The mixed colors were cut by the black line and spread to the infinity. The bloated mixture of dimensions that collided together erupted into a second round of explosions with this sword.

However, these are not the most important. When the calamity reaches its peak, complex forces are intertwined. At the right time and at the right place, this sword even stirs up reincarnation.

The black lines expanded at this moment, and in a moment, they turned into a black road to the sky!

And this is the escape route of the King of Light.

She planned to run away to the era of Emperor Cheng, so she was naturally sure of it.

In this infinite world, even if reincarnation is about to collapse, there is no doubt that in terms of priority, reincarnation has the highest priority.

Only the sword in her hand has the possibility of cutting off reincarnation.

If strong men who have transcended reincarnation are all bugs, then the black sword in her hand at this moment is another kind of bug.

A life that transcends reincarnation is a light that cannot be erased by reincarnation, but the sword in her hand is an "evil" that cannot be erased by reincarnation.

It carries all of Zhao Cheng's evil in a certain reincarnation.

This is a truly evil sword.

In that reincarnation, Zhao Cheng, who took the "Demon Path Speedy Path" route, although he wanted to swallow the reincarnation to prove transcendence, ended up destroying himself. Even though Zhao Cheng was far from transcendence, in the time and space of destruction, he was It has indeed captured a lot of the mysteries of reincarnation.

It's not even just reincarnation. Although Zhao Cheng in that reincarnation did not cut open the hole, he went crazy and used evil means to directly steal part of the Dao Lord's status and use it to refine his own sword.

At that time, Zhao Cheng's blueprint was to smelt his own power, the power of Dao Lord, and the power of reincarnation, and sacrifice the entire infinite time to gather all the power of existence to complete the final leap.

But in fact, even Zhao Cheng himself knew at that time that there was actually no possibility of success in this matter. It was not transcendence, but self-destruction.

It just doesn't matter which route Zhao Cheng takes. If he can't be stronger, then he will die. How can a strong person be such an inconvenience? !

Nothing can stop him from moving forward, including himself!

If you can't break through, then die. It's so pure.

As for the final result, Zhao Cheng naturally reopened, and a little spiritual light experienced another reincarnation and became more pure and powerful. However, some of the "impurities" washed away could not be shaken even by reincarnation.

"The most evil demon..."

"No wonder I don't remember the origin of this thing. It turns out that I am missing a trace of reincarnation. Everything in that reincarnation was swallowed up by this thing!"

As the black road to the sky opened, some mysterious people remembered some lost things, a reincarnation that did not exist in the first place.

"The traces of reincarnation can be lost. Is this really the only one I've lost?!"

There are also mysterious people who suddenly thought of the key to the matter and couldn't help but wonder, is something like the black sword really unique? Will there be other reincarnations where similar things have happened?

"Also, for the Great Heavenly Lord, feelings, fate..., these beautiful things are really not things that hinder him from becoming stronger, but are limiters?!"

There was also a mysterious person who took a breath as some vague memories emerged.

After all, in those reincarnations when Zhao Cheng was still a human being, although Zhao Cheng could fight, he was not that good at fighting.

As for the corner of time and space, the envoy of the Dao Lord who had just said that Zhao Cheng's way was not good, although he did not speak, his hands could not help but shake.

He never expected that someone would destroy a reincarnation, so that that reincarnation would not even be recorded in the reincarnation.

After all, in his understanding, Zhao Cheng's way originated from guardianship. Even after many reincarnations, his obsession would never die. At one time, he even believed that this obsession was actually Zhao Cheng's greatest source of strength.

In this world, the more you strive for perfection, the less complete it becomes. If you want to be perfect, don't even think about it unless you are detached.

Under detachment, there is no end to strength. No matter how much progress is made, there are always things that cannot be achieved.

But now it seems that this obsession is not the source of power. Zhao Cheng, who has forgotten his obsession, is the most terrifying thing in reincarnation.

Of course, the earliest Zhao Cheng was naturally not that powerful. The training and accumulation of reincarnations made him stronger and stronger. The same is true for Dao Lord, who is the source of the apocalypse, and he is even stronger. quick.

It's just that she is not as flexible as Zhao Cheng due to her form.

Even the reincarnation of Zhao Xiaoxiang, in a sense, it can be said that Zhao Cheng took the path of Daojun, leaving Daojun with no way to go.

Many mysterious people have ups and downs in their emotions, and all of this, shrouded in Zhao Cheng's mind, has no secrets.

Regarding everyone's reaction, Zhao Cheng was calm. Although he had not regained the power of reincarnation, he had always been him.

After all, there is a path of cultivation that can allow a person to evolve into many aspects without having to reach the realm of creation, or even practice under a half-king.

As for the strong, either the stronger they are, the more pure they are, even so pure that there is no impurity at all, or the purer they are, the more tolerant they are, embracing all rivers, and having everything. When everything is there, there are no impurities. Yes, everything is the same, naturally it is the purest and strongest.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng did not have any psychological barriers to the fact that one of his subordinates had personally ruined everything.

I had such a big problem all the way, and I was beaten again and again, so what happened to the occasional speedrun of a game? !

As for things like obsession, fate, and feelings, they are just obstacles. Zhao Cheng actually does not support this view.

His ability to speed through that reincarnation relied on the accumulation of many previous reincarnations. If he could become the strongest by simply giving up everything, then cultivation would be too simple, and the realm of true calamity would also be too simple.

If this were really the case, the infinite world would have been filled with nine calamities long ago, and the real calamities would be worse than dogs.

As a truly strong man who relies on strength to transcend reincarnation, as soon as he can transcend reincarnation, he himself is the biggest plug-in, and the panel on his body is secondary, if the ray of transcendent light is left aside.

Until now, Zhao Cheng still doesn't understand what kind of power it is.

But there is no doubt about one thing, that is, the speed of the magic path is just a magic path after all. It can allow him to reach the limit very quickly, so fast that the shadows in the darkness cannot react, but it cannot allow him to exceed the limit.

On the contrary, there is something different in what some powerful people feel is a limiter or an obstacle at this moment.

However, there is no doubt about one thing, that is, the speed pass is really refreshing. With a bad breath in my heart, if the gods block the gods, the gods will kill the Buddhas, if the gods block the Buddhas, my sword will be invincible.

Although this way cannot be transcended, it does not waste time and heart!

In the end, all the bad karma will be mine, and all the rest will be cleared up.

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