"Merging with other selves, this kind of experience is indeed mysterious. This kind of thing was unprecedented in the past. The changes in the world, no, the world is so vast, but for most lives, they are all controlled by themselves. limited by a narrow perspective."

God sighed with emotion, and the light in his eyes rippled like water waves.

Li Nishang nodded when he heard the words, and also deeply agreed.

"And this is where the charm of practice lies. To explore the unknown, to gain new things all the time, if you really know everything and see everything, in a sense, it is actually a very cruel thing."

Zhao Cheng smiled, and then Zhao Cheng stood up straight.

"In fact, Wang Hao's situation is just one of the fusions with himself in other time and space. The combination of the two elements of diversity and life is, in a sense, an extremely interesting phenomenon in itself."

While chatting, Zhao Cheng also became a bit interested.

"Except for Wang Hao, in fact, last time, a total of more than a hundred information groups fell into our world."

"It can be said that there are more than a hundred more traversers in this world at once."

While speaking, the time and space around everyone suddenly changed, and then a group of five people appeared in the busy city.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaoxiang, Li Nishang, and Tianzhu were originally sitting, but now they turned to standing.

There are people coming and going around, and most of them are blond and blue-eyed. However, the words on the signboards on the roadside are not English, which is widely spread, but a small language.

The two and a half gentlemen are both well-read and memorized, and they both have the experience of traveling around the world, but they can tell at a glance that this is an ancient language called Tas, and here is a small country named Tas. .

It is undoubtedly the first time they have seen this kind of time and space shifting method, and they can be sure that it is not that Zhao Cheng interfered with their consciousness, causing them to have hallucinations, but it is true, and they have changed places.

At the same time, a new doubt was born, that is why Zhao Cheng brought them here.

But soon, they noticed the peculiarity here, to be precise, it was a person's abnormality.

It was a young man in his twenties, very young, but he had a vicissitudes of life. At the same time, the other party was not an ordinary person, but a swordsman.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they directly obtained the memory of this young man through telepathy.

He is not an ordinary person, but a demon hunter, a demon hunter who was involved in the turbulence of time and space due to an accident, was exiled to another world, and merged with a person with the same name and surname.

And that's all for traveling, this demon hunter also brought a panel and a mission system.

This is the world of the demon hunter, and there are such rules. In other words, the panel and task system is a natural phenomenon. In the world before the demon hunter traveled, everyone had such a panel.

In the world of demon hunters, there are many professions. Ordinary people can become professionals by changing jobs in various ways. In fact, ordinary people are also a profession, but the growth of professional attributes is very low.

As for the acquisition of experience, there are two ways, one is through specific behaviors, such as priests praying to the gods, and believers of the God of Light do righteous things, and the other is through the tasks that appear on the panel.

As for the demon hunter, the way to gain experience, besides self-training, is to hunt monsters.

Even after crossing a world, the demon hunter's power has disappeared, only his spiritual power remains, but his career panel still exists, and he can gain experience, upgrade his level, and gain career growth through hunting monsters.

In just a short time after time travel, the demon hunter has already completed several hunts, raised his level by one level, obtained five free attribute points, and added points. Besides, he has kept pace with the times , learned the swordsmanship of this world, and condensed his powerful spiritual power into consciousness. Of course, according to his understanding, he activated his professional expertise.

Of course, this is the witcher's own perspective.

As far as the two and a half kings looked at it at this moment, they found that both the panel and the monster were all imagined by the demon hunter, and they did not exist.

The so-called monsters are not real supernatural creatures, but villains hidden in the human world. They have done a lot of evil things, and the demon hunters sensed the evil in their bodies with their keen spirit, so they hunted them down.

But from the demon hunter's perspective, these people are all monsters hidden in human beings. After he killed them, they even turned into monsters in their original form, not human beings anymore.

But the reality is that although these people are bad, they are definitely purebred people. After all, real monsters may not be able to be so bad.

At the same time, after the hunt was completed, the demon hunter did not draw any power from these slain people, everything was just a supplement to the demon hunter's imagination.

However, the other party has indeed become stronger through this method, by upgrading the level, by unlocking achievements to obtain free attribute points, and by adding points.

The two most powerful men, the more serious they looked.

And a group of people just looked at the demon hunter so directly, but the other party didn't realize it.

At this moment, the other party was planning to start a new hunt. He was hiding in the crowd and was observing the target.

"Strange, isn't it?"

Zhao Cheng said.

Afterwards, the group watched the demon hunter quietly follow them, and waited until the other party drove the car to the underground garage before making a bold move.

The other party's hunting target is a man in his forties. He started his career by relying on the underworld in his early years, but later he retreated bravely and was cleansed. His own skills are not bad.

But the demon hunter's swordsmanship was extremely powerful, and he split the opponent from the middle with just one move of the New Year's greetings swordsmanship.

But as the subject died, the two half-lords in the field had two perspectives, one was their own perspective, where the living person became a corpse, and the other was the perspective of a demon hunter, where the living person became a dead body. Became a dead monster.

And more importantly, as this person was killed, a very active power was born in the demon hunter's spiritual world. This power was not from outside, but was born in his spiritual world. of.

For this kind of power, the two and a half kings are no strangers. Taoism and Buddhism all have the method of fulfilling wishes, that is, make a great wish, practice it day and night, and never forget it. Finally, one day, the long-cherished wish is suddenly fulfilled, and immediately it is spiritual practice. Advance by leaps and bounds, even with the strength of the body, it is also rising steadily.

But this kind of wish-fulfilling method of Taoism and Buddhism is just a small way. Wishes and wishes can only be hoped if there is a wish. Fulfill the wishes of others.

At the same time, unless the power of fulfilling the wish is the kind of grand ambition that can only be achieved after decades, it is impossible to be so active.

Indeed, in terms of quantity, this force is small compared to decades of grand ambitions, but it is extremely active and of very high quality.

There are still three chapters being written, and they will be posted when they are finished.

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