Because it is the middle of the month, the moon in the sky is about to turn into a full moon.

The cold moonlight shone down, covering the sky and the earth with a layer of glow.

Zhao Cheng carried the sword and walked through the grove without using his mobile phone to illuminate it. Zhao Cheng's eyesight has reached an extremely powerful level after practicing swordsmanship.

Although it is impossible to see things at night as in daytime, what you can see is very clear.

This kind of eyesight, let alone in this life, even in the previous life, many people acquired it through acquired training.

In his previous life, Zhao Chenggong had seen some people who used slingshots to shoot birds at night. Zhao Cheng went to join in the fun and looked into the woods, but he couldn’t see anything. It has already been shot, and then a bird falls.

Zhao Cheng's current eyesight is similar to that of those strange people in his previous life.

This is just entering tranquility, but if it reaches the stage of entering meditation, any gleam of light will be as bright as day.

The level of life of a swordsman is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Borrowing the moonlight, Zhao Cheng walked briskly through the woods, then along the path that was neither wide nor narrow, and climbed up the hill. Along the way, there were many bushes, and in the middle of the night, the mountain wind was very strong. People who walk this way not only test their eyesight, but also their courage.

The howling mountain wind, if one listens carefully, is a bit like the angry howling of ghosts and gods.

In the past, many ghosts and gods hid in the mountains in the stories, and there are also factors in this aspect.

Zhao Cheng's courage has long been honed in the simulator world, where the world is dead and silent, which is much more terrifying than the living world in front of him.

But as he walked, Zhao Cheng lost his mind and thought of the horror story he made up just now. Thinking about it, he felt a little chill in his heart.

Seeing this, Zhao Cheng quickly calmed down.

Soon, Zhao Chengcheng came to the destination with his sword. It was a platform formed by a large protruding bluestone on the hill. The bluestone was huge, several meters in diameter. Although there were some potholes on it, it was generally flat.

And more importantly, the gap between it and the hillside is not too big, so you are not afraid of slipping.

When he went out for an outing during the day, Zhao Cheng took a fancy to this place at a glance.

Zhao Cheng climbed up the stone, the temperature in the air was very cold, but the big bluestone was still warm.

This place faces the sun, and the sun is very hot during the day, which makes this place full of yang, and there are no snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Zhao Cheng stood on the rock, looking far away, the Tianyue Lake in the distance, under the moonlight, was like a big mirror, shimmering, and the bright lights of the camp were also beautiful.

This kind of scenery is undoubtedly better than the daytime.

Therefore, when the interest came, Zhao Cheng directly took out the mobile phone from his pocket, and with the sound of clicking, the screen froze.

Afterwards, Zhao Chengcheng sat cross-legged, and did not directly start the daily practice, but let himself calm down first, let his feelings, familiarize himself with everything around him, so as to better enter the state.

When a person suddenly comes to a new environment, there will be a process of adaptation. Only after adapting can the mind be more stable. If the mind is not stable, it will be impossible to start cultivation.

According to the rhythm of the breathing method, after breathing a few times, Zhao Cheng raised his head and looked at the night sky.

At this moment, the moon is shining brightly and the sky is full of stars.

Different from the starry sky in the city, in this place, standing on a high place to look at the starry sky, there is a sense of confusion that the starry sky is within reach.

Zhao Cheng was fascinated at first glance. He only felt that the cool moonlight and starlight seemed to flow into his body at this moment, making his blood, which was active because of walking, suddenly calm down.

"If you can use the starry sky as a sword, how magnificent would it be?!"

When he came back to his senses, inexplicably, such a thought flashed through Zhao Cheng's mind.

The galaxy is turning and going back and forth through the ages. Although it is impossible for people to have the power of the starry sky, they can hide the weather of the starry sky in their spirit.

Of course, this was just a thought in his spare time. Feeling that he had almost adjusted his mood, Zhao Cheng immediately began to practice swordsmanship.

Breathing and visualizing, the moonlight draped over Zhao Cheng's body, giving him an extra touch of solemnity. At the same time, it also meant picking up the essence of the sun and the moon.

It just means that Zhao Cheng still doesn't have the ability to absorb energy from the air out of thin air.

If you have to say it, at most it is the "spirit" of the bright moon and the starry sky under the right time, place and people.

Therefore, this time during the practice, Zhao Cheng felt that his condition was unprecedentedly good. On the heart lake, the hanging sword shape and the turbulent waves seemed to be mixed with some clear starlight.

In ancient times, and even in modern times, many sects were built on mountains, not without reason.

The farther you are from people, the closer you are to heaven.

I don't know how long the years have passed in my practice, and I don't know how long it has passed. Zhao Cheng raised the long sword lying in front of his knee, raised it and began to dance the sword.

One move at a time, slow and steady, I want my body to remember the changes in strength during the changes in the sword path.

Zhao Chengcai slowly retracted his sword and let out a long breath until he felt that he was reaching the limit.

Just exhaling this breath, because of the coldness in the mountain, the breath, like white smoke, steamed upwards and merged into a big cloud, and then dispersed in the mountain wind.


"It seems that I am not the only one who has taken a fancy to this treasured land of geomantic omen."

Zhao Cheng raised his sword and smiled.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a medicine."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Cheng took out a pill of Sanbao Health Pill from his pocket, opened the package, and ate carefully.

It took dozens of seconds before Zhao Chengcai finished eating the pill in his hand.

It wasn't until the matter was finished that Zhao Cheng turned his attention to the person in front of him. As early as half of Zhao Cheng's sword training, the other party came.

However, Zhao Cheng did not interrupt his practice, but still concentrated on practicing swords.

"This place is really good!"

Li Qingmeng said with a smile, the previous make-up has been removed, and now the other party is wearing the training uniform he usually wears in kendo class, which is more heroic than the school uniform.

Afterwards, she said with emotion: "Your way is to learn more and more. Your swordsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds in the past six months, and it is not for nothing."

Zhao Cheng glanced at the sky and responded, "Heaven rewards hard work."

Ordinary boys, faced with such a scene of being alone, would probably have stage fright a long time ago, even if they pretended to be calm, they would blush.

But when Li Qingmeng observed Zhao Cheng, he found that his breathing was even and rhythmic, and his complexion did not change. It was very different from many boys she had come into contact with. Obviously, his concentration was astonishing.

This is in life and death, there is great terror, and there is also great transcendence. In the simulator, every time Zhao Cheng fights Sun Ming, he walks between life and death. When his mind is the highest, how much stronger is he?

Not to mention swordsmanship, just this kind of mind is a person who can accomplish things.

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