Zhao Cheng quickly read the few pages of the diary.

It can be seen that the era where the savior lived was the savior of the previous generation. After ruling the world, the time before the savior ruled the world must not be short.

It can be seen from the corruption of the infrastructure of the orphanage.

When it was first unified, it must have been the clearest time in the whole world.

Afterwards, with the passage of time, the whole world will begin to corrupt, which cannot be changed even by a wise monarch.

Even if he is hailed as a god, after all, he is only close to the power of a god, but he does not have the omniscience and omnipotence of a god.

So, everything was logical, Lu was kicked out of the orphanage, and then taken away by the Gauntlet training camp.

The dark side of the world, naked on display.

Even the era ruled by the savior seems to be a prosperous age.

And from this broken page, Zhao Cheng's biggest gain is the power system of this world.

Martial Daoist, Martial Arts Master, Martial Arts Overlord, King of Martial Arts, King of the Century.

Five realms!

Of course, before martial arts, there is still a process of tempering the physical body, making it reach the limit of the human body, and conceiving and nurturing the essence.

This process, in the diary, is called rigidity, ten exercises, and one hundred exercises. After one hundred exercises, qi is born.

Obviously, in this process, different boxing methods have different names.

As for the boxing techniques that Lu practiced, Zhao Cheng had already opened part of Lu's first kill treasure box.

Steel Fist·Hundred Practices (Blue) (Part 2): The king of martial arts who knows all kinds of mysteries of the human body. After the mastery of boxing, he created a top-level boxing technique. On the basis of sacrificing human potential and life, he greatly accelerated his practice speed.

Obviously, the Holy Fist Association is not a charity organization. Even if Lu is the best student in the Gauntlet Fist training camp, he is nothing but cannon fodder at a higher level.

People like them, from the moment they stepped into the training camp, were doomed to have no future.

Zhao Cheng's biggest regret is that he failed to write the first chapter. As for sacrificing potential and lifespan, the super-dimensional body he is simulating in the simulation burns potential and lifespan every time he fights.

If a practitioner wants to live a long life, he has to fight less and be less emotional, so that he can live a long time.

Otherwise, no matter how advanced the realm is, if you fight all the way up, unless you reach an extremely deep realm, you can rejuvenate your youth and regenerate your life, otherwise, you may not live as long as an ordinary person who is good at keeping in good health.

As for Zhao Cheng himself not having boxing talent, after some research during this period of time, he felt that, theoretically speaking, it is possible to practice swordsmanship as a boxing technique, at most it is just crazy.

Super-dimensional body, not afraid of this.

And after reading it, the lost heart card originally in the illustrated book has also become Steel Fist Kill (the lost heart).

So far, there are already three monsters in Zhao Cheng's monster illustration book, which have become different monsters with their own names.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng is actually very curious about their follow-up stories, but the drop rate of diary fragments is obviously not high.

Sun Ming's process of rebuilding the Tianfeng Pavilion, what happened to Li Jie and his Black Tiger Gate, and what choice did Steel Fist Kill make.

Although compared to the whole world, this is just the story of some little people, but it is also countless such little people that truly make up a gorgeous and colorful world.

After clearing his mind, Zhao Cheng started the second simulation today.

It's time to use your own sword to weigh the weight of Quan Chi's fist!

It was still practicing swordsmanship, but this time, in the middle of the practice, Zhao Cheng did not use the comprehensive recovery potion to restore his state.

He has been like this all this time.

Three bottles of recovery medicine per day, two bottles for the first simulation, and one bottle for the second simulation.

And without using the recovery potion, the proficiency he gained from practicing the sword for the second time would drop sharply.

From a stable three points for an hour, it dropped to one or two points, and the effect of cultivation dropped by more than half.

As for the use of potions to restore the state during the fight against monsters, Zhao Cheng never thought of such a thing.

It’s not really playing games, you click the shortcut keys in the game, it doesn’t take much trouble, here, when you fight the monster to the death, if you divide your mind so much, it’s completely because you think your blood is too thick.

Just that moment of distraction is enough to be killed by a monster's combo. Once his rhythm is messed up, even if he recovers to his full state, he will be killed by two more punches at most, and the situation cannot be restored.

Until the appearance of the blood moon, because Zhao Cheng didn't recover halfway, Zhao Cheng's life potential was squeezed to the limit for the next hour. Therefore, even though his face was pale on the outside, inside he was empty.

Therefore, after the appearance of the blood moon, Zhao Cheng sat quietly for a quarter of an hour before he finally regained some strength, and then started to run the map and rushed to Quan Chi's place.

And this movement immediately showed his fatigue. Originally, Zhao Cheng's sprint for 100 meters took less than nine seconds, but now, his speed dropped sharply, and it took about 15 seconds for 100 meters.

Directly from one and a half minutes per kilometer to two and a half minutes per kilometer.

It took nearly half an hour for Zhao Cheng to arrive at Quan Chi's place.

Rushing on the road under extreme fatigue is naturally not a good experience. That kind of one, the body is extremely heavy, and every cell is releasing a signal to rest.

However, these negative emotions did not affect Zhao Cheng at all. He has been used to it for a long time.

All kinds of negative emotions, not only could not hinder him, but became the strength for him to hone his spiritual will.

What's more, at this moment, there is a fire burning in his heart, which is the will to fight!

Finally, Zhao Cheng rushed to the Ziwu Auditorium where Quan Chi was located. Without any rest, Zhao Cheng clicked on the panel with a thought, and used the last bottle of comprehensive recovery potion.

There is no such process of continuous recovery of power gushing from the inside of the body. The moment the medicine is used, Zhao Cheng feels that it is more similar to "refreshing" from body to spirit than recovery.

Obviously, the so-called recovery potion is just an introduction. In fact, it is similar to Kong Jie, and it is a mechanism of the super-dimensional body itself.

Therefore, this will always be in the store interface.

Maybe when I am strong enough in the future, I don't even need an introduction, and I can use this mechanism with my own will.

All the exhaustion and slump disappeared at this moment. Zhao Cheng only felt that no matter whether it was his body or spirit, he seemed to be temporarily shining light at this moment. The fire in his heart was also more blazing. The whole person, They all burned directly.

Zhao Cheng strode forward with a long sword in his hand. He jumped over many ruins in front of him. Some of them were even more than one meter high, almost two meters high. To him, they were like flat ground.

At the beginning, Zhao Cheng was still walking, but when he knew that he had approached a certain distance, he turned to run, and then even sprinted with his sword.

Don't wait for Quan Chi to kill him, on the contrary, he kills Quan Chi first!

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