"You are the only being that can withstand my power, I can't suppress my level anymore, and I'm about to evolve. As long as evolution begins, I will not be able to grasp the present ontology, and I will immediately let the coveted existence discover.

"So I need an existence that can master my being, carry all my powers, and control the entire space of Atlantis."

"In this way, I can evolve normally, shed this layer of ontology, and derive a new carrier!" When I evolve successfully, I will come back again and refine this shell to carry all the power.

"Under normal circumstances, as long as I leave, I will immediately be detected by coveted people, and I will also lose control of the body, causing Atlantis to lose control and the merfolk to suffer heavy losses."

"But as long as you can control the body on my behalf, you can solve all the hidden dangers." Moreover, it can also cover my whereabouts, protect my safety, and let me pass the period of weakness safely.

"Also, through you, I can evolve quickly, get through the period of weakness more easily, survive this calamity, and complete the transformation of life."

"Caiyin hopes that you can help me, help me..."

"If I master your essence, won't I establish a connection with you?"

"Caiyin is willing."

Well, everyone is willing, he has no reason to refuse.

The so-called connection is to brand Lin Yifan in Caiyin's body, simply put, Caiyin and Lin Yifan will be inseparable in the future.

This is completely cheap Lin Yifan, just now he also played Caiyin's idea, this time, Caiyin actually took the initiative to send it to the door, this is not for nothing!

If Xiaoqing is a purifier of evolutionary energy, then Caiyin is a vacuum cleaner of evolutionary energy!

This good thing, he Lin Yifan took it!

The young lady has all faded her clothes, and the man can't refuse!

"Good! Then I'll help you! Hearing

Lin Yifan's promise, Caiyin's body trembled lightly, as if it was happy, as if happy.

Immediately afterwards, Caiyin opened her heart to Lin Yifan even more unreservedly, allowing Lin Yifan's imprint to enter the body smoothly and deeply integrated!

A wonderful feeling instantly appeared, and Lin Yifan felt like he was in an ocean of energy.

This time, it was more real, as if he had turned into a color sound himself!

That's because he has already made a mark in Caiyin's body, and Caiyin has given himself to Lin Yifan without reservation!

From this moment on, Lin Yifan was already able to command and fully control the color sound!

As for Atlantis, it was completely under Lin Yifan's nose at this time!

Because the space where Atlantis is located is completely the field of color sound, it is Lin Yifan's field, which is completely under his control!

To put it bluntly, as long as Lin Yifan has a thought at this time, the entire merfolk tribe will be driven away!

Even the mermaid queen will be limited by Lin Yifan, and in the field of Caiyin, Lin Yifan is invincible!

Lin Yifan's body in front of the stone platform was also completely transformed into starlight at this time, directly integrated into the core of Caiyin, and in the colorful halo, the core of Caiyin was tightly closed.

Under the stone platform, the mermaid queen no longer knows how to behave, starting from the colorful sound shell to now, there is no step that she can understand, and she does not understand, why the colorful sound shell is like this, how to let humans enter their core, how to let Lin Yifan have the breath of colorful sound shell!

The movement was so great that even Alina, who was practicing with her eyes closed, woke up and felt confused looking at everything in front of her.

More importantly, she also had Lin Yifan's imprint in her body, but at this time, she felt that Lin Yifan had the same aura as Colorful Yinbei, which made her silent for a long time.

Because she was worried about the situation of the colorful sound shell, the mermaid queen took out the ancient book again and tried to communicate the colorful sound shell, wanting to know what happened.

But Caiyin didn't give her a chance, just transmitted a safe and sound fluctuation, and then opened the passage out.

Seeing this scene, the mermaid queen didn't know what to say, so she could only take Alina and leave first.

It's just that there is a trace of melancholy in the expression of leaving, I don't know if the development of the situation is still under her control, and what kind of impact it has on the survival of the mermaid clan.

Unlike the mermaid queen's concerns, Yades can be said to have added a rare touch of joy.

Just now, there was another vibration in Atlantis, and it was even more violent than before, and even caused a slight disturbance in the city!

This shows that the situation of the colorful sound shell is even more unclear, and it has reached a critical moment!

And he Yades' plan can also begin to be executed!

One secret order after another was passed out, and both the subordinates of Yades and the half-fish clan hovering outside the mermaid tribe moved nervously!

At the same time, in the unknown territory of the Half-Fish Clan, a huge sea beast, its sleeping body was also trembling...

At this time, Caiyin's body, Lin Yifan was sitting quietly next to Caiyin's body, adapting to Caiyin's huge body.

When the time is ripe, he will replace Caiyin, take charge of the entire body, and protect the temporary safety of Atlantis.

In this familiar process, the energy pearls accumulated by Caiyin continued to turn into rich evolutionary energy, filling Lin Yifan's body.

Before entering this place, Lin Yifan was a level 2 and 3 star, or he was promoted with the help of that grass-like evolutionary plant, and in a short period of time, he was empowered by Caiyin again!

Even Lin Yifan's bottomless pit body is rapidly increasing his evolution level!

It is precisely because of this that only he can withstand the ontological energy of Caiyin.

The surging evolutionary energy was like a flood, washing Lin Yifan's body over and over again, and the evolution level also climbed rapidly!

Level 2 4 stars, Level 2 5 stars!

Originally, the mermaid empress said that she could at least improve people by 5 stars, looking at the limit of Lin Yifan's body. However, after this energy pearl turned into pure energy and entered Lin Yifan's body, it only increased by more than 2 stars!

This is very scary, if the mermaid queen knows, I don't know what kind of expression it will be!

And this has not stopped, because this level is not enough for Lin Yifan to support the entire body of Caiyin.

In other words, controlling the amount of color sound body lies in Lin Yifan's current level!

Although Lin Yifan can also control all the ontology of Caiyin at present, he can only call part of the ability at the same time, and if he wants to call all of them at the same time, he still can't support it!

Because Caiyin's body is too large, the energy contained in her body is too huge, which is not something that ordinary people can support.

Similarly, the energy value of Caiyin is at least several times that of mutant beasts of the same level, or even more than ten times!

In other words, even if a mutant beast of the same level as Caiyin appears now, the evolutionary energy contained in this mutant beast may only be one-tenth of Caiyin, or even lower!

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