As for the remaining time, it is naturally not for wasting. One is that everyone is exhausted after practicing swordsmanship, and they may not even have a long way to go, so they need time to rest, and the other is to give the students time to ask questions.

In practice, there are always many problems, and everyone's situation is different, so the teacher's guidance is more needed.

Hearing this, Zhao Cheng also sat down on the spot, breathing in a slow and unhurried manner, using the rhythm of the breathing method.

Only breathing without visualization will not consume vitality, but can speed up the recovery of physical strength.

Some people, swordsmanship is deep into the bone, and the body can naturally maintain the breathing rhythm of the breathing method all the time. Zhao Cheng is still a long way from such a state. , the breathing becomes disordered naturally.

In addition, there is a strong man in the legend. Not only does the breath keep the rhythm of the breathing method instinctively at all times, but the spirit also maintains the scene of visualization all the time. It can be said that he is practicing all the time. are getting stronger.

Of course, Zhao Cheng not only has never seen this kind of person in reality, even on the Internet, he only heard similar rumors, and no one really stood up and said that he could do it.

Breathing is becoming stronger. This kind of thing is a bit exaggerated when you think about it. After all, people are not perpetual motion machines. No matter how strong a person is, he will be tired and need to rest.

In the arena, some people went to the teacher to ask questions, and some continued to rest and chat with others.

Especially when they ate a big melon on the spot just now, everyone's desire to chat is even higher.

Zhao Chenggong noticed that many eyes were focused on him.

This kind of sensitivity gradually appeared as his swordsmanship gradually improved and his spirit and body began to purify.

In fact, ordinary people also have this ability. Many people occasionally feel that someone is watching them from behind, and when they turn around, they will find that someone is really watching them again. This is an instinctive reaction, but it is difficult to control. It seems timeless.

As for those who practice swordsmanship, in the process of gradually purifying their mind and body, their instincts will gradually strengthen, become effective, and gradually control this ability.

After all, the purification of the body and spirit is a kind of control over the body and spirit.

When he first acquired this ability, he was also a novelty for a while, but after a while, he got used to it.

Ignoring these gazes, Zhao Cheng slowly emptied his thoughts. Unlike the previous thoughts that were wild and unconstrained, at this moment he didn't think about anything, just sat there blankly.

In this state, his five senses became more acute, especially his sense of hearing, and he was able to hear many sounds that he couldn't hear before. This ability, even ordinary people, has it when they calm down, but it's not as strong as him.

And once there are too many distracting thoughts in his mind, this sense of hearing will dissipate.

Zhao Cheng heard the conversations of many classmates, just today, right now, he is undoubtedly the center of the topic.

Some have low voices, some have loud voices, and Zhou Yu is undoubtedly the loudest among them.

By coincidence, no one came to disturb Zhao Cheng, because everyone knew that the period just after practicing was the most tiring, and it would take at least three to five minutes to slow down a bit.

After all, it is the friendship between classmates. There may be some people who are a little bit "cheap" among classmates, but there are few really bad ones.

Zhao Cheng felt at peace in his heart, only felt that after the previous round of practice, his heart became a little quieter again, although not much, but there is definitely progress.

This feeling is not an illusion, but a real existence.

This is one of his abilities, and he can definitely feel his own progress, or all positive changes.

In the past six months, he was able to calm down and practice hard, which was not unrelated to this strange perception.

For ordinary people, the biggest blow is undoubtedly that they cannot see progress, but once they can see it, they will definitely be more motivated.

Although the sound entered his ears, it didn't leave any traces in Zhao Cheng's mind. Once the traces were left, thoughts would arise, and his heart would not be calm.

At the beginning, Zhao Cheng's spirit was not pure enough, and the "sage mode" produced after training would be easily disturbed, but now, it can last for a continuous period of time.

In this state, the recovery speed of energy is far faster than usual.

I don't know how long it has been in such a state. Suddenly, there was a wave of turmoil in Zhao Cheng's heart. Afterwards, the whole person suddenly became certain. That feeling was like a dragon in a painting whose eyes were dotted, which made Zhao Cheng born. There was a strange sense of completeness.

Immediately afterwards, a natural understanding appeared in Zhao Cheng's mind.

A certain essence of myself has finally adapted to this world, or this world has adapted to this essence.

In a blink of an eye, a nearly transparent panel suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Cheng's eyes. Even with Zhao Cheng's eyes closed, the panel was still clearly visible.


Origin: 0

Realm: Tranquility (52%)


? ? ? (?): God rewards those who work hard, there will be gains if you work hard; panel;? ? ?

Sword type (residual) 13% (red): The upper limit of swordsmanship level +3, the affinity for swords increases moderately, and the proficiency required to improve swordsmanship decreases moderately

Vitality: 1.5 (out of 1.0)

Strength: 6.1 (5)

Agility: 6.5 (5)

Constitution: 5.5 (5)

Spirit: 7.2 (5)

Skills: Seventeenth set of basic swordsmanship six-order version lv4 (lv8) (6/300)

Number of simulations: 0



Zhao Cheng glanced at the panel, this panel is really called a panel, but after a cursory look, Zhao Cheng did not find the plus sign.

After that, he was not in a hurry, and started to look at it from the top.

The first is the panel. When he focused on it, Zhao Cheng suddenly realized.

Panel: the realization of certain aspects of its own characteristics.

Next comes the source point.

Source point: a very special energy or currency, which can realize a certain kind of transaction, or a mysterious equivalent exchange.

After that is the boundary.

Realm: Dataization of self-awareness practice system.

Traits follow.

Traits: The realization of the origin, the cornerstone of life existence.

As for the later vitality, the four-dimensional attributes of strength, agility, physique, and spirit, as well as skills, are also the realization of Zhao Cheng's self-knowledge.


Vitality: the source of power for the existence of life.

Strength: Reflects the explosive power of the body.

Speed: Reflects the nerve reflex speed.

Physique: Body density, resilience.

Spirit: The intensity of mental power.

Skills: Ability in self-knowledge.

Number of simulations: Part of the performance of its own special power, with incredible abilities, can interfere with time and space, and transcend dimensions.

Store: Part of the performance of its own special power, its core is equivalent exchange, and the outer performance is affected by the interference of time and space information, but it will be biased and intercept the beneficial part of self-cognition.

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