In other respects, from June to now, except for the daily simulation consumption, Zhao Cheng has obtained nearly 10,000 source points, and these nearly 10,000 source points, plus 560,000 simulation points, have become Three expansion slots.

In this way, the number of Zhao Cheng's characteristic expansion slots is as high as 12.

At this point, if you want to increase it, the next one will need 640,000 simulation points, and the required resources will increase exponentially. Even if Zhao Cheng has enough liver, he still feels a little numb when he thinks about the resources he will need later.

With this, Zhao Cheng's upper limit of swordsmanship level has now reached level 115, which is a terrible number, when the source point is almost exhausted.

Zhao Cheng now, whether it is the main body or the super-dimensional body, has exceptional combat effectiveness. Such a high level of swordsmanship is indispensable.

According to Zhao Cheng's progress, in another two months, he will be able to get together one million basic units of the Starfire to achieve a perfect ending.

Of course, Zhao Cheng will definitely win. A 100% winning rate only means that he is as strong as the power of Doomsday. It does not mean that he will definitely win. If Zhao Cheng thinks about it, he must have around 120% to be safe.

In addition, Zhao Cheng also has the idea of ​​consuming sparks and slightly changing history. In short, it is beneficial and harmless to play it safe.

Calculated in this way, the time for Zhao Cheng to start the final battle will probably be three months later, that is, the middle of March next year.

At that time, Zhao Cheng's Kong Jie should be able to be strengthened to +13, now it is +12, and there are about 14,000 white strengthening stones left before +13.

In terms of strengthening, from +1 to +5, white strengthening stones are required, and the quantities are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 respectively; from +6 to +10, the required quantity remains the same, but the quality has changed to blue Yes, one piece of blue is equivalent to one hundred pieces of white; and from +11 to +15, the number remains the same, only the blue becomes purple.

One piece of purple is equivalent to one hundred pieces of blue and ten thousand pieces of white.

But the improvement in strengthening, the improvement is huge, straightforward and simple, 100% bonus, but the further you go, the more difficult it is.

Then there is the evolution of Kong Jie, and now Kong Jie is still of purple quality, and the progress bar has reached 86.7%.

In this aspect of the algorithm, from white to blue, and from blue to purple, the resource requirements are only increased by ten times, while from purple to gold, the required resources are directly increased by a hundred times.

Obviously, the meaning of gold is very different, and gold means immortality.

However, because Zhao Cheng's range and quality of killing monsters are all full, with this progress, he can increase by about 1% a day.

In fact, at the beginning of October, the progress bar was only in the twenties, but now it has increased a lot in just two months.

In just half a month, Zhao Cheng's Kong Jie will be able to go one step further. If everything goes according to Zhao Cheng's expectation, then, he may kill Cang without opening the forbidden technique.

As far as Zhao Cheng's mental strength is concerned, most of the credit for being able to reach the current state is due to the feedback brought about by the evolution of Kongjie.

From purple to gold, with such a vast amount of power accumulated, it can be predicted that when the quality changes, the feedback given to Zhao Cheng will definitely be worthy of Zhao Cheng's killing during this period.

Especially in the past two months, each simulation, Zhao Chengcheng directly wiped out more than half of the world at twice the speed of sound, plus two teleportations, except for the strongest Cang, the three stable kings of the century, and the four kings of martial arts. There are more than ten, as for the mobs below, there are countless!

Four rounds a day, how many lives have been harvested? !

The reality is only two years, but he has been in the simulated world, and the time for the spark to come, plus the reality, it has been about ten years.

It took such a long time for him to be as powerful as he is today.

In this, the help of the panel cannot be denied, but Zhao Cheng himself has never slack off.


In the southern Hunan villa area, in Shi Tianyi's villa, Zhao Cheng and Wu Nian watched from the side, while Shi Tianyi was dancing his sword in a strange posture.

During this time, because he was in southern Hunan, whenever he had free time, Zhao Chengcheng and Shi Tianyi were studying how to revive the "dead" body and spirit.

For this research proposition, Zhao Cheng belongs to the experimenter, and Shi Tianyi belongs to the subject of the experiment.

At the earliest time, Shi Tianyi wanted to go to Zhao Cheng's place on his own initiative instead of asking Zhao Cheng to find him, but Zhao Cheng refused.

The main reason is that his place is relatively small and not as clean as this side.

As for changing houses, or even moving to the villa area, it was Zhao's father, Zhao's mother, and Zhao Xiaoxiang, who felt that their hometown was very good.

The school is right outside the door, and the company is also close to home. Moving to the villa area will increase the commuting time.

From Shi Tianyi's attitude, it can be seen that he no longer regards Zhao Cheng as a boy, but as a real mythical figure.

However, Zhao Cheng has no airs. Although he is a myth, he handles things like the light, and he doesn't feel that he will lose face by running this way.

Face is something that is not brought out, but printed out.

"Withered trees can still be in spring, and the body and spirit can naturally, even in the realm of mythology, to completely refine one's own body and spirit to achieve absolute control over the body, but the body and spirit come from the host body, as long as the host body is still there, you can There is still hope of recovery, but the recovered body and spirit are not the same as before."

Zhao Cheng said.

During this period of time, the reason why he returned to Shonan, apart from wanting to play tricks on Zhao Xiaoxiang, the most important thing was to study the mysteries of body and spirit.

At the beginning of October, he realized the mystery of the unity of the three elements, the body, the body, and the spirit, and the three elements became one, and entered a strange state of resonance.

Although this state is shaped by the power of the fine hole, after the realization, it has little to do with the fine hole.

The process is probably lighting a fire and cooking. When the rice is cooked, the meal has little to do with the fire.

The so-called body is nothing but the physical body of a person in reality, that pile of protein and calcium.

If the body and spirit are the software of the computer, then the body is the computer hardware, and the spirit is the person who controls the computer.

As for the ternary unity, it is not that people are using computers, but that people and computers are integrated into one.

In reality, Zhao Cheng doesn't have the power of the fine hole to assist him, but that doesn't mean he can't prove the unity of the three elements.

Because the three elements of body, body, and spirit also exist in reality, they are common, and can be directly reflected and transformed by the results.

"Indeed, as far as my current state of mind and body is concerned, I am dying of a terminal illness. No matter how many panacea medicines I have, they can only hang my life, instead of bringing the dead back to life. If I want to recover, the only way to go is to die and live again."

As soon as Shi Tian withdrew his sword, when he spoke, his eyes were blurred, as if he was still immersed in the wonderful feeling placed on him.

At the same time, he admired Zhao Cheng even more, because the swordsmanship just now was created by Zhao Cheng.

Now, he is completely convinced, not because of Zhao Cheng's force, but because of Zhao Cheng's wisdom in practice. Zhao Cheng's insight into the mysteries of life has reached a realm that he cannot fathom. The root cause of the admiration lies.

Facing Zhao Cheng, if he still held on to his age, he would be relying on his old age to sell his old age.

As for Wu Nian, he has been a melon-eating crowd for a while, but he feels that what Zhao Cheng created seems to be very powerful, but he can't understand it, and he doesn't need to learn it.

At the same time, based on his current progress, in another three years or so, he will be able to adjust his physical and mental state and advance to a higher level.

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