Doomsday simulator, I prove extraordinary with swordsmanship

Chapter 70 Classmates and teenagers are not cheap

Soon, under the darkness of night, the bonfire in the center suddenly ignited, lighting up the surrounding area red.

At the same time, on each tent, except for the aisle leading to the toilet, all the lights on the other tents were also turned off at this time.

A large circle outside the bonfire has already laid out blankets, large and large blankets, forming a circle, you can sit at will, and the atmosphere suddenly rises.

After that, there were people, one by one, issuing number plates.

The organizers of this bonfire party didn't do any fancy things, such as dancing around the bonfire. After all, they were still students, and most of them were relatively thin-skinned.

Therefore, after many discussions and votes, the activity of telling ghost stories was finally voted out.

Everyone has a number plate, and the host draws randomly from the box above, and those who are drawn will tell a ghost story in public, give impromptu speeches, or use their mobile phones to look up information.

But there is one thing that cannot be repeated.

And if you are really good at talking about this, you can also perform a talent show and pass the test.

For the students, the story is actually not scary, but the second is the lively atmosphere. The wilderness, campfire, companions, these elements alone are already very interesting.

Even before the official start, many people's faces were already flushed, and they didn't know whether it was from the fire or excitement.

"Zhao Cheng, are you afraid?"

Next to Zhao Cheng, Zhao Xiaoxiang tugged at Zhao Cheng's sleeve, his tone a little excited.

"I feel that with so many of us, ghosts should be afraid of us."

Zhao Cheng couldn't help complaining.

In those ghost movies, there are usually three or five people who go to the wilderness in the middle of the night to kill ghosts.

But in front of him, there were more than a hundred people, and there was a brightly lit bonfire. This was no longer about ghosts scaring people, but people scaring ghosts.

If there are any ghosts in this place, they belong here to scare the aborigines.

"Zhao Cheng, let me tell you, I have prepared a super scary ghost story. When you go to bed later, don't be scared to wet the bed."

Zhao Xiaoxiang snorted softly, and then said.

When Zhao Cheng heard this, he thought of Zhao Xiaoxiang's activity in family ghost stories in the early years, and the fact that he was too scared to go to the bathroom alone by the ghost stories told by his mother. Horror" was somewhat skeptical.

However, thinking of some past events, Zhao Cheng also had to admire his mother's ability to tell stories, always able to tell fake stories as if they were true.

Looking back, when he was still young, he was also frightened. When he was sleeping, he didn't dare to let his feet out of the bed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Cheng couldn't help smiling.

"What are you laughing at?!"

Seeing Zhao Cheng's smile, Zhao Xiaoxiang pushed Zhao Cheng.

"Think of something interesting."

"I still remember someone who was too scared to go to the toilet."

Zhao Cheng said.


Zhao Xiaoxiang hummed and patted Zhao Cheng.

"That's because I was young and ignorant. Do you know what is called Thirty Years in Hedong and Thirty Years in Hexi? Don't bully girls to be poor. It's already 2022. You still look at me with old eyes, Zhao Cheng, let me tell you , Your path is narrowed."

"Don't bully young girls to be poor, don't bully middle-aged people to be poor, don't bully old people to be poor, the dead are the greatest?!"

Zhao Cheng made a joke.

And while they were talking, a furry paw patted Zhao Xiaoxiang once, and then again and again.

"Who is it!"


Zhao Xiaoxiang looked back, and before he finished speaking, there was a cry of surprise.

It turned out that when she turned her head, she saw a hideous monkey face facing her face.

She was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Then, she heard a familiar laughter from the monkey's face.

"Hahaha, Xiaoxiang, you are so timid."

Yang Shiyun took off the hood and smiled happily.

Yang Shiyun, this girl, looks like a lady in front of strangers, but she is very interesting in front of acquaintances.

"It sounds like you are very courageous. If we had switched roles just now, your reaction would definitely be bigger than mine."

Zhao Xiaoxiang snorted coldly.

"So, what's your ghost story like?"

Zhao Xiaoxiang asked.

"I'm not very good at telling stories, especially ghost stories, so if it's my turn, I'll go up and play a song for everyone."

"Piano, I'm still good at it."

Yang Shiyun squatted down next to Zhao Xiaoxiang, with both hands in the air, and flicked for a while, with light and steady fingering.

"Brother, are you ready?"

Yang Shiyun asked, but did not ignore Zhao Cheng.

"It should be fine."

Zhao Cheng said that while speaking, he quickly went through the contents of many miscellaneous books he had read in the past, which contained supernatural elements.

If you read a lot of books and make up things like this, you will naturally become proficient.

Soon, everyone sat down, some were prepared, and even prepared headgear and doll clothes early. Suddenly, this small place felt like a crowd of demons dancing wildly.

At the same time, the large speakers on the outermost circle were also turned on, and there was a weird background music coming from it.

As for the host Li Qingmeng, at this time, she even changed into a classic white-clothed female ghost in a film and television drama, with weird makeup on her face. Human nature is not terror, but a kind of beauty.

Facts have proved that real beautiful girls never put on airs and are very down-to-earth.

As for those who are putting on airs, they are obviously not beautiful girls, they are just demons and goblins.

Afterwards, Li Qingmeng cleared her throat, announced the start of the show, and then began the lottery.

The first one to play was a boy. This boy was wearing a white sheet with two holes, so he regarded it as a ghost and started his performance directly.

At the same time, the scene fell silent, only the light and shadow changes of the bonfire jumping, and the strange tone from the speaker, and the boy's voice of telling stories in a low voice.

This is a story called White Shadow, which is not a specialty of Yanhuang, but a well-known story abroad.

And with the boy's story, the atmosphere became more subtle, and the boy only thought that he had told it well, knowing that he suddenly found that many people were staring behind him in horror.

His body froze suddenly, his voice also stopped suddenly, and waves of coolness emerged from his heart.

"Are you talking about me?!"

For a while, the sound of a knife scratching glass sounded from behind him, and there was a faint chill coming from behind him.


With a scream, he stopped telling the story and ran straight into the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of laughter. Those faces that were terrified before were not even a little bit terrified at the moment.

The boy turned around and saw a friend of his, holding a rechargeable silent hair dryer that could blow cold air in one hand, and a mobile phone that was playing a recording in the other.

Seeing the boy turn his head, he suppressed his smile forcibly, spread his hands while holding something.

It turned out that when he was fascinated by the story, his friend touched his back and used body language to get everyone to cooperate. This is how this good show came about.

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