Zhao Cheng's consciousness couldn't help sinking, all the way to the deepest point, he seemed to be aware of it, and wanted to break free from this sinking feeling, but he felt that his body was so heavy.

It seems that it is no longer a body of flesh and blood, but a heavy lead, and it is extremely difficult to move it.

Just like that, I don't know how long passed, the feeling of falling suddenly disappeared.

And he, he had already forgotten who he was. He just saw in front of him that there were countless gorgeous soap bubbles blooming with glory, forming a gorgeous ocean.

A voice told him that this is the sea of ​​boundaries, an ocean formed by the convergence of worlds, and every soap bubble is a vast world, composed of countless universes and time and space.

"The world... the ocean..."

In the dream, he seems unable to have a complete mind, and the whole thing seems to be stupid.

Suddenly, the scene changed, the dreamy ocean was gone, and he came to a gray area.

The Dream Ocean was behind him, and in front of him was a huge gray vortex.

The center of the vortex is a strange void, there is no color, there is only a sense of emptiness of "nothing".

The gray vortex rotates slowly, and the gray gauze at the edge spreads out in all directions, as if to soak everything, but it is blocked by the gray-white thing that seems to be a dam.

That is the abyss, the end of everything, and the kalpa of all sentient beings.

Another voice told him.

No matter how powerful a life is, it will not be able to withstand this transcendental calamity. Even if it has infinite supernatural powers, it will eventually be wiped out by the calamity.

He continued to hear voices in his heart. When he was dreaming, he supplemented the setting of the dream. That's it. Zhao Cheng didn't think there was any problem with it.

He doesn't even have the concept that he is Zhao Cheng at this moment.

"He" is going to die, and the dam is about to collapse. "He" originally thought that he had proved the super-dimensional, turned into a complete super-dimensional life, transcended all time and space, all dimensions, all vast time and space, and occupied the highest Tao fruit. You can do everything you want to do, and have everything you want to have.

Time is in the eyes of "His", the past and the future are clear at a glance, and everything can be easily picked up from it.

However, "He" still lost everything that could be lost!

The greater the supernatural power, the greater the doom.

The first thing to collapse is the past of "His", even though he himself has become a circle, perfect and boundless, it still collapses, leaving only "Him" in the past of "His".

Tens of thousands of kalpas will pass, and "he" will also die.

As if talking to himself, his own voice sounded in his heart.

The scene around Zhao Cheng changed again.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a taller and majestic figure than the tallest mountain he had ever seen.

That figure was dressed in gray clothes, his body was full of cracks, and his hair was whiter than snow, each of which seemed to carry the eternal sorrow.

The hair is flying, and the tips of the hair seem to have penetrated infinite time and space.

That figure sat cross-legged, facing the direction of Jue Yuan, with its back facing Zhao Cheng, the ocean of the world, and countless sentient beings.

Zhao Cheng can only see the back.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng felt that this person was very familiar, and at the same time, sadness welled up in his heart.

Before he knew it, tears were streaming down his face, even his body in reality was also crying.

Time seems to have lost its meaning, an instant is an eternity, and an eternity is only an instant.

After all, the remnant body decayed and turned into endless spots of light, and within that spot of light, there was a sword light flying out. Even in the gorgeous sea of ​​the world, all the radiance added up could not match the moment of this sword light bright.

This sword, Zhao Cheng only felt that it surpassed the emptiness, the suffering, and the destruction of the Tao. Even if it was as powerful as the giant in front of him, he could only swing one sword in his life.

The gray dam collapsed with the death of the giant, and at the same time the sword light passed, first the veil at the edge of the vortex, then the gray solid in the middle, and finally even the very center, which seems to be the concept of "nothing" itself, They were all torn apart by the sword light.

The never-ending expansion of the vortex also stagnates, but it is only a stagnation. For the world, it may already be the length of several births and deaths, but to the vortex, it is only a stagnation.

When the vortex came towards Zhao Cheng, fear filled Zhao Cheng's mind.

And at the moment when his consciousness was about to be shattered, Zhao Cheng seemed to hear a voice: As a savior, you always have more opportunities.


In reality, Zhao Cheng woke up with a start. He sat up, feeling strange, but he didn't remember what he had dreamed.

"This is?"

He felt his face was wet, and when he wiped it with his hands, he found that it was his own tears. At the same time, he felt a little empty in his heart. Besides, there was a touch of sadness.

"what happened?"

He wiped away the tears on his face with his clothes, then looked at the time and found that it was only five o'clock.

All he remembered was falling asleep and then waking up with a start.

"I woke up with a start. Could it be that I was dreaming?"

"Why do I have no impression?"

But then, Zhao Chenggong realized that something was wrong. His thoughts and thinking seemed to become more meticulous and transparent. Faster than a cut.

It felt like there were a hundred people in the same place, the former were stragglers fighting on their own, while the latter were orderly and orderly.

The effect that the latter can exert is naturally far superior to the former.

This is not the growth of mental power, but more essential, the change of thinking. If mental power is compared to hardware, thinking is software. The former determines the upper limit, and the latter determines the lower limit.

Feeling suspicious, Zhao Cheng immediately looked at the panel, and immediately realized something was wrong.

On his panel, there was an extra item in the column of skills.

Raising Swordsmanship (???) (lv1) lv0 (700/1000000)

(First level of health preservation, first level of sword comprehension: chopping wind +1, fighting blood +1)

This is what Zhao Cheng saw. The second thing is full of question marks, and the first is his panel itself.

Therefore, his idea clicked on it immediately.

Raising swordsmanship (???) The mysterious origin of the first chapter of Supreme Kendo, using various experiences as nourishment, writing chapters of Kendo, raising the supreme sword, its law is unknowable, unspeakable, unimaginable, untransmittable, eternal and unique

Immediately, Zhao Chengcheng understood, not from the words, but the kind of understanding similar to Buddha holding flowers and smiling at each other.

This kind of swordsmanship does not cultivate the body or the spirit, but the thinking that is closer to the original.

If you want to practice, there is no so-called practice method, but to experience and experience. All your own experiences will be turned into nourishment for casting your thinking into a supreme sword.

Originally, the growth of human thinking is a process of accumulation and then epiphany. Only after epiphany can accumulation turn into growth, and growth may not necessarily be large.

However, raising swordsmanship is equivalent to being the strongest blacksmith in the world, bringing every experience and effect to the extreme.

Just like graphite and diamond, both are carbon in essence, but the former is fragile, while the latter is indestructible.

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