"In this way, I have to kill a thousand of similar miscellaneous soldiers before I can upgrade Kong Jie to a blue weapon?!"

Zhao Cheng made a calculation in his mind.

If it was a different "game" where killing a thousand miscellaneous soldiers could evolve weapons, Zhao Cheng would only feel that the planning was really conscientious.

But for this "hardcore" game in front of him, Zhao Cheng felt "bad".

In the current swordsmanship, even if a thousand miscellaneous soldiers line up for him to kill, he can probably kill one with a single simulation. Depending on luck, he may or may not be able to beat the second one.

As for whether there are a thousand miscellaneous soldiers in this city, Zhao Cheng is not worried.

Every time he simulates, it is equivalent to reloading the file and restarting. In a sense, the monster will "refresh".

That's why in the log, there will be the words "first kill simulation point + 5".

For the first time, there will be this extra five points, and then it will be a guaranteed point.

But even so, there are only six points.

Obviously, the correct way to open this game is to fight the boss. Only in this way can a large number of simulation points be obtained.

The only problem is that Zhao Cheng must be completely defeated now.

Even fighting miscellaneous soldiers, Zhao Chengcheng felt a little hurt.

After all, the opponent's fist was too strong!

Thinking of this, Zhao Cheng couldn't help looking at the strengthening stone in the store.

Although he swore a poisonous oath in his previous life, he would never touch the strengthened dog.

but now……

After looking at his source, Zhao Cheng decided to talk about it later.

It hurts a little bit, it's not impossible to kill, it's just a good time to hone your swordsmanship.

What's more, one or two strengthening stones can't make any qualitative changes.

Compared with strengthening stones, Zhao Cheng feels that it is better to kill a hundred miscellaneous soldiers first, and let Kong Jiejian complete the first evolution.

The 100% evolution rate is to evolve into a blue weapon. In fact, every 10% of the progress, the empty robbery will become stronger once, and there will be an improvement in attributes. As for the change from white to blue, it is a qualitative leap.

Zhao Cheng thought about it carefully, only to feel that all the sufferings of people come from the source point and the lack of simulation points.

Then, Zhao Cheng began to look at the newly unlocked monster illustrated book.

At this time, there was only one white card in the monster illustrated book.

The pattern on the card is exactly the gray man before.

The name of the card is Boxing Master.

After clicking on it, there is a brief introduction.

A dead existence, awakened by the power of the dark, his memory has disappeared in the years, even the self has been forgotten, only an obsession with boxing can not be extinguished.

It may be a kind of relief to linger in the human world, to fight forever, and to die completely.

This is the origin of the former gray man, or called him a master of boxing.

The opponent's boxing skills are actually very powerful, if it is not for the stiff joints, Zhao Cheng is definitely not the opponent.

However, what caught Zhao Cheng's thoughts the most was the phrase "waking up under the power of the dark".

A master of boxing is already so powerful, but this world has born golden traits, and there are many purple traits.

If the possessors of those traits wake up under the power of the dark, how powerful should they be? !

Even, there is no such possibility, if the will of that person was strong enough in life, after "resurrecting", would he be able to retain part of the memory? !

Zhao Cheng fell into reverie, and at the same time, his body trembled even more.

Not fear, but excitement!

After getting excited about yourself, you can fight those powerful people to the death, even if you are superior or inferior, you can also divide life and death.

All of a sudden, Zhao Cheng's sense of anticipation for the future was full.

After reading the illustrated book, Zhao Cheng did not forget to open the treasure chest.

Of course the good stuff has to be saved until the end!

Zhao Cheng looked at the treasure chest (white) x1 in the props bar, took a deep breath, and felt the pain in his body lessen, and then he directly clicked on it with his mind.

(Note: The treasure chest is an aggregate of valuable information and energy randomly extracted by the super-dimensional body from the dimension level, guided by cause and effect, and has great randomness.)

There is no anomaly, only the log column is refreshed:

You got: Simulation Point +1, Strengthening Stone (White) +1, Tianfeng Xiangyu Fist (Blue) (Part 2) x1

The simulation points and strengthening stones are all known things, so Zhao Cheng directly pointed at the unfamiliar Tianfeng Xiangyu Fist.

Tianfeng Xiangyu Boxing (Blue): One of the branches of Nandou Phoenix Boxing. Seventeen hundred years ago, the founder of Tianfeng Xiangyu Boxing realized Taoism in the Dead Sea and created the famous Tianfeng Liu.

The fist rises and the fist falls, like a phoenix coming to the world, like a phoenix nirvana.

This boxing method is one of the foundational boxing methods of Tianfengliu. It records the mystery of Qi that makes people become fighters.

If you practice it to break the limit, you have a chance to comprehend moves from it, Tianfeng Xiang (Purple).

Zhao Cheng directly put aside a lot of useless information, and looked at the key word in it, the mystery of qi.

Zhao Cheng didn't think this qi was the kind of neurological illusion in the real world, but it should be some kind of extraordinary energy in his understanding.

The world and the world, of course, cannot be exactly the same, but there must be huge differences.

For example, the extraordinary energy system, in the real world, it's not that they don't want to develop it, but that they don't have the basic conditions.

But in this world, there is the mystery of qi in the blue-quality boxing. Obviously, this is not some kind of extremely high-end power.

Even, very likely, even white boxing can be cultivated.

This Tianfengliu, which has been able to develop for more than a thousand years and continue to lose inheritance, is obviously extremely powerful.

Zhao Cheng clicked on Tianfeng Xiangyu Fist (Blue) (Part 2) in the props bar, and immediately brought up a normal book-sized interface. In the interface, it was not a page-by-page boxing method in the traditional book page style, but a boxing method outlined by lines. The villain who came out was punching.

In addition, there are spots of light on this villain, as well as lines connecting the spots of light.

In addition, there are many text annotations that are constantly changing with the movements of the villain.

"Acupoints, dense pores, essence, Qi!"

Zhao Cheng roughly read the cheat book and extracted some key information from it.

Because boxing only has the middle part, the introductory part of the first part and the sublimation part of the second part are missing.

But this does not mean that the single novella cannot be practiced, it is just because it is incomplete, so even if it is practiced well, it cannot fully exert the effect of boxing.

The second chapter mainly talks about the process of exercising the essence of the body and transporting the essence around the body through boxing, nourishing the body and finally reaching the limit of the human body.

Zhao Cheng guessed that the second part of this boxing technique should be about how the essence is condensed, while the first part should be about how the essence is transformed into "qi".

At the same time, this martial art, even if it is complete, cannot be cultivated in the real world, because human beings in the real world do not have an energy network that can circulate Jingyuan or Qi.

But this is enough to make Zhao Cheng look forward to it.

The brand-new power system corresponds to an unprecedented landscape.

What's more, with the faceplate, he may not be able to reproduce the power of this world onto the body in the future, and it's just a price.

What's more, if mastering this kind of power, it will certainly be a huge improvement to his combat power, which can speed up his progress in "passing the level".

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