"Ah! At

this moment, several more evolutionaries were attacked by blazing insects, breaking through the defenses and igniting the evolutionary energy!

"Not good! Run! This thing is evil and cannot be hardened! "

It's a pity it's too late to know now! Not to mention that on the rift wall behind them, the movement they made has attracted the blazing fireflies on the opposite wall, and the overwhelming insect swarm has completely surrounded them!

Although he knew the way forward, he couldn't break through at all, and the endless blazing worm attacks couldn't be defended at all!

In the shocked gazes of Tian Ling and the others, a meteor shower rose under the chain bridge where they were located.

Some are blazing insects that die and burn, and some are spontaneously combusted and fall by evolutionaries!


The leader of the team in the middle gasped, glad that he hadn't rushed to the chain bridge, and that the insect curtain that covered the sky was very close to them!

Frightened, they all retreated to the passage and observed from a distance at the entrance of the cave!

After some time, everyone in that squad was killed!

There is not a single evolutionary left on the chain bridge, only blazing fireflies flying in the sky!

The blazing insects didn't seem to be satisfied, wandering around the chain bridge, if it weren't for the nearby team that had already withdrawn to the stone cave, I am afraid that this would also be implicated!

"Brother Yifan..."

"Don't speak, stay where you are and don't move."

Although the blazing fireflies overflowed around, it was mainly on the chain bridge just now, because the bronze bell on the iron cable bridge was still ringing!

There were also hundreds of them flying towards the neighboring team, and seeing that the situation was not good, they immediately sealed the entrance to the stone cave, leaving only a transparent area to observe the situation.

There was even a single blazing worm that flew to Lin Yifan shakily, and several people did not dare to breathe, seeing that the blazing fire worm was about to fall to the tip of Tian Ling's nose, Lin Yifan made a move.

Two fingers gently clamped, directly pinched to death!

A small flame bloomed at his fingertips and then went out again.

The chain bridge gradually came to a standstill, and the bronze bell on it returned to its original state and stopped ringing.

The surrounding blazing flies are gradually inactive, and without the bronze bell and no prey, they will enter a dormant state again!

At this moment, two more teams appeared, also the forces that cooperated with Lin Yifan to capture the zombie pit. One of them is still the team that just chased behind the ass!

This team is next to Lin Yifan, everyone is ashen, and there are several evolutionaries who have broken arms and legs, so it is not miserable!

The other team was wiser, watching the blazing insects in the sky retreat directly back to the stone cave, waiting for the vision to stop.

The guy who has hatred with Lin Yifan can't care so much, and he will speak viciously to each other as soon as he appears! If it weren't for the aisles that didn't connect with each other, they would have been killed in the first place!

"TMD, smelly boy, let me meet you! Lao Tzu gives you one last chance, kneel on the ground and beg me to spare you, otherwise when we pass, Lao Tzu will let you live better than die! "

This guy is also dizzy, I'm afraid he forgot the power of the energy gun!

Even if the strength of Lin Yifan and the others is not good, Qingshan's energy gun is not vegetarian!

And this meeting also ignored the blazing fireflies in the distance, and no one could stop it if they really wanted to die!

"Brother Yifan, the blazing flies in the distance moved!"

"Go back to the cave first!"


"TMD, offend Lao Tzu and still want to run, I vomit!"

I saw that the leader of the other party puffed out his cheeks, and a lump of saliva shot out at a speed of sixty or seventy miles per hundred kilometers!

It's this accurate head that doesn't go well, and it hits the wall of the rift valley!

But his saliva slowly submerged into the stone wall at a speed visible to the naked eye, and green smoke rose from the places contaminated by saliva!

This saliva is obviously strongly corrosive, and with such a strong rate of fire, it is simply a walking saliva alpaca!

"It's disgusting!"

Lin Yifan took everyone to hide in the stone cave, these guys are looking for death, they don't want to find trouble.

"Run back to Lao Tzu! The other team is still in your passage, I'll see where you can run!"

"You stinky alpaca, who's going to run, give you a baby!"


Good guy, Tian Ling took out a grenade, pulled the insurance, and threw it casually.

Then the little tiger trotted to help, jumped up, and directly pushed his head to the opponent's camp!

"I lean! Hit back! "

Tian Ling didn't pinch the time, and was directly shot out by the opponent's evolutionary, and it exploded outside the rift valley platform!


Tian Ling smiled slyly, and ran into the stone cave with the little tiger!

"Run back to Lao Tzu!"

"Big brother! Wrong! What is that, rushing towards us! "


"I lean, this smelly girl pits me, retreat!"

"Who called me?"

Just as they were about to retreat back to the Rift Valley Cave, Tian Ling appeared again, and the energy gun in his hand was already charged and was preparing to fire!

"I lean! Cover! "

The blazing insect swarm has also arrived, just ten meters behind Tian Ling, against the background of the red fire cloud in the sky, Tian Ling is like a little demon at this time!

The energy gun fired directly, not at the crowd, but at the stone cave behind them!


Several evolutionaries were shocked to fly, and one unlucky egg was directly blown down the rift, but none of them died!

That is, the stone cave after they retreated was completely blown up and buried, not to mention the passage, the cracks could not be seen!

"Bye bye..."

Tian Ling immediately flashed into the stone cave, Lin Yifan shook his head, stopped Tian Yin who was about to bury the entrance, and with a wave of his hand, a stone wall appeared, sealing the path for the blazing insects to enter.


"Brother Yifan, aren't you a Royal Beast Master?"

"Did I say that?"


What is the beaver?"

"It's my contract beast."

"Reckoningly? Well..."

"Bastard! Big brother, they are here! "

Tian Yin is sluggish, the chasing soldiers are coming!

"! Bastard boy, Lao Tzu let you die! "

The leader of the other side appeared, obviously with a full of anger, and at this time he could not bear it!

The original team of 17 people, only 14 people are left at this time, and all of them are injured, which is miserable!

The green tendons of his left arm burst out, and the blood vessels turned from blue to red, and the red color continued to spread, just like blood turned into magma!

Under the influence of the red blood vessels, the entire left arm turned into a flaming arm, like a red-hot soldering iron, attacking Lin Yifan at close range!

This guy's level is still relatively high, and he has the strength of level 1 and 8 stars, which is obviously not something that Tian Yin and others can deal with!

Although they have used energy guns to kill soul eater zombies, mutant zombies are generally weaker than evolutionaries such as the opposite leader.

Xue Leng reacts quickly and quickly, whether it can be dealt with or not, you can't sit still!

The energy gun in his hand fired, and a thick sky blue energy ball shot out and shot straight at the opponent's leader!

Although the leader on the opposite side was angry, he did not lose his mind, and his left arm leaned forward in the impact, resisting the direction of the energy ball!


The narrow tunnel was blown up, and the earth and rock were everywhere!

"How's it going, dead?"


A figure appeared from the earth and rocks, and the guy turned out to be intact!

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