On the other side, in the strange situation outside the chaotic world, the ongoing battle is getting increasingly fierce.

At the moment, Zhao Cheng is only facing some shadows, not a group of complete nine calamities. Naturally, it is not because those enemies have martial ethics, but because they are being beaten.

Zhao Cheng was testifying, but the Tianyuan top four outside were already fighting to the point of going crazy, and the entire battle had completely turned into a melee.

One by one, they have completely lost their form, strength, essence, and will. Everything has radiated into the infinite box, infinitely high, infinitely low. Their shadows exist in all time and space, and in all existences. fighting with them.

And their battles are also diverse. They are not simply a matter of you punching me and me cutting you with a sword, but multiple and changeable. In large places, forces collide and evaporate into the sea of ​​dimensions. In small places, In this place, it reverses the fate of destiny and moves the general trend. It can be said that it has penetrated into every aspect of all things in the world.

As for the past, future, and the origin of history... these things are even more false in the face of such a war situation.

What's more important is the traces left by the strength and will of the powerful, and even the bits and pieces of the origin that seeped out during the battle, as well as the fragments of the strong, completely changing the entire ecology of the Infinite Box.

Even under normal circumstances, just like in a world, the power that can destroy the world should not be born, and the big ecology of the infinite box should not be born. Such a group may even destroy the entire infinite box. Something that no longer exists.

But the infinite box has no mind, but all living beings have minds. When the power of the mind blossoms and bears fruit, it is unrestricted, and this is also the true meaning of transcendence.

But before transcending, the heart still has to rely on something.

Therefore, there are real tribulations and nine tribulations.

At this moment, the infinite box turned into a terrifying whirlpool, and too many strong men participated in this battle.

Each of these strong men, in all aspects, has reached infinity in a certain sense. They can explode unlimited power without obtaining power from the outside world. They can be said to be true perpetual motion machines, and the power that explodes is not What a pure energy, but an extremely strong mark.

This kind of thing is not at all affected by the so-called high-energy environment.

Even the infinitely high level and the most domineering energy cannot consume this kind of thing.


On the other side, just as Zhao Cheng was completing the process of enlightenment, many shadows that had been indifferent before finally took action.

It was as if they had been rehearsed thousands of times in advance. The numerous forces had collided together before they bombarded Zhao Cheng. However, they did not destroy each other. On the contrary, various forces were like various raw materials. Communication, brewing, precipitation, and then, in an instant, like trillions of epochs in the past, an illusory shadow suddenly appeared at the core of chaos.

As for the numerous shadows, after such a blow, they seemed to have exhausted all their essence and disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

From the beginning to the end, these powerful men never thought of confronting Zhao Cheng.

After all, although they are in the process of realizing the Ten Tribulations, they still have some of the characteristics of the Ten Tribulations. If they are the original body, that's all. If so many people swarm up, they may not be unable to fight.

But in this closed environment, coupled with the fierce battle outside, it is extremely difficult for them to separate so many essences.

Therefore, they chose to use ten calamities to deal with ten calamities!

After the battle when Dao Zun became enlightened, Gu, this ancient strong man, finally woke up again, and part of his will and power came to this world!

"Eternal haste has finally made me wait for this fateful moment!"

"Tao Zun, oh, what a profound calculation!"

"Should I say you are kind, or should I say you are confident..."

Gu is the image of a tall man. Although it is just a shadow, every line on his body seems to be condensed with infinite power.

After he appeared, some subtle changes occurred in the entire infinite box.

After all, his ten calamities are equal to those of Infinite High and Low, or in other words, Hedao!

It's just that in the transcendence battle, he still lost half of his moves, so he just fell silent.

But after Gu Zai appeared, he did not take action directly. Instead, he quietly looked at the whole world, looking at everything, looking at everything.

He watched the process of Zhao Cheng's enlightenment and the fierce battle involving infinite highs and lows, just like a passerby, a bystander.

Although he did not complete the ten tribulations, he had finally stepped into it, but he fell behind.

Tao Zun transcended that leap in the air and stepped on him.

However, before the other party transcended, he still left something behind. Not only did he not kill him completely, but he did what happened today.

Of course, there is also a reason to leave a whetstone behind.

But in the end it gave Gu a glimmer of hope.

If he could seize Zhao Cheng's way today, he would be able to make up for his past achievements, and even go one step further, giving him the possibility of transcendence.

Therefore, Gu Cai lamented that Tao Zun was confident.

After all, the other party was not a true transcendent person at that time.

If it is the arrangement of a transcendent person, it will naturally be considered as complete, but if it is arranged at a time when one has not yet transcended, that may not necessarily be the case.

"It would be very interesting to think about it if the whetstone broke the knife!"

There was a sparkle in Gu's eyes.

Then, he raised his fist high, and in a simple and unpretentious way, he punched Zhao Cheng and killed him.

This punch shook infinitely high and low, and each layer seemed to be a big explosion, a big destruction, and the creation of the world, which also caused Zhao Cheng to counterattack.

Zhao Cheng's will evolved into a divine form at this moment, and then nine swords flew out, and the nine swords merged into one, and collided fiercely with Gu's fist.

The huge storm swept the entire battlefield in an instant. Many Nine Tribulations strongmen who were very close, their strength and will were repelled far away under the huge storm, forming an absolute vacuum in a sense.

But it was after this blow that the nine swords were annihilated at the same time.

According to reason, these nine swords can be said to be indestructible. The nine swords merged into one, the ultimate of the nine tribulations, and they had to be beaten, but in such a battle, they only lasted for a moment.

But Gu's fist, along with his entire arm, was also turned into countless fragments in this blow, and could never be regenerated again.

This blow was a fight that was a loss to both sides.

But even so, the power of this attack also let a group of strong men know what the Ten Tribulations are!

Even if it is not a complete Ten Tribulations, it is still so powerful.

After this attack, Gu did not make any more moves, because his goal had been achieved.

"Great Heavenly Venerable, let me see your capacity and see if you can bear this infinite vastness!"

For the first time, Gu Yan said Zhao Cheng's title, which was undoubtedly a kind of recognition.

Then, an infinitely powerful force joined the vortex of contradictions formed in Zhao Cheng's current process of proving the Tao.

Interactions are involved, and the contact of forces will even involve it.

And Gu's power is the infinite box itself!

He is a person who has combined the Tao and combined the infinite box. At present, his conspiracy is undoubtedly a naked conspiracy.

However, this is normal. In their situation, conspiracies and tricks are actually useless.

Even if Zhao Cheng was calculated and escaped into reincarnation, it was actually his own choice, so he just went with the flow.

In the end, it all comes down to the purest struggle of strength, the power of the mind, the power of will...

But I have to say that this move is very useful. When this vast power is added, Zhao Cheng's will becomes shaky in an instant.

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