The style of Earl's Castle is not gorgeous at a glance, but gives people a sense of low-key luxury.

Carpets, oil paintings, walls that have gone through the years, candles, chandeliers, large wooden tables, a spacious dining room, well-dressed butlers, maids leading the way, and gorgeously dressed, majestic, unsmiling earls, all of which add up. Immediately, it gave people a real feeling of traveling through time and space.

Zhao Cheng felt that a certain point in his heart had been obtained.

He thought about it, the reason why he fantasized about traveling around the world before was probably influenced by many works.

Boys, adventures, castles, princesses, and finally smashing the villain's plot and saving the beautiful princess, this is probably the romance in the boy's heart.

At the same time, men are still young until they die.

So this matter is not only applicable to children, but also to young people, middle-aged people, and even the elderly.

The only problem is that I don't know if there are so many princesses in the world, waiting for me to save them.

Stepping into the earl's castle, Zhao Cheng couldn't help but have strange thoughts.

"Welcome, my guests!"

In the living room, the Earl, played by the director, greeted the five people present.

As for the princess, the earl's daughter, and the princess's guards, their personalities are different from Zhao Cheng's. In order to create a sense of reality, they naturally came in earlier.

The director's complexion was familiar, and with the makeup on, if he hadn't known in advance that he was the director, that is to say, the one who admired Zhao Cheng very much, it would be hard to recognize him at first glance.

"It's an honor to be our guest!"

Gu Yixin took a step forward and bowed slightly to salute, he is a true acting school.

Several other people, including Zhao Cheng, were not familiar with acting, so they took a slow beat. They didn't follow the lines in the script until they were reminded at this time.

At the same time, when the few of them saw the earl, they all thought of the director, and they felt that something was going on inexplicably, and a subtle sense of joy. Generally speaking, their expressions were very strange.

Fortunately, it's not really making a movie, it's mainly just for fun, so there's no need to start over.

Afterwards, the Earl directly led the group to the dining room for dinner.

On the way, Zhao Xiaoxiang gently pulled Zhao Cheng's sleeve, and said in a soft voice: "Jack Cheng, I seem to have forgotten the words, what should I do?!"

After all, she was still nervous. At first, she thought it seemed to be very simple and nothing, but after she actually got on it, she found that her mentality was still not good enough.

It's just that Zhao Xiaoxiang's script, and Zhao Cheng has never read it, so Zhao Cheng thought about it for a while, and said: "I am a detective, and you are an assistant. It is enough for me to speak the lines. You can cook with peace of mind and make a pendant."

He is quick-witted and has a long-term memory. He is worthy of attacking a warship alone, not to mention the small scene in front of him.

The reaction was a little slow before, but it's just that I'm not used to acting, and the tension doesn't exist.


On the other side, when Zhao Cheng and his party were led into the castle, the live broadcast had already started, and the internet was buzzing.

Especially, when the hidden camera was aimed at Gu Yixin, a popular traffic star, a lot of husbands flew by.

As for the few remaining people, they were naturally noticed, but obviously, it was impossible to directly compare with big stars.

However, the power of netizens has always been strong. Soon, Zhao Xiaoxiang was dug out when he played sisters with Li Huanger in Shang Shang's easter egg.

"This girl will not be the star that the crew wants to make popular soon, she can be found everywhere, and it will consume a lot of resources."

"But I haven't heard anything about it. With this resource, if it is given to my family's Lecheng girl, it will definitely be a big hit. The crew used it to praise a girl who is not well-known, and it is somewhat demented."

"This girl's background is indeed good. This dress really looks like a little princess who has not experienced much in the world. I heard that there is a role of princess in this script, so it must be this girl."

"It doesn't feel like it."

"Tell me, is there such a possibility that other people just come here to play, do you know what is my grandfather sword master, my sword hero father?!"


In the comment area below the live broadcast, it was full of enthusiasm.

As far as the two names Gu Yixin + Li Huanger are concerned, they have their own traffic passwords.

"Is there anyone who recognizes the child actor who plays the detective? It feels like his eyes are bright, and he really wants to be his mother..."

"It seems familiar, but it doesn't seem familiar."

"This hateful youthful feeling and bookishness... Where did the crew find the gods!"


"Brother Cheng, this is Brother Cheng!"

In the hotel, a group of people watched the live broadcast on Internet TV, Zhao Dong looked at the people on the screen and screamed.

"That yellow-haired one seems to be that brat Zhao Xiaoxiang."

In the past, Zhao Dong was called Zhao Cheng in private, but since he knew that Zhao Cheng=Dragon King, he changed his name directly.

Of course, Zhao Cheng became brother Cheng, while Zhao Xiaoxiang was still a brat.

"It's really them..."

Zhao Manyun was a little dazed, feeling that the world she was familiar with seemed a little strange.


"My future boyfriend seems to be even more handsome!"

Wang Yunyan's eyes are staring, this is not an exaggerated performance.

Not only her, even Zhao Manyun and a few others can feel that Zhao Cheng is indeed more attractive.

Especially the temperament, even through the screen, you can still feel a subtle sense of erudition. The two elements of erudition and youth are originally in conflict, but at this moment, they are perfectly combined.

"Man Yun, are you sure, you really don't have a sword master grandpa?!"

"I suspect that you have been pretending to be with me before!"

Feng Zihua said seriously.

As some commentators have said, with these resources, as long as they are given to a starlet who is not bad at all, the small characters can be directly removed, or even turned into big characters.

As a result, all these resources were simply used for fun.

You call this an ordinary family? !

"I..., I'm not sure..."

Zhao Manyun's previous rebuttals were very firm, but now, even she herself is not confident.

Could it be that his grandfather, who has taken care of himself in his hometown, is really some kind of hidden sword master? !

It's just that he is an old man and keeps a low profile, so even her granddaughter doesn't know about it.

Grandpa at home: ? ? ?


On the other side, the large dining table is already full of delicacies, not props, but specially invited five-star chefs who are good at cooking Western dishes, aiming at a restoration.

Afterwards, the count ordered the maids to call the ladies down.

And with the appearance of Li Qingmeng, Li Huang'er, Zhao Yue and others, the live broadcast room exploded again.

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