In the real world, overlapping parallel worlds are unfolding in his eyes, with all lines running parallel to each other, showing various possibilities.

However, his perspective always reaches one yuan, and without relying on Zhao Xiaoxiang's coordinates, he still can't see the parallel time and space where the other party is.

The "distance" is too far away.

However, when the sense of consciousness touches good fortune for the second time and observes this parallel time and space again, Zhao Cheng is no longer as powerless as before.

It doesn't even need a super-dimensional body to come to reality, and at the cost of one life, just relying on one's own current strength is enough to project a little of one's own radiance there.

At the same time, he also knew how to bring Zhao Xiaoxiang back.

He needs to build a multi-dimensional bridge based on two sufficiently stable base points in real time and space and parallel time and space.

As for the method, it is naturally not to allow myself in the parallel world to cultivate to an extremely powerful state step by step, which is too slow.

Zhao Cheng's method is to artificially speed up the process by taking advantage of the phenomenon that when he observes himself in the parallel world, the starting point and end point of that self are locked.

At the same time, this process is also a process of exploration for Zhao Cheng, the exploration and verification of consciousness, spirit, self, and diversity.

In fact, when Zhao Chengzhi felt good fortune, his mind had already started a new round of transition.

Originally, there was only one of him, and that was him.

From the previous life, to this life, and later, the panel appeared, simulated again and again, then cleared the level, practiced without falling, and finally stood on the top of the universe, invincible in the universe, this kind of him is him.

As for him in the parallel world, he is just similar to him.

But as he observes the diversity, and observes himself in the diversity, everything changes.

The process is like when he stood at the peak and differentiated into tens of thousands of incarnations, he is still him, and the self in the parallel world is also him, but it is only one side of him!

He is one and also ten thousand, and he in parallel time and space is just one of ten thousand, all of them are him, but there are priorities.

This is a very mysterious state, but it also conforms to Zhao Cheng's understanding of life.

Cultivation is by no means flying from the mortal world to the fairy world, from the fairy world to the god world, from the god world to the creation world..., such infinite stacking of boxes, the whole process, the power is not only increasing, but also constantly mastering various miracles. It is becoming stronger and evolving, but at the core, such a life itself, some of the core things, such as the heart, thinking, and me, have not seen qualitative changes.

This is undoubtedly very unreasonable.

Accompanied by his thoughts, there was a fruit outlined by a line on the top of Zhao Cheng's head. If he counted it carefully, he would find that there were ten lines in total. A meaning that spans multiple dimensions.

That invisible ray of light seems to be able to illuminate everything.

As for Zhao Cheng's flesh and blood body, there was nothing unusual about it. At first glance, he looked like a well-maintained ordinary person.

But in fact, in his reality, he has also solidified the third state. He is always in the state of the real body of the demon god more than 300 meters high, but he compresses and distorts the void around him with power.

However, the outer layer of the demon god's avatar is constructed of high-purity qi, such a kind of energy, which can be refined like flesh and blood. It can be seen what level Zhao Cheng's use of energy has reached now. number.

But this is just that he has not broken through the state of being able to pass.

On top of Zhao Cheng's head, the fruit is slowly turning, and all its light is no longer naturally diffused in all directions, but like a spotlight, all the glow is condensed into a bunch, one point, the ultimate compression The scope is increased, and the length is also extremely increased.

The far-reaching place of the quantum foam group in the universe, a certain point, is illuminated at once.

On the side, Zhao Manyun, who had just rushed back from other places, didn't see the fruit and the glow, but he couldn't help being in a daze for a moment, suddenly feeling that this scene seemed familiar, and he seemed to have dreamed about it a long time ago. Can't figure it out.

After thinking about it, I remembered that when I was very young, I seemed to have lived in a villa, but there was a fire in the back...

And these seem to be the contents of my own dreams.

The interference of parallel worlds is wonderful, not one-way, but two-way.

In fact, when Zhao Cheng used his magical powers, many people felt a sense of trance, and remembered some strange dreams that seemed to be a long time ago.


In the parallel world, Zhao Cheng was sitting on the sofa on the balcony, reading some materials with kinder.

It was half a month ago that he had an accident in the ceremony of abandoning light and casting darkness. The follow-up of the incident was that the leader of the anti-god sect, a strong man with the name of a saint, came over in person and made up another round of ceremony for him , As for the result, of course it still doesn't work.

Regarding this, Zhao Cheng was very calm. Although he didn't know why he could be so calm, he knew very well that if he encountered such a thing according to his previous personality, he would definitely be in a hurry and look ugly.

But now, when the result came out, he stood with the saint of the Anti-God Sect, but he was more like the leader of the Anti-God Sect because he was calmer.

In short, the atmosphere was a bit awkward at the time. Later, the saint of the Anti-God Sect said that he admired him very much, and asked him if he would like to come to the Anti-God Sect to develop. They lack talents like him.

As for extraordinary power, it is true that extraordinary power is enough to control the world, but it does not mean that the wisdom and mind of mortals are useless.

In today's world, many important powers are controlled by ordinary people.

As for a person with extraordinary power, a strong man who flies into the sky and escapes from the ground, if you ask him to read documents and stamp seals all day long, he must always consider the other party's feelings.

Compared with controlling the world, more superpowers prefer to be an ancestor.

Leave things to other people, and he is only responsible for enjoying.

The matter was handed over, which naturally meant that this part of the power was handed over.

Ever since, on this issue, Zhao Cheng discussed with the boss of the Anti-God Sect, and finally came to the conclusion that this boss is indeed very powerful and smart, but he is not smart enough. The other party is a tool man.

Although Zhao Cheng himself didn't know that half a month ago, he was still an iron waste, and he barely passed all his homework. Why is he so confident now, thinking that he can crush a saint standing at the top of the world with his IQ, but he is Such self-confidence, and feeling that as long as he is given two years, the entire Anti-God Sect will have to work for him.

In short, it is swollen to the limit, and he himself feels that he is very swollen, but he still thinks that he seems to be able to do it.

Therefore, although Zhao Cheng did not complete the ceremony, he still completed the process of abandoning light and casting darkness.

Looking back at this matter, Zhao Cheng probably concluded that although the matter had twists and turns, the result was still good.

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