Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 6507: the best time

Ziqing and Sanada Shenjun did not come by two people. There were hundreds of people in the Shenzhou, but the Shenzhou stopped at the Starship Harbor. They only brought a team of guards and a few servants and maids into the city of the sky. They were settled by Ji Yan in a luxurious building. Inside the manor.

The two drank tea in the garden hall, and Sanada imposed a ban, and there were guards in the garden, not to worry about being disturbed.

With a smile on Ziqing's beautiful face, she said:

"Elder, it seems that the information we got is correct. Ji Yan is afraid that the loss this time is not light, so he changed his previous style and madly annexed various forces. He is very much in need of our Hunyuan Sect extending an olive branch. !"

Sanada said solemnly:

"It's too refreshing for you to agree. We should be able to make some more requests, and I think he should agree!"

Zi Qing smiled slightly and shook her head:

"It's not necessary, elder, people are satisfied, we can get this condition now, it's already very good, we can maintain our independent land, identity, and let him help build the star formation, this is the time when Ji Yan is weak, He will only agree, once Scorpio's support arrives and its vitality is restored, then we will come again, and there will be no such conditions!"

Sanada nodded and said:

"That's true too, but now you have to contact the sect to see if you can talk about the connection between the sect master and the elders. Many people in the elders tend to be Chixiao or Tianyuan, and even have a sense of that heavenly world. Interested!"

Ziqing shook his head and said:

"The elders don't understand the current situation in the Land Abandoned by God. Although Chi Xiao is also gathering power, the conditions are harsh, and Tian Yuan is too far away from us now, and its power can't be stretched out. As for that heaven..."

A faint sneer appeared on his face and said:

"In the future, the battle for the land abandoned by the gods must be the battle between the power of the temple of the gods and the gods. We can only choose one party to rely on to gain a foothold. Otherwise, we can only escape from the bad land, and the heaven seems to be powerful, but it is only dependence. Yu Qingtian Divine King Hall, but Qingtian has already fallen. After the Divine King was injured and went into hiding, he said that it was the power of the Divine King Hall. In fact, only the name was left, and it was impossible to be an opponent of other Divine King Hall. Once the Divine King Hall released restrictions, True God Realm high-level, peak, and even the arrival of God Lord, Qingtian does not have any competitive advantage!"

He took a sip of tea lightly, his face radiant, and said:

"The Scorpion is different. It seems to be at a disadvantage now, but there are only a few true gods. For the palace of the gods, there are hundreds of true gods. This number can't hurt the bones at all. It is the most suitable time for us to lay down treasures. Elder If you can’t see through this, you will feel that the heaven is optional and that you can control it, but it is far away!”

Sanada nodded and looked at Zi Qing with deep appreciation:

"Ziqing, you still see it clearly. I will also express my attitude to the elders in this matter. I believe that the sect master and the elders will support your opinion!"


A smile appeared on Ziqing's face, just as he was about to thank Sanada Shenjun, but at this moment, a rapid and sharp alarm sounded over the city of the sky, their expressions suddenly changed, and doubts flashed in their eyes.

Zi Qing raised her eyes and said condensedly:

"Could it be that Chaos Beast came to attack?"

Sanada Shenjun looked solemn and said solemnly:

"It's not like, if the Chaos Beast attacks, with the strength of the Scorpion Divine Kingdom, it should be directly sent to the True God Realm to kill, and such a strong alarm will not be issued!"

Ziqing wondered:

"Then what's going on?"

Sanada Shenjun said solemnly:

"I don't know yet, let's look at it and say, we are guests here, it's not good to let go of spiritual thoughts!"

At this time, the entire sky city shook, and a mighty gray light curtain rose rapidly in the sky, covering the entire sky city in no time, and over the city, a bow and bow of the Shenzhou flew, and countless people plundered out. , and the sound of the alarm became more and more urgent, making people anxious.

The two looked at each other suddenly, their faces showing unease, this situation is a bit wrong.

Sanada said solemnly:

"Come on, let's go to the sky and take a look!"

Ziqing nodded, and the two of them had already flown over the manor. They didn't dare to fly too high, but the manor was very high. It was built on a mountain and stood at an altitude of ten thousand meters. The city, and even the sky thousands of miles away from the city.

As soon as the two of them went up to the sky, their expressions changed again. They saw that the whole city seemed to be in chaos. Countless divine boats flew in the sky, and countless people flew out. In the city of the sky, on the city wall, there were many forts in the city, and they even See five True God-level Star God Cannons.

Outside the city, Shenzhou was gathering, and a large number of fleets gathered in front of them from all directions. The weapons on the Shenzhou were charged and seemed to be preparing for battle.

"How is this going?"

The expressions of the two changed greatly, and their eyes flashed with horror. This is the sky city of the Scorpion Temple, the war fortress of the true **** level, and it is so close to the enemy, what level of chaos beast is this attacking, the land abandoned by the gods , there shouldn't be a Chaos Beast with a high level of True God Realm!

Suddenly the two of them were startled, and their eyes flashed with amazement, could it be?

They couldn't believe that there would be any forces that would dare to attack the Scorpion God King's Palace, but if it wasn't for the Chaos Beasts, then only other forces would attack. The two of them couldn't understand the time.


At this moment, Sanada suddenly pointed to the front, Zi Qing suddenly looked over, and his face changed instantly.

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