Doomsday simulator, I prove extraordinary with swordsmanship

Chapter 98: Fragmented Pages of Boxing Monster's Diary

First page:


Because of the nuclear war, the time has been lost.

That war was said to be very tragic, and countless people died, but that was all before I was born.

I heard from my mother that before the war broke out, everyone had endless food and water, and they were even so extravagant that they poured food and water directly into the toilet.

Such a world is probably the legendary paradise.

Since I can remember, I haven't seen my father, but not only I don't have a father, but many people don't have a father.

I asked my buddies, and they said, the daddies are all dead.

The second page:

a long time has passed

I am already half the height of an adult, and the sky is still dim. It is said that the sun used to be very bright and dazzling, but now it is a plate that glows.

The people in the gathering place seem to be getting less and less, as well as food and water...

The third page:

Migration begins.

hungry, thirsty, tired...

Mom gave me half a dry biscuit.

Still hungry, thirsty, tired...

Fourth page:

Mom didn't move anymore. Some people said she starved to death. I didn't believe it, but she still didn't move.

Before moving, my mother told me that if I survived, I am not allowed to be a thug.

That is a heinous person, just like his father.

Fifth page:

I seemed to be dying too, my body seemed light, empty and sleepy inside.

I fell asleep, but woke up again.

I saw a man, I have never seen such a tall man, he said his name is Li Fu, he is the big brother of Heihumen.

He was in the desert and picked me up.

Sixth page:

I met the master, everyone called him Master Black Tiger, the master is not tall, but also very kind, I think the tiger should be a very kind animal.

The master said, I can no longer grow taller because of the radiation.

After the master knew that I didn't have a name, he asked me to take his last name. I have a name, Li Jie

The master said, I was born with a lot of hardships, and I happened to use calamity to counter calamity, so that I could live a long life.

Seventh page:

The sheltered place of the Black Humen is different from the previous gathering place, and no one has ever seen anyone come to snatch things.

Hearing people around say that this is the blessing of the master, which deterred those thugs.

Eighth page:

The master died, and the senior brother said that it was caused by nuclear radiation. I read the master's diary, and this is the first time I know that there is such a thing as a diary.

It turned out that the master knew that he was going to die a long time ago, so he wrote it down in his diary.

Page Nine:

The elder brother left and took many people with him. He said that he was going to pursue the road of boxing champion and become the strongest.

Some people say that the Heihumen is gone, but as long as I am here, the Heihumen will still be there.


After Zhao Cheng read the diary, in just a few lines, he described most of a person's life.

Compared with the peaceful era in which Sun Ming was born, Li Jie was born in a farther and crueler era, as can be seen from the other party's birth.

Fortunately, Li Jie has a good mother, even though she has encountered adversity, she still believes in the light and guides Li Jie to do good.

Doomsday is a hell for the weak and a paradise for the strong. Those who have some power will turn into thugs and plunder everything from the weak.

However, it is not that there is no light in the darkness, and there are also those who, like Master Black Tiger, protect one side.

The collapse of order, the loss of morality, and the doomsday seem not to be caused by nuclear bombs, but after nuclear wars and the shattering of civilization, order no longer exists.

Originally, after the disaster, it should be a concerted effort to rebuild the homeland, but because of the evil of human nature, some people became the root of the disaster.

Zhao Cheng's mood was changing, and the doomsday depicted in just a few lines seemed to make a flame rise in Zhao Cheng's heart.

However, after all, it was only a few lines of words, and after hundreds of years, the agitated emotions came and went quickly.

And after Zhao Cheng read the diary, in the column of the illustrated book on the panel, the name of the boxing monster card also changed, and became: Li Jie (boxing monster).

From this moment on, Boxing Monster was no longer just a simple monster, but Li Jie.

At the same time, the dungeon of Ziwei Yaoshi, in Zhao Cheng's feeling, is also getting heavier.

Although he has brushed the copy for a long time here, it does not mean that he has any sense of identity with this world.

But with each monster having a name and a story, this world seems to be no longer cold and strange, but a little more lively.


Zhao Cheng collected his thoughts and started on his way.

His current speed is almost twice as fast as when he first entered this world, and the physical strength consumed by long-distance raids has actually decreased.

If it is said that the super sense is a qualitative change in the spiritual level, then the subtlety is a qualitative change in the physical level.

The combination of extraordinary spiritual power and extraordinary physical body is more efficient and energy-saving, and every trace of power is fully utilized.

With Zhao Cheng's current reaction and physical strength, give him a grappling hook, and he can move freely among tall buildings.

If the distance between buildings is only a few meters, he can jump over it in one jump. If there is a distance of more than ten or tens of meters, he can also use the hook lock to move horizontally and horizontally, and his mobility is terrifying.

In this simulation, boxing expert Sun Ming was the first to be killed by Zhao Cheng, boxing monster Li Jie was the second, and now, Zhao Cheng was rushing to the third miscellaneous soldier.

The third miscellaneous soldier was discovered by Zhao Cheng ten days ago. It was located in Shengyue Square, and its name was the Lost Heart.

The evolution direction of this monster is closer to the painstaking figure that Zhao Cheng discovered a long time ago, that is, the monk who blew Zhao Cheng's head off with one blow.

The opponent's muscles are not well developed, but his strength is very strong, and his strange mental attack is also a weakened version of the painstaking person.

If he had just entered this world, Zhao Cheng would have been instantly killed in a single encounter.

However, when Zhao Cheng found the other party, his mental training had already superimposed to 1.8, and his will was even more battle-tested, extremely firm, with various buff bonuses.

Without shaking Zhao Cheng's spirit, the opponent was even easier to deal with than Sun Ming.

At the same time, if Zhao Cheng's expectations are correct, the one who lost his mind should be the last miscellaneous soldier on the map of Moyun City.

Just three days ago, Zhao Cheng finally finished the map. Even in the later stage, because the map was too big and there was not enough time, Zhao Cheng, except Sun Ming, and the other two miscellaneous soldiers gave up, just to finish the map.

As for the harvest.

Miscellaneous soldiers (white): boxing expert, boxing monster, heartbroken

Elite monsters (white): boxing fanatics, boxing despairers, boxing idiots, boxing ghosts

Small BOSS (white/blue): hardworking, unjust

Boss: (blue): boxing master, magic boxer

Big boss (blue/purple): Overlord of Fist · Extinguish

In the entire Moyun City, there are a total of twelve monsters, except for the boxing expert, the boxing monster, and the heartless person, all of them are stronger than Zhao Cheng.

And the most powerful boxing overlord, Mie, is located on a small island in the center of a lake in the city called Yunhu in Moyun City. Of course, the lake has dried up now.

When Zhao Cheng touched it, the other party was sitting cross-legged on a rock on the island, and seemed to be only about 2.2 meters tall.

But who knew that as soon as Zhao Cheng approached, the opponent jumped from 2.2 meters to more than 5 meters, directly turning into a giant.

Then, with a distance of more than 100 meters, Zhao Cheng was blown away by the strong energy condensed by the wind of the fist.

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