Doomsday Virus

Chapter 114: church

After solving these troubles, Xia Leng looked around and looked at his current location.

飞 Under the band that had just mutated Blood Raven King, he leap a lot of distance, directly across the dense area of ​​the bloodthirsty woods, and is now located on a relatively flat mountainside.

夏 Before Xia Leng had held the idea of ​​riding the mutant crow king to fly directly over this mountain range, but did not expect it to suddenly change direction, and began to fly back in order to get rid of himself.

为了 In order not to return to the starting point, Xia Leng can only choose to "get off" at this position.

However, just when he was busy in the air, Xia Leng's hawk-like vision found that there was a church-like building on the hill.

Why is there a church in such a deserted place? I don't know if it existed before the disaster or was built after the last days.

Anyway, when he turned over the mountain, he would pass by that point.

Xia Leng continued to move forward, and the next journey will not be as troublesome as the forest of death.

At the back of the mountain, there are only a few sparse ordinary dry trees, and it is an uphill section with a wide field of vision.

Some plants are not necessarily mutated when they are exposed to black rain. They will simply wither, otherwise humans will not have food like wheat for a long time, but will be eaten by food ...

He walked on the gravel mountain road, the cold wind kept blowing from him, but Xia Leng could not feel much cold and warm, it seems that even the taste and the like are slowly disappearing.

Now if Xia Leng needs to eat, it no longer needs to be imported.

Instead, just grab it with your hands, and the tentacles that extend out of your palm will crush and devour the food, eliminating the tedious steps of chewing, swallowing, and digesting, and directly infiltrating the nutrients into every corner of your body. Turning it into energy has greatly improved efficiency, but naturally it can not taste anything.

So, even if there is a glutton and a delicious steak in front of him, there is not much difference ...

The lonely back of Xia Xia Leng perfectly matches this desolate mountain, and from time to time, creepy wolverines come from the distance. If an ordinary person is in this kind of environment, the psychological feeling will be somewhat uneasy.

But he has been used to it, and he has been used to it since his memory. On the contrary, when there are a lot of people, Xia Leng will be uneasy, because I do n’t know when the people around you will stab you from behind.

And this strange ability that he has gained now makes him out of the category of human beings, and is destined to accompany loneliness.

However, Xia Leng didn't care about this at all. He didn't need friends, no team, and no need for love, which was extremely cheap in the last days.

I want to say that there is a difference from the past, that is, from the purposeless wandering in the past just to survive, to now there are fixed goals, detailed clues to find the mystery of solving his own life.

Xun Leng may be that Xia Leng is tired of his numb life. If he still wants to live only for survival, with his current strength and ability, he can find a corner nest to spend an ordinary life there.

But now that Xia Leng has the ability to make the world jealous, he is doomed to live a dull life in his life. Even if he faces death again, as long as he solves many mysteries of life, even the cause of the black rain, everything will be It's worth it, maybe ...

boom! !!


闷 A muffled gunshot echoed over the mountains for a long time, breaking the tranquility at the moment!

Xia Leng also stopped walking forward. About two seconds later, a metal bullet was squeezed out of the hole in the center of his forehead, and fell on the stone in front of the foot, and rang out. The crisp sound.

He raised the forehead with the "third eye" opened and looked at the top of the mountain hundreds of meters away. A figure was standing there at this time with a spear in his hand.

The other party seemed a little surprised how Xia Leng hadn't fallen, so he shot another shot.

But this time, after Xia Leng noticed his movements, his body tilted slightly in advance, and the understatement escaped the bullet that was fired at the center of his forehead again!

Xia Leng found that the trajectory of the opponent's shooting was basically at the same point, and the long gun seemed to be more old-fashioned, like a modified shotgun. At this distance, aiming at the same point, the opponent was at least a Vision-enhanced eschatology hunter!

Is it because the killer sent by Komodo has found his place? After all, I just made so much noise myself.

However, it is also unlikely that the other party's famous and powerful organization could use such old-fashioned firearms to arouse its vigilance.

In this way, Xia Leng was a little curious.

After seeing Xia Leng's skills, the figure at the top of Laoshan Mountain may realize that he is not his opponent, and immediately lay down and disappeared.

Xia Leng concentrated the black light energy directly on his legs and rushed towards the top of the mountain. He wanted to see who this guy who attacked himself at his own discretion and wanted to do.

Hundreds of meters away, the speed of Xia Leng surpassing the fourth-tier hunter quickly reached the top of the mountain.

There are no plants on the top of Laoshan Mountain, and the field of vision is very wide. It is difficult to hide any creatures. The church seen in the air is located in the center of this open area.

From a close distance, this church is relatively old, and may be in danger of collapse at any time. It should be left over from the old times.

Wu Xia Leng came to the place where the figure just appeared. He saw a circle of shoe marks on the ground, like old hunter leather boots, and then matched the shotgun shell just now. Could it be a real "hunter"?

He walked straight towards the ruined church, just as he was about to cross the slightly raised ground in front of him.


Xia Leng suddenly buried his toe deep into the ground in front of him ~ ~ and then kicked, a wooden board covered with gravel dust was kicked off by him, exposing a small pit about one meter high .

Inside the pit, there was an old man with a white beard with a vicissitudes on his face, and the shotgun clenched in his hand was now pointing at Xia Leng!

在 When the old man was about to pull the trigger again, Xia Leng had already grasped the rusty barrel with a faster speed, and then twisted it!

Creak ~

Suddenly, the metal barrel was twisted into a "U" shape by a brute force and lost its firing effect.

The old man did not give up on this, but left the scrapped weapons, pulled out a skinning knife from the back, and wiped it towards Xia Leng's neck!

However, at his speed, Xia Leng's eyes were no different from the speed of the turtle. Almost three or two times, he disarmed him and squeezed his wrist to pull the little old man out of the pit. ...

"Ah! You **** bastard!"

The white-bearded old man who had a severe pain in his wrist immediately screamed. Although he knew that he might die, he still stiffened.

Tong Xia cold and calm eyes looked at the old man's dress, it is indeed a vision-enhanced eschatology hunter, but only a first-order, I did not expect such a large age, but also get the baptism of black rain ...

Xia Leng didn't want to talk nonsense, he was going to kill and devour him directly, and he wanted to know the real purpose of this old man sneaking himself through the web of memory.

Huh! !!

Suddenly, with a loud noise, the door of the dilapidated church not far away was suddenly smashed by a force!

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