"My standards may be a bit high, and I must be able to be single-minded emotionally."

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention the melon-eating crowd who were watching the live broadcast, even the host was stunned at the moment. For a moment, he really didn't know how high this standard was.

But after careful consideration, he realized that this standard was indeed very high.

It seems easy to be single-minded emotionally, but in fact, very few people can do this.

People always admire your appearance when you are young, but when your appearance is old and the enthusiasm dissipates, at that time, will there be so many people who will continue to admire you?

Probably not.

If you really do it with one heart and one mind, you will be unswerving until death. No matter what your appearance is, it will still be eroded by the years, but your heart will not change.

Host, at this moment, I got it, but the people who eat melons, but not many get it.

Therefore, bullet screens were posted immediately, most of which I think I can do; I took a screenshot and saved the evidence, don’t renege on your debts in the future and other words.

"This standard is quite high."

The moderator responded and continued.

"Now move on to the second question, when do you plan to join the senior group?"

The meme of the elderly group became popular a few days ago, saying that Zhao Cheng came to the wrong place and should go to the elderly group.

And the so-called senior group, nothing else, is held every ten years, a battle for the universe.

The struggle for the universe originated more than 50 years ago. At that time, there were constant conflicts among countries, and a world war was about to break out at any time.

Although the heads of state are all restraining, if they don't come up with a solution, the war will break out sooner or later, because the internal conflicts are too great, and they can only be diverted through external wars. This matter is not diverted according to their will.

It was at this time that Yanhuang's most powerful people came forward and proposed the concept of the struggle for the universe.

The battle of the universe, the battle between swordsmen from various countries, the final ranking is used to realize the secondary distribution of resources.

The algorithm inside is very complicated, and Yanhuang, as the strongest country and the initiator, is born with a huge advantage, but the big powers still agreed, they agreed, and if the remaining small countries have opinions, it may be instant. It will encounter the joint attack of several big countries, and it will fall apart in an instant.

Using swordsmanship to determine the allocation of resources, this matter, in Zhao Cheng's previous life, is naturally very magical, but in this world where there are superhuman beings who can be called human-shaped nuclear bombs, it has actually appeared.

And it has been held five times, the last one was six years ago, and in four years, it will be the next one.

As for the battle of the universe, although there are no powerful players on the field, there are not many saints, and the main stage is the stage for saints and top swordsmen.

This kind of stage naturally does not belong to young people, so it is also jokingly called the senior group.

In terms of gold content, this competition is naturally far beyond the world's sword test.

In the world's sword trial, there were very few casualties, but every time in the battle of the universe, many strong people died there forever.

For this question, Zhao Cheng felt that it was really difficult to answer. Based on his current feeling, according to his current growth rate, after four years, he might not be able to fight the battle of the universe.

It's not that he thinks that he won't be able to become a top swordsman in four years, but that he feels that after four years, he may prove to be a sword god. Children, the picture is too beautiful to think about it.

The plot really became, young people don't talk about martial arts and bully old comrades.

Therefore, after a short thought, Zhao Cheng said seriously: "Next time."

Hearing Zhao Cheng's answer, the host's face froze. There seemed to be no problem with this answer, but the more I thought about it, the more perfunctory I felt.

And in the live broadcast room, it was also noisy at this time.

Some enthusiastic netizens have already started brushing:

"Master Zhao, why are you number one in the world?"

"Next time."

It can only be said that Yanhuang's culture is really extensive and profound.


"The third question, the three famous schools, which one do you plan to choose?"

The moderator changed the subject.

Over the years, it has become a tradition for the top 100 sword testers in the world to enter the three famous schools, and there are almost no such ghosts who do not take the usual path, fail to go to the three good schools, and choose the second-class schools.

As for the three famous schools, they are Qingshan University, Changying University, and Yitian University.

The loyal bones are buried in the green mountains, the long tassels are tied to the blue dragon, and the Kunlun is cut against the sky.

The names of these three prestigious schools may seem ordinary at first glance, but in fact, they all have their meanings.

And the three famous schools, although three points, but in the study of swordsmanship, they are one. The basic swordsmanship is created by the three famous schools and many hidden masters.

However, if the three famous schools are taken separately, their styles will still be different. Among them, Qingshan is the tallest, Changying is the largest, and Yitian is the purest.

Here, the so-called high, the high is the structure; the big, the big is the creation; the pure, the pure is the subtlety.

In short, Qingshan University's swordsmanship is successful, with a large structure and lack of details. Changying University has a broad mind, and the rest is not as good. Yitian University has the best details and the most refined swordsmanship style.

In this regard, the country also intentionally did it. The styles are different. When they cooperate, they can collide with inspiration. If they are all the same, they will look mediocre.

However, as far as Zhao Cheng is concerned, he naturally wants them all.

Choosing one of the three famous schools does not mean that you can't learn from other schools. If you want to get to the bottom of it, it doesn't matter which one you choose.

However, Zhao Cheng is still not very good at answering this question.

Because he just won the championship, the professors from the three famous schools have not had time to contact him.

No matter what, he has to see the conditions offered by each of the three famous schools before he makes a choice. This is called waiting for a price.

So Zhao Cheng can only respond: "I haven't thought about it yet."

Although he is only a sophomore in high school, it will be no problem to go directly to university when school starts in September.

The channel for trying swords in the world is a special move, or the kind with extremely high gold content.

As far as the kendo department of the three famous schools is concerned, it is impossible to get in through the written test.

For Zhao Cheng's answer, the host could only smile.

And the melon-eaters in the live broadcast room also swiped at this moment, such as: He seemed to have said everything, but he didn't seem to say anything.

In short, suddenly, the live broadcast room was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

Afterwards, they briefly chatted a few words as the ending, and this episode of the show ended.

Before leaving, the host also asked for Zhao Cheng's communication method and signature. It can be seen that saying that he is his fan is really not for the effect of the show.

In the afternoon, Zhao Cheng, Zhao Xiaoxiang, Zhao Manyun, and Zhao Dong boarded the plane back together.

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