"Five minutes and seventeen seconds ago, target number rexz45444675437334 showed a special high-energy reaction. Based on the analysis of the existing information in the database, it is suspected that the opponent has completed dimensionalization."

"Five minutes and 49 seconds ago, the target left his room through unknown means. During the entire process, no energy response was detected..."

In the spacious conference room, a cold voice came from a white ball of light.

This white ball of light is the world's most powerful super-intelligent AI, and its name is "Tiandao"!

The reason why the other party is the strongest is not just the source code, but the strong hardware support.

Without sufficient hardware support, no matter how powerful the AI ​​is, it will be futile.

It is said that it is difficult for a ghost spirit to become a saint for all eternity. In this case, it is also very appropriate.

As far as programs are concerned, there are no AIs that are comparable to Tiandao, but there is no AI that can compare with Tiandao in terms of hardware equipment.

With the support of powerful computing power, Tiandao's self-update and iteration speed is far superior to other AI of the same generation.

In this case, unless there is some kind of super iteration of the AI ​​world in the future, similar to those who practice martial arts, its strong position will not be shaken at all.

At this time, there were a hundred people in the conference room. These hundred people could be said to be the absolute pinnacle of power in the world. Their will could truly determine the direction of the world.

In fact, with the development of science and technology to this point, holding meetings is just a way to establish authority and superiority in some form.

At the same time as Tiandao was speaking, all the information about this emergency incident had been transmitted through information and entered the heads of more than a hundred senior executives of seven giant companies.

"Lin Qi, I have heard about this man before. He is indeed talented. If he had not been betrayed by his assistant at a critical moment, he might have become one of you and me."

Finally, a director spoke up, but he knew some of the inside story of that year.

Fifteen years ago, there was a lot of black material about Lin Qi, such as academic fraud, human experiments...

In fact, academic fraud is certainly false, but human experiments are real.

At that time, there was no shortage of such scientific madmen.

In other words, human experiments have never stopped.

The more high-end the research, the more it is necessary to use the same kind to prove its effect. As for monkeys and mice..., using only these either means that the experiment is not high-end enough, or it is just a cover.

Lin Qi, on the other hand, has a deep understanding of extraordinary research, and even almost became the chief scientist of the alliance at one time.

This seat is one of the highest honors in the world and academia.

However, perhaps it was precisely because he was qualified to obtain this highest honor that he encountered assassination from many forces.

"The main reason is that many people thought that Lin Qilu went astray at the beginning. He did not study the evolution of life properly, but wasted time and energy on some illusory dimensionality. After so many years, countless resources were burned, but there was no effective result. Taking it out, it was and was also a beating against him by some of his supporters, but who would have thought that he would use himself to experiment with that illusory thing, and in the end he would go crazy. "

The other director shook his head.

Human experimentation, speaking of it, is indeed taboo, but for people like them, if you don't go through this step, they really don't dare to use the results.

The truth of what happened fifteen years ago is no secret to these high-level officials, but people with no value are not qualified to obtain the so-called "innocence".

"Tiandao, what do you think of Shi Tianyi?!"

A director asked.

"Shi Tianyi, whose parents died when he was young, was adopted by Lin Qi. For Lin Qi, there was a deep savior plot. He even thought that he was an omnipotent god at one time, so what he said to him when he was a child , convinced.”

"When he grew older, although Lin Qi's omnipotent image was shattered, he still stubbornly believed that Lin Qi's doctrine was right, just like believers' faith in God, just like the religious beliefs before the war era. At that time, Many people know that God does not exist, but they are still devoted to God. Whether God exists or not is not important. What is important is that this has become the spiritual support for their survival. "

"This kind of person will only believe what he believes in a paranoid way."

“But he has also experienced love, pain, regret, and confusion, which proves that although his personality is flawed, he still has a human heart, and the methods that are useful to people are still useful to him. "

"It's just that all of this is based on whether the other party is a human being. After the dimensionality is completed, it is still unknown whether the human heart can exist at that moment. After all, even if it only touches the dimension, it will bring divinity. Magnification, not to mention directly ascending to the gods..."

Tiandao's cold voice narrated the personality analysis of Shi Tianyi.

"Then find a way to get him to join us. Whether it's power, status, wealth or knowledge, we can give him everything he wants, or we can join him directly. As long as he is strong enough, everything in this world will be used for him."

"If you can't, you can only try to eliminate him!"

Finally, someone came to a final conclusion.

The structure of a company is like a kingdom, but not a kingdom. They will oppress the weak, but they will also succumb to the stronger.

Therefore, for a special life form that is difficult to fathom, their first reaction is never to destroy it, but to let the other party join them, or to join the other party themselves. This is the way a qualified corporate person should think. .

Then, after a short voting period, the motion was unanimously passed!

But this is normal. The seven major companies have risen in the past twenty years. With the technology of this era, those sitting here today are all those who have pioneered the world and established the foundation. Naturally, they know that this is the optimal solution. .

But the next moment, the light and shadow of the heavenly path distorted, and what appeared instead was a figure standing high in the sky.

He stretched out his palm towards the planet below, as if he wanted to hold everything directly in his hand: "Inform the whole world that I have surpassed the fifth level and reached the realm of God. Now I will make the final decision on this world. Judgment, after seven days, I will destroy this world!"

"So, use all your strength to destroy me!"

The vast magnetic light exploded at this moment, converging into the supreme throne. In the light and shadow, the trajectory of the moon in space suddenly deflected, and continued to approach the earth. Along with it, violent geological disturbances appeared on the earth and stars. Activity, the ocean surges and bombards the earth.

This picture does not just appear in such a virtual conference room, but appears on all monitors in this world, and even in all virtual worlds.

At this moment, everything was silent.

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