Just recently, there was a gossip that said that Qin Tailai had thoughts about Li Qingmeng, that it was wrong to look at the other person's eyes, that it was impossible to hide the eyes that liked someone.

But when it comes to definite evidence, there is no such thing at all.

But this pretentious one also caused a wave of waves on the school forum.

Qin Tailai's female fans, and Li Qingmeng's male fans and female fans, were quarreling with each other. In addition, there were fun people who watched the excitement, and the two sides fought each other. It can be called the big drama of the year.

Zhao Cheng usually seldom visits the forums, so he doesn't pay much attention to this aspect, but his deskmate Zhou Yu is one of those fun-loving people, so Zhao Cheng knows more or less about it.

As for the quarrel at the end, the winning party made a statement, saying that the fairy was in love, and ended the topic.

As for the two parties, facing this kind of matter, they have no intention of talking at all. The more they talk about this kind of matter, the more problematic it becomes. They can only remain silent and wait for the natural subsidence.

Sometimes, being a "celebrity" isn't all good.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng usually acts in an extremely low-key manner, and generally does not show his brilliance unless necessary.

This is called a gentleman hides his weapon in his body and acts at the right time.

Not long after, the instructors also came one after another. Zhao Cheng had seen these instructors more or less during some important school activities on weekdays, and they were familiar.

The teachers who take the kendo class are usually in the same class, and they stay all the way until graduation, and there is no frequent shift change.

Therefore, after studying in Qingyuan for so many years, Zhao Cheng is only familiar with Mr. Wu Nianwu.

As for the other teachers, except for the most beautiful Zhao Yue, he couldn't even name them.

Earlier Zhou Yu said that in this school, there are only two and a half beauties.

Two of them, one is senior Li Huang'er, and the other is senior Li Qingmeng. As for the remaining half, they are not students, but teachers.

Zhao Yue, a senior swordsman, is thirty-three years old, never married, beautiful and temperamental, fair-skinned and long-legged, with a good family background, and has countless suitors in society.

In terms of temperament and appearance, she is definitely not inferior to the first two, and even has an additional killing effect for certain special groups of people. After all, some people don't like small ones, but prefer bigger ones than themselves. The legacy of Wei Wu.

As for her, Zhou Yu counted her as only half of her, and she lost because she was never married. It was said that she had a fiancé, and before the two got married, the other party died unexpectedly.

Human beings are very complicated. Sometimes, married widows are more attractive than unmarried widows.

Thousands of years ago, there was a big boss surnamed Cao who liked this alone. As for thousands of years later, there will be more such people.

The power of the example of the ancestors is infinite.

At this time, Zhao Cheng saw Wu Nian walking towards him, got up immediately, and walked forward to say hello.

And the two teachers around Wu Nian saw Zhao Cheng, glanced at him, and said with a smile, "Old Wu, your new student is very good. You have a pure mind and a clear mind. You are a good seed."

In the previous life, there was a saying of knowing people, knowing the face, but not knowing the heart, but in this life, unless a person's spiritual realm is already extraordinary and can be changed in ever-changing ways, otherwise a person's character can be detected by a swordsman with strong spiritual power .

Even, not to mention swordsmen, even some ordinary people with relatively sharp mental strength, sometimes they will vaguely and subconsciously reject certain people, and they don't like them at first glance.

As for other people, even if they are just meeting them for the first time and are not familiar with them, they still feel good about them.

Some people say that this is the so-called compatibility, which is not bad, but in essence, it is a strange perception at the spiritual level.

Ordinary people's mental strength is weak, and their strength is limited. Therefore, the spirit of time is not effective, but the swordsman's power is just like looking at the palm lines at a glance.

Of course, that is not a realm that a swordsman can reach, but with years of experience, a swordsman can still make a rough judgment.

"Of course, I, Wu, don't talk about anything else, just talk about my eyesight. When was it bad?!"

"My name, Wu Huoyan, is not fake!"

Wu Nian said proudly.

The so-called fiery eyes are naturally fiery eyes.

"Come on, Zhao Cheng, I'll take you to see some of your senior brothers."

Wu Nian waved his hand.

"In my place, there is no such thing as a senior senior brother or a second senior brother. According to the time of entry, the earlier is the senior, and the later is the junior. In Qingyuan, including you now, there are four students in total."

"Your three seniors, two of them are already seniors, and one is a sophomore."

"I think you have a good relationship with Zhou Yu. That kid, if you work a little harder, you should be your junior in no time. For now, you are the youngest."

Wu Nian said with a bold smile, there was something of an ancient hero in his words.

While talking, a group of three walked up to Wu Nian and said hello together: "Mr. Wu is good!"

"This is Qi Ming, a third year in high school."

Wu Nian pointed to a boy who was a little dark and thin but had extremely bright eyes and said.

This boy is dark, not very good-looking, and not too conspicuous, but he can feel a sense of fierceness.

"Don't look at your senior brother Qi being thin, but your strength is not small. There is a saying that you only gain strength but not flesh. Even Zhou Yu, with the same progress in cultivation, is stronger than you, senior brother Qi. "

Wu Nian introduced.

The world here is vast and boundless, and there are countless strange physiques. Similar physiques may be rare in previous lives, but in this life, even if it is just a small Xiangnan, there are not many.

However, physique is physique, whether one can succeed in swordsmanship depends on one's character, one's character is unstable, and no matter how strong one is, it is also a rotten wood, such as Zhou Yu.

"This is Zhang Shen, a senior in high school."

Wu Nian pointed to another fair and clean young man. The young man was tall and straight, but his facial features were too soft. He had a baby face. Looking at his back, he was naturally a heroic young man, but if he added his face, it would make people doubt his gender.

"This is Zhu Guang, a sophomore in high school."

Wu Nian finally pointed to a tall young man.

Although this young man is not very old, he looks very mature. If these three people walk together, everyone will definitely think that Zhu Guang is the oldest.

But in fact, he is the youngest.

"Hi brothers!"

Zhao Cheng greeted the three senior brothers without any stage fright.

"This is your younger brother, Zhao Cheng, a sophomore in high school."

Wu Nian pointed at Zhao Cheng and said.

"Hello Junior Brother!"

The three senior brothers spoke in unison, without showing any identity.

While Zhao Cheng and the others were talking, another person arrived, and the two figures who came hand in hand directly attracted many eyes.

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