On the other hand, Zhao Cheng felt completely different at this time.

When the thunder struck him, not only did he not feel pain, but every cell in his body, every ray of spiritual power seemed to be numb, as if all the impurities in his body and spirit were refined by the thunder out.

But Zhao Cheng knew that all of this was just a mental illusion, the information engraved in the deepest source of life.

In the oldest era, life was originally born from the ocean through the baptism of thunder.

Thunder and ocean are the source of everything, but at this moment, here, he is repeating what happened in ancient times, but it is somehow in line with some kind of spiritual information.

Originally, the history of civilization in Zhao Cheng's spiritual world was only when there was civilization, but at this moment, it seems that the history of civilization is no longer limited to civilization, but traces back to the original place of life, from the history of civilization to the evolutionary history of life.

Civilization is naturally great, and there are countless heroes, countless hero stories, and even the spirit of countless people who dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky. All these add up to the strength of Zhao Cheng's spirit.

If it weren't for this, Zhao Cheng's spiritual strength would definitely not be able to reach the current situation.

But the evolutionary history of life, in a sense, is even more splendid than the history of civilization. The emergence and extinction of countless races, countless stories for survival and continuation, all of that, The same is bright and great.

It's just that Zhao Cheng's spiritual realm was not able to realize this level before. Until now, he has evoked Suigu's spiritual information through stilling and bathing in thunder, although this spiritual information is not vast. , In the history of life, it is just a drop in the ocean, but this is the source of everything I have, a seed, and the key for Zhao Cheng to enter another field.

Once Zhao Cheng thought that the mind of the history of civilization was already the limit in a certain sense, and if he wanted to go further, he could only change the quality by quantitative change, but now, he discovered another way, one that includes the history of civilization, but To go beyond the history of civilization, that is the history book of life!


Another thunder struck, and the speed of the thunder and lightning was very fast, but Zhao Cheng was faster than it. In other words, before the thunder struck, Zhao Chengcheng predicted its future trajectory, it was not the thunder and lightning that struck him, but It was when he was chasing Thunder.


The thunder and lightning struck Zhao Cheng, part of which was scattered by the sea water on Zhao Cheng's body, but part of it was transformed into light and heat, making Zhao Cheng's whole body glow.

At this time, his hair and eyebrows were already scorched, but with his current vitality, he can actively stimulate the vitality of his blood, and he can grow back in a few minutes. In addition, amidst the thunder, his Flesh and muscles are not damaged at all.

Even, Thunder seems to have stimulated the potential of his body, making every cell more active, reflected on the panel, and in just a short time, his vitality directly increased by 0.2.

You know, all of this happened in a very short period of time.

However, Zhao Cheng knew very well that this was just the potential of his body part being stimulated, and it was impossible for the second time in a short period of time.

In the thunder and lightning in this world, there is no so-called aura, no so-called vitality, only a pure energy.

He can turn harm into benefit because his physical strength is strong enough, and the transformation of the God's Ladder, if there is no God's Ladder, even if his vitality remains unchanged, he will not be able to bathe in the thunder like this. To the limit, no more, it will damage the body.

But at this moment, he has already met nearly twenty thunderbolts.

Zhao Cheng is clear in his heart that this number is almost his current limit.

After all, he still couldn't absorb Thunder directly.

The evolution of life has only just begun.

Although he is powerful, it is only relative to human beings. Not to mention the vastness of the universe, the ground under his feet is still huge and infinite to him.

After a while, the wind calmed down.

But Zhao Cheng had already changed his swimming direction.

Just now, he discovered that someone seemed to have a fanatical, belief-like idea for him, and it was nearby.

There are people in this ghost place? !

When he realized this, Zhao Chengcheng was stunned for a moment.

According to the latitude and longitude calculated by himself through the magnetic field of the sky and the earth, the place where he is now belongs to the depths of the ocean, and it is a real forbidden zone for life, and only those super-large ships dare to pass by this place.

But in fact, even a super-large ship cannot appear here, because it is far away from the main channel.

However, Zhao Chengcheng soon realized that these people were caused by a shipwreck.

It seems that just three years ago, when I was still a student, I occasionally saw the news that a certain ship wrecked and no one survived on TV.

The sea in this world is too big, a hundred times wider than the world in the previous life. In this case, if an accident occurs, it will be difficult to rescue it in time.

As a result, Zhao Cheng was flying like lightning all the way, advancing rapidly in the sea, and many fishes were overturned by the waves brought by Zhao Cheng, and they circled in place in the sea.

Thirty kilometers, under Zhao Cheng's full sprint, it took less than three minutes to reach the island.

After that, he shook off the moisture on his body, and then took out a set of clothes from the four-dimensional pocket and put them on.

Zhao Cheng didn't wear shoes, so he walked barefoot on the rocky beach, but his feet were spotless.

And in this short period of time, his hair and eyebrows also grew out, even the length was the same as before, there was no difference at all, the only difference was that the new hair looked more vibrant.

"Jess, get up, I'm not a god."

Zhao Cheng's voice sounded, knowing Zhao Cheng's voice, a few savage-like people on the beach discovered Zhao Cheng's existence.

At this time, the white man actually knelt on the ground and prayed.

Zhao Cheng understood that the other party was originally an atheist, but after living on a deserted island for a period of time, God has become the sustenance of the other party's spirit, and it is precisely because of this that the other party did not have a mental breakdown.

The most difficult thing on a desert island is not the lack of food, but the lack of hope for the future.

And when other people saw Zhao Cheng, everyone's movements were unexpectedly synchronized, and they wanted to kneel down just like Jess.

Even if Zhao Cheng said that he was not a god, the years on the deserted island had already given these elites who did not believe in gods faith.

Seeing this, Zhao Cheng just had a thought, and powerful spiritual power burst out, which not only stopped everyone from kneeling down, but also soothed everyone's hearts. Even Jess got up from the ground.

But the more this happened, the more everyone felt at this moment that the person who looked like a sunny boy in front of him was definitely not a human being.

There are about three more chapters in the follow-up, which are being written

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