After the battle ended in three seconds, Zhao Cheng suddenly relaxed and felt exhausted.

With his current mental strength, if he enters the strongest explosive state, it is estimated that he can only last for ten seconds at most.

The super sense is indeed powerful, but the consumption is also huge.

At the same time, at the moment of withdrawing from the super sense, there will be an obvious gap in thinking. In the state of battle, this small gap is very likely to determine life and death.

The use of super sense needs to grasp the timing.


The dark sky was stained with blood. Zhao Cheng glanced at the blood moon. No matter how many times he looked at it, he felt hairy in his heart.

This feeling has nothing to do with the strength of willpower, it is completely an instinctive feeling.

After running around for a while, Zhao Cheng came to the Young Eagle Club again, and then fought against Boxing Monster.

Zhao Cheng knew the weakness of super sense, so he fought with Boxing Monster, and didn't use super sense at first, until Boxing Monster was injured many times and weakened a lot, Zhao Cheng felt that the time was almost right, and he entered the super sense state.

In fact, if the super sense is not used, the improvement of Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship will undoubtedly be greater after a fight.

But in this way, the super sensory ability will not be exercised.

For an ability, the easiest way to become stronger is to use it frequently.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng would rather acquire less proficiency in basic swordsmanship, and seize the opportunity to train his super sense.

Zhao Cheng wanted to think that the most ideal state of super sense should be on and off in an instant, free to change, round and round as you wish.

To achieve this, the most important thing is not how much the super sense is increased, but to gradually turn this use into an instinct in daily use.

Eight seconds later, the super sense ended, and the boxer got two sword strikes in the neck. At this moment, Zhao Cheng's movements froze for a moment, and five deep claw marks were directly scratched on his chest.

After that, there was another fight, and after more than thirty seconds, Zhao Chengcai hit the final sword.

"During the battle, a slight difference may be the difference between life and death."

Zhao Cheng said to himself.

He originally thought that he could end the battle with the blessing of super sense, but in fact he was a little bit short.

Obviously, human feelings are not absolutely reliable.

"Also, the longer the super sense is maintained, the greater the consumption."

"If it is only turned on for three seconds at a time, and this cycle is repeated, I am afraid that it can be turned on at least five times. If it is turned on and off instantly..."

Zhao Cheng thought, summing up his experience.

Super-sensing is a bit like weightlifting, there is a huge difference between lifting for one second at a time and ten seconds at a time.


After the super sense is exhausted, the sequelae are not small, and there is a feeling of loss of strength, in terms of spirit.

In the last 30 seconds just now, if it weren't for the fact that Boxer had been hit twice in the neck, and his attributes had been weakened by at least 40%, Zhao Cheng would probably have been killed.

In this way, Zhao Cheng took a full rest for almost half an hour, and only then did he feel that he had regained some energy.

And he didn't plan to run the map anymore, but wanted to see how big the gap was between him and the elite monsters after he activated his super sense.

In the dungeon, Zhao Cheng now divides the monsters into four levels.

The lowest ones are miscellaneous soldiers, there are two, boxing master Sun Ming, and boxing monsters.

After that there are two elite monsters, one is a boxing fanatic and the other is a boxing despairer.

After that, there is the little boss, the painstaking person.

The final boss is naturally the boxing master and his group of younger brothers.

The closest to the Young Eagle Club is the Zhengshang office building, which is where the boxing despairers are located.

Zhao Cheng touched it and entered the super-sensing mode. The two fought five moves, no one was injured, and Zhao Cheng ended his super-sensing in the sixth move, and was killed by a punch.

Zhao Cheng estimated that if his super sense could be activated for about ten minutes, he would have a chance to grind his blood to death.

But my super sense can really last for ten minutes. I am afraid that at that time, even a boxing master will have to use the explosive seed if he wants to receive two swords from him.

The road is obstructed and long.


In the second simulation, Zhao Cheng did not directly "kill" Sun Ming, but used Sun Ming to practice super sense, switching on and off in seconds, trying to form a combat mode with super sense as the core.

After trying twice and almost being beaten to death, Zhao Cheng gave up the idea, but Zhao Cheng had a new idea.

He didn't use his super sense, but relied on his skills, which killed Sun Ming.

After that, he still repeated the same tricks against the boxing monster.

When the monsters were finished fighting, Zhao Cheng ran the map first.

When the time was about to end, Zhao Cheng began to face the air, imagining that there was an enemy in front of him, so as to practice the super-sensing second-on-second-off.

In the past, Zhao Cheng belonged to him. He didn't even learn how to run, so he wanted to start running. Now he has his feet on the ground.

Zhao Cheng also reflected on himself. After a long time, he seemed to regard the simulated world as a "game", and began to be contemptuous and not cautious enough.

It's fine if it's really just a game, but this world obviously isn't.

Whether it is reality or simulation, you must be consistent.

Whatever the mentality is in reality, it must be the same mentality in the simulation. If the heart is broken, the road will be narrowed.

After a night without dreams, Zhao Cheng woke up on time at half past five.

Zhao Cheng found that he woke up an hour earlier than before in the middle of the night, but after waking up, he was equally full of energy.

Obviously, this is the effect of the first level of health preservation, and its own recovery ability has increased by about one tenth.

At first glance, this improvement is not big, but after a long time, it is still very impressive.

After waking up, Zhao Cheng started his daily practice, because he didn't need to separate the visualization of breathing from the sword path, so it only took more than half an hour for Zhao Chenggong to complete the practice, and the time was spent even more. It's short, but the overall effect is improved.

After that, Zhao Cheng took a pill of Sanbao Yangsheng Pill, and sat quietly for a quarter of an hour to recover his mental strength.

At this time, it was only around twenty after six o'clock, and there was still a long time before the morning class.

So, when Zhao Cheng went out, he ate breakfast nearby, a large bowl of noodles, two deep-fried dough sticks, and four steamed buns, and he was barely full.

When he came back, Zhao Cheng saw Zhao Xiaoxiang practicing sword at the door.

Zhao Cheng thought that she was only a three-minute hot, no, she still has a bit of perseverance, but I don't know how long she can last.

It would be a great thing if it could persist.

So, Zhao Cheng went back to his room, got his wooden sword, and once again corrected Zhao Xiaoxiang's sword path.

This time, it was only two days after the last time, but Zhao Cheng felt that he became more at ease. Although his thoughts like electricity were not comparable to the super-sense state, it still gave him a strong insight.

Zhao Cheng somewhat understood why a swordsman could easily correct someone's sword path.

But now, under the swordsman, there should not be many people who are stronger than him in terms of thinking.

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