Qingyuan, Hall No. 2.

It is still the original place, but the season has already changed.

The people are still those people, but it was winter last time, but now it is early summer.

In the stadium, the air conditioner was fully turned on, and nearly ten thousand students all turned their eyes to the center of the stadium.

The final battle of the Qingyuan Kendo Exam is going on right now!

Li Qingmeng and Qin Tailai are competing for the first place.

On the ground, although there is a certain gap between the two swordsmanship, the gap is not irreparable.

From October last year to June this year, Qin Tailai's swordsmanship has reached LV7 from LV6 in more than half a year. It's close to LV8. After such a long time, although there is still a little distance from LV9, it is at most two or three months of hard work.

This kind of progress means that as long as Li Qingmeng works diligently and does not fall, before the age of 24, he has a good chance of becoming a swordsman.

This is also the result of the normal hard work of ordinary people with little talent.

As for someone like Zhao Cheng, who has mastered basic swordsmanship to almost level 50 in more than eight months, he must have worked hard all the way.

The world of geniuses is indeed different from that of ordinary people, after all, they cheat.

This point, Zhao Cheng is deeply convinced.

Before the battle started, Zhao Chengcheng came, but he didn't show up directly, so as not to disturb the match by walking in through the passage.

Zhao Cheng still has a lot of influence on his current influence in Qingyuan.

Seeing the scene where Qin Tailai kept swinging his sword while Li Qingmeng was impeccable, Zhao Cheng felt an inexplicable feeling of traveling through time and space.

It seems that the first time he participated in Qingyuan's sword test, there was such a scene. Qin Tailai used his physical advantage to suppress Li Qingmeng, trying to make the opponent make mistakes, but Li Qingmeng relied on higher-level swordsmanship and more subtle exertion, Steady and terrible.

Now, more than half a year later, everyone is growing, but it is also because everyone is growing, so the situation is weird, going around, it seems to be the same as before.

Of course, it's just that they are still the same, Zhao Cheng himself is completely different.

When he tried the sword for the first time, his swordsmanship was no more than lv4, and he had just embarked on the road of cultivation, even he himself didn't know it, but in less than a year, he proved himself a swordsman, and it was still the kind of breakthrough Even though he is at the peak, he is only a little short in resonance, but in terms of combat power, he is not inferior to a top swordsman.

His outrageous spiritual attributes make up for the gap in resonance. Even top-level swordsmen can generally have 13 points in spiritual attributes, which is already a strong one. Zhao Cheng's 15 points are more than twice theirs. , such a calculation, really just make up for it.

This is just Zhao Cheng. As for the others, even Li Qingmeng, who is the most talented, only has a great possibility to become a swordsman at the age of twenty-four. Whether he can become a swordsman at the age of twenty-four will never be known until that moment.

As for Zhao Cheng coming here at this moment, he just happened to catch up, but he has no intention of taking the Qingyuan Sword Dao Exam anymore.

When I was still in the quiet stage before, that's all. At that time, it was not shabby for the sake of resources.

Now that he is almost a top swordsman, it is undoubtedly too petty to go to the big exam.

A swordsman, naturally, must have the pattern of a swordsman.

Once you become a swordsman, no matter what your status is before, but after that, you are no longer an ordinary person, but a soldier. Your status and class are not in the same channel as ordinary people.

The result was as expected by everyone, Qin Tailai was not going to last long, and the strength of his sword became weaker and weaker, while Li Qingmeng was always stable. Under the ebb and flow, Qin Tailai just showed a flaw, and was caught by Li Qingmeng. Then beheaded with a sword.

At this moment, it is really just like that moment.

"Li Qingmeng wins!"

The referee's voice sounded.

After a brief silence, there were cheers one after another.

Except for Zhao Cheng's name being called in the last semester, Li Qingmeng was a frequent visitor to cheering.

And without Zhao Cheng's suppression, the other party is Qing Yuan, who deserves to be number one.

However, at this moment, Li Qingmeng didn't feel much joy of victory in her heart.

If he had met Zhao Cheng before, this kind of victory and cheers might have given him a sense of joy.

But after seeing Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship, this kind of first place because of the opponent's absence seems to have no taste, and there is always an illusion of being given alms.

In the past, the sea was too difficult for water, and that's probably it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of Zhao Cheng. She vaguely heard that Zhao Cheng seemed to have gone to retreat, and she didn't know what the current entanglement was.

It seemed like this, she couldn't help being dazed for a moment.

After scanning the audience, she was about to leave, but suddenly she saw a white-clothed boy in the passageway.

The boy seemed to have noticed her gaze, and immediately waved his hand with a smile as a greeting.

The light in the passage was obviously very dark, but the young man himself seemed to be carrying the light, and that smile seemed to have a soft light. With the release of the smile, people couldn't help but feel a warm feeling deep in their hearts.

Inexplicably, her heart couldn't help beating violently.

And when she regained her senses, she found that the man was no longer in the original place.

At this time, Zhao Cheng had already left the passage and came to the corner of the last row of the venue where the instructors were.

And along the way, he naturally attracted countless eyes.

Before he was certified as a swordsman, he relied on his swordsmanship practice, the temperament honed by the growth of wisdom, and the correction of the body by the cowardly savior, and he directly became the school grass of Qingyuan.

Now that he has become a swordsman, he is always calm, and his mind is gradually transcending into holiness, and it can be said that he has washed away all his lead. He used to be more or less impetuous, or vain, and his foundation was uncertain, but now, his temperament is It's almost back to basics.

When anyone sees him for the first time, his first impression is definitely not how handsome or good-looking this person is, but that this person seems to have light on him, which is soft and not dazzling.

At first glance, it seems to be nothing, but if you think about it later, the more you think about it, the more you will have endless aftertaste. At that time, you can understand its true beauty.

At this point, the facial features and posture are not important. Even for ordinary people, what they see in Zhao Cheng at first sight must be part of his essence.

This is also the practice of the mind, which appears after reaching a certain level.

Therefore, in the meeting place, everyone who saw Zhao Cheng at this moment couldn't help being stunned. They didn't even recognize him at first, and then they reacted suddenly after thinking about it. This person turned out to be Zhao Cheng.

The venue, which had started to become noisy because of the final round of the Kendo Grand Exam, started to become noisy with Zhao as the center.

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