle management of the sanctuary in the parents' courtyard of the city government. Five tables were opened. Everyone drank, punched, and ate moon cakes. The atmosphere was very warm.

The crowd rioted until late at night before they dispersed, but this night, many people were sleepless.

The next day, first Han Zhongguo came to Di Ping with a smile on his face, and asked him for the second-order silver scale python meat from last night's snake meat soup.

He didn't think much about it, thinking it might be that this group of food was delicious, and wanted to eat more, so he awarded him ten catties.

However, as soon as Han Zhongguo left, Lu Guoliang also came. He actually wanted silver scale python meat. Although he was strange in his heart, he also granted him ten jin.

But something strange is coming!

After Lu Guoliang left, Cheng Chao, Fatty, Zhang Liang, Tang Zhandong, etc., seemed to have negotiated one by one, and everyone actually wanted silver scale python meat.

If Di Ping couldn't see that there was a problem, he would be too stupid!

Although this silver scale python meat is delicious, it shouldn't attract all these people!

He grabbed the fat man and asked what was going on!

The fat man refused to say at first, but Di Ping stared, not to mention that there was no meat or two. The fat man immediately became a bear, and quickly told Di Ping the whole story.

Di Ping couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this!

It turns out that this silver scale python has a strong aphrodisiac effect!

Last night, these people all drank the silver scale python soup. That night, they all seemed to be possessed by bulls, the overlord was reborn, the kidney yang was astonishing, and the vigor and vitality were so energetic. It was a beautiful night without going into details.

On the second day, all the wives were full of spring breeze, and they were full of emotions, and they were naturally greatly appreciated and rewarded.

These people have tasted the sweetness. This silver scale python has no side effects. Qijirou does not have the previous backache and can't get up. On the contrary, it is strong and energetic.

This was the scene of today, one by one, they came to Di Ping to approve the share of the silver scale python meat, trying to make up for it, and restore the male power.

Di Ping couldn't help but patted his forehead. He forgot about this. It was only after he absorbed the blood of the silver scale python that he became confused and gave Dephia to that!

Thinking of this, he once again thought of Delphia, and he missed it infinitely. Thinking of the days in the cave, there was a warmth in his heart, but it also had a sweet and sour taste.

He stared at the starry sky and murmured:

"Fiya, where are you?"

At this time, in Huang Yan Xingyan Star City Lieyang Palace, De Feiya was also holding her cheeks, her beautiful eyes staring at the silver moon outside Huang Yan star in a daze.

She looked at this silver moon, and remembered that the very similar moon on the earth seemed to be this big and round.

It's just that the person who accompanied her to watch the moon is missing!

"Ping, are you thinking of me?"

De Feiya murmured with deep affection in her eyes.

Barto was sitting in the courtyard drinking alcohol, his ears suddenly moved slightly, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he shook his head secretly. There was a memory on his face, as if he was thinking of people or things back then.

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