In the face of the superficial brotherly greetings of various countries, of course, Wisteria Katsutake would not refuse, but also asked the assistant to prepare everything, and all the information about Fang Nan and his party was sent to various countries.

At that time, countries will send their own armies over, not only to contribute to their domestic plan to eliminate zombies, but also to help him kill Fang Nan, why not?

As for what variants, antibodies and the like.

Just listen to that kind of words, I didn’t come up with 100% certainty, they are the data of people with antibodies, just took a video to show them.

When the truth is discovered, they can’t blame themselves, they can only say that they misjudged.


The assistant nodded, and then quickly exited the headquarters, and the editing materials of course had to return to their own territory.

Wisteria Katsutake looked at the video call of the leaders of various countries on the other screen with satisfaction, with a wistful smile on his face, and I have to say that he made a good calculation.

Of course, his purpose was achieved, and this is the most important thing!

The video call with various countries is over, and the matter of military bases has become a foregone conclusion, and no one can return to heaven.

“It’s called Fang Nan, right… You are ready for the next, I will surprise you! ”

Wisteria Katsutake smiled darkly, and then left here.

The parliamentarians and high-ranking military officials of the island country also got Fang Nan’s information, and they all operated, in order to be foolproof, Wisteria Katsutake even deceived his own people, but it didn’t matter.

In this way, the bustle in the headquarters stopped, everyone went back and forth from where, most of the people were more supportive of Fang Nan’s antibodies, and they could expect to bury their heads and work hard in the future.

And only a part of the sane and self-judgmental people think that this is nothing more than nonsense, such as the commander-in-chief.


At the same time!

In the women’s dormitory of the military department, Minami Lika sits at a desk with a headset in her left hand and a cigarette in her right hand.

This look, as if you were eavesdropping.

That’s right, Nan Lixiang is indeed eavesdropping, and the content of the eavesdropping is the headquarters, and the bugging red light under the table is secretly placed by Nan Lixiang.

The satellite launch has a great impact, so after Nan Rika knew about it, she returned to her room as soon as possible, then took out the headset and connected it to a special channel to steal sound.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end of the video call from various countries, the content of the whole process was listened to by Nan Lixiang’s ears word for word.

It also includes Wisteria Katsutake, the slander of Fang Nan’s group!

“Damn it!”

Nanli Xiang scolded grumpy, and she was not in the mood to smoke anymore, and directly extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

“Wisteria Shengwu, this old fox, is really bold to the limit, and he has deceived the high-level of countries around the world, isn’t he afraid that he won’t be able to hold back when the East Window incident occurs!”

Nanli Xiangliu’s eyebrows furrowed deeply, and for a while she felt hot and her breathing was not smooth, and she didn’t know how long she hadn’t been so grumpy.

For Fang Nan and the others mutated and had antibodies, as Shizuka Jukawa’s best friend, didn’t she know?

And after the last call, she also roughly understood a little, the mutation is completely!

Therefore, when Nan Lixiang heard that Wisteria Katsutake, in front of the high-level officials of various countries, she arranged Fang Nan and others with conclusive words, she felt particularly angry.

Before the zombie crisis broke out, as a member of the system, she knew very well that Wisteria Katsutake’s personality was always unclear as a councilor, mobilizing the army to do things for the Wisteria family.

Nan Lixiang is very clear about the Dao in it, and she is also extremely disgusted with the person of Wisteria Shengwu, and now she is even more disgusting.

“Nope! I have to tell that little guy! ”

After calming down after being angry, Nanrika immediately took out her mobile phone to contact Shizuka Jukawa, this matter is too important, and the whole world has to target it, this is definitely not a joke.

Honk… Honk… Honk…

However, outgoing calls are all busy with beeps.

Nan Lika dialed several times in a row, but the result was still the same, the phone never got through, don’t think, most likely there is no signal on Shizuka Jukawa’s side, which makes Nan Rika worried and confused.

In fact, if it was three hours ago, she could have made a phone call, but the explosion of the military base caused signal interference, no matter who it was, it was impossible to get through the phone.

“What to do… What to do…”

In the room, Nan Lixiang paced back and forth, the lights outside the window were bright and orderly, and occasionally the sound of planes taking off and landing was heard.

After a while, her eyes froze, and she pursed her red lips as if she had made a very big decision.

“I have to inform Shizuka that the phone can’t get through, so I have to talk to them in person!”


Minami Rika intends to leave the island!

She couldn’t watch her only friend have an accident, and going out of the island became an inevitable choice.

If it was before the end of the world, as a soldier, she would definitely have absolute trust in the Ministry of Government and the Military Department, but now it is different.

Wisteria Katsutake relied on her status as a parliamentarian to use her power for personal gain, first using the military department against her friends, and after failing, she deceived the top officials of countries around the world to let them set foot on their own national territory and deal with their own countrymen.

Such a ministry is already rotten from the inside out!

Minami Rika doesn’t want to stay in this corrupt government anymore, so she might as well find her best friend.

Thinking of this, Minami Satoka directly began to pack her things, her mind was full of thoughts on how to leave the island, and by the way, she continued to call Shizuka Kumagawa, praying that she could contact them.

The tightness of this island is simply terrifying, so to leave, you must do it secretly, otherwise you will most likely be caught.

This side of the military base!

At this time, Fang Nan and the others did not know that they had been successfully slandered by Wisteria Shengwu, causing people in most countries around the world to target them.

Boom boom –

Nearly ninety percent of the military base has been blown up, and as far as the eye can see, it is all a flame, and the warships in the port have also been ignited, and the sea breeze has blown infinitely more destructive power to the fire.

And just like that, another hour passed.

With the last explosion, this sensational explosion event officially came to an end.

The military base has become a sea of fire in the true sense of the word, because as far as the eye can see, no place is dark, all of them are full of fire.

Despite this, there were still many zombies who came slowly from afar, and then threw themselves into the fire, and after a while, they burned to the bone.

The whole process lasted more than four hours, and the sun was about to set in the sky, and the fire and the afterglow of the sun reflected each other, reflecting the sea and the sky red, which was particularly gorgeous and beautiful.

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