Some of the items in the simulated store are colored, and some, which are difficult to define, are not colored.

And gray means huge side effects.

This is also the reason why this prop only needs one simulation point.

If such props have no side effects, they will at least be purple in grade and color evaluation.

As for the price, I am afraid that two zeros will be added later.

At the same time, the effect is also extremely terrifying, with fifteen times the explosive power and reaction power within three seconds.

As for the devastating nerve damage and brain damage after the event, it should be. It is the nervous system and the brain that determine a person's reaction and explosive power.

This medicine is completely used for a lifetime to exchange for three seconds of brilliance.

However, Zhao Cheng still exchanged it and used it as a reserved hole card.

In reality, if there is a situation where you need to use this, it must be an infinite emergency, and it is very likely to be a life-and-death crisis. Compared with a life, the damage to the nerves and brain is nothing.

No matter how bad it is afterwards, it's better than the enemy playing disco on his own grave.

With fifteen times the burst and nerve reflex, with Zhao Cheng's current swordsmanship, swordsmen can also kill.

The former is fine, what is the concept of the latter? !

That is completely bullet time, one second of others is equivalent to fifteen seconds of oneself.

Although the swordsman's nerve reflex speed is fast, it is impossible to be so fast.

After exchanging this, Zhao Cheng already had the idea of ​​exchanging for the purification elixir, although yesterday he still felt that the purification elixir was useless.

But what about today?

The ultimate potential stimulates the elixir (ash) + the elixir of purification, only needs eleven simulation points, and he can be a real man for three seconds in reality without any trouble.

The only question now is whether the purification elixir can be refreshed.

As for accumulating simulation points, the safety of reality always comes first, and only by being alive can a better liver copy be obtained.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng is still very clear in his heart.

After shopping, Zhao Cheng directly exchanged the number of simulation times and started the simulation.

Practice swords in the dark as usual, and use a comprehensive recovery potion in the middle. After two hours, swordsmanship proficiency +6, tranquility proficiency +1%

The improvement in realm this time is not as great as the last time.

If you can get +2% proficiency every time you practice swords, it would be too outrageous.

Afterwards, the blood moon appeared, and Zhao Cheng rushed to the Tianfeng Pavilion. After resting for fifteen minutes, he held his sword and fought fiercely. At the cost of breaking his left arm, he hacked to death the master of boxing and gained +1 source point , this time there is no treasure chest.

Later, Zhao Cheng found a basement, tried to seal it off, and continued to practice swords in the dark.

However, this time, he did not use the comprehensive recovery potion to restore his state, but directly squeezed his life potential to practice swordsmanship.

This kind of squeeze is all maintained by willpower, and I don't know how long it has passed, but the swordsmanship proficiency has increased by 2, and the realm has not improved.

Even, if it wasn't for the super-dimensional body that erased the negative effects, the realm would go backwards.

Zhao Cheng proved with facts that over-squeezing the potential of life to practice is half the effort.

Afterwards, Zhao Cheng's consciousness was shaken, and he returned to reality. Immediately, all the exhaustion and pain disappeared, and his state returned.

He looked at the log.

In the first hour, you work hard to practice swordsmanship, swordsmanship proficiency +3

In the second hour, you work hard to practice swordsmanship, swordsmanship proficiency +3, tranquility proficiency +1%

In the third hour, you rush to Tianfeng Hall, kill miscellaneous soldiers x1, simulation point +1

For the fourth hour, you stay in the dark, weakened by the influence of strange powers, and you oppressively destroy your body and mind to practice swordsmanship

In the fifth hour, you continued to torture your body and mind to practice swordsmanship, your swordsmanship proficiency +2, you died, and the cause of death was the exhaustion of your life source.

Summary: Your degree of exploration is extremely low this time, the simulation point +1.

For the first time, Zhao Cheng survived to the fifth hour in the dungeon.

Facts have proved that the environment without light can indeed slow down the passage of the source of life.

That moon, the problem is not small.

Zhao Cheng was silent and thought for a while. This time, he exchanged two simulation times and started the second simulation.

Practicing swords, proficiency +6, the realm has not changed

Killing miscellaneous soldiers, simulation point +1, injured, because more proficient, the injury is lighter, the bone is only cracked, not broken.

Afterwards, Zhao Cheng started to run the map to confirm the situation in the suspected Longteng Building and the Zhengshang Office Building.

This time, Zhao Cheng groped for three buildings in a row before confirming the location of Longteng Building.

On the 19th floor of the Longteng Building, at the Longteng Boxing Gym, Zhao Cheng encountered a two-meter-tall boxing fanatic.

So far, Zhao Cheng has obtained three strange places and discovered four kinds of monsters. Compared with the first simulation, the changes are undoubtedly huge, but the process is a bit useless.

At this time, Zhao Cheng's source point came to 10.4, and the simulation point came to 12.

He didn't simulate the third time, and the third time required four source points, which cost a bit more.

After reflecting on the experience of the two simulations, Zhao Cheng practiced the breathing method for a while to calm his mind, and then lay down directly to sleep.

After waking up in the morning, it is still a daily exercise. The conversion rate of swordsmanship has increased by 1%, and the conversion rate of realm has increased by 7%, which is extremely stable.

In the morning, in a daze, brainstorming.

In the afternoon, study boxing scores and brainstorm.

Halfway through the storm, kendo lessons, sword practice, brainstorming.

However, in the middle of Zhao Cheng's brainstorming, the swordsmanship instructor Wu Nian found him and told him that he had completed the process of joining the kendo class, and handed Zhao Cheng a box of spices.

This is the sandalwood used for practicing swordsmanship. It has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind. Compared with the sandalwood used in the kendo class, the effect is better and it is more expensive.

Therefore, the school only provides free and limited supply to the members of the kendo class, and this box is a week's supply.

Afterwards, Zhao Cheng was informed that except for the two days when there was a big kendo class on Tuesday and Thursday, in the other three days, after the class in the evening, he would come to the No. 3 area of ​​the gymnasium for extra tutoring. The time is one hour , Let him inform the family and arrange the time.

Then, he also said that tomorrow is a special day. At seven o'clock, everyone in the kendo class will come to have a face-to-face meeting with other people in the kendo class. They may be teammates who will fight side by side in the future.

All these things also made Zhao Cheng not ignorant of the kendo class.

In the evening, it was a familiar routine again, watching TV, practicing swords, 12 o'clock simulation, source point +10.4, exchanging for comprehensive recovery potion, and purification potion still didn't come out, but it was not a big problem.

The first simulation, practicing swords, killing miscellaneous soldiers, was still injured, then ran the map, determined the location of Zhengshang office building, unlocked a new strange boxing technique, and was beaten to death by two punches.

The second time, I practiced swords to kill miscellaneous soldiers, was injured, ran the map, and was not killed, but my luck was not very good. I only roughly determined a point where there was a monster, and died of the exhaustion of life source.

A little bit of exploration, a little bit of strengthening, there will always be gains.

Sleeping, waking up, repeating routine until this night...

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