Doomsday Virus

Chapter 116: resist

For more than five years, Luke didn't know how he pulled them over. He died of hunger and death on the way. From the first 50 orphans to less than half of them.

The remains of those children who were strangled were buried in the back garden where there is now only a dead tree, and the boards were engraved with names to become their humble tombstones.

The former back garden has now become a graveyard ...

Later, he discovered himself and some special abilities that also appeared in the children who had been exposed to the black rain.

Luke's legs and feet became sharper than when he was young, presbyopia, gout and other senile diseases have disappeared, and his vision is even farther than before.

Several children who have been exposed to the black rain have also acquired extraordinary abilities, some have excellent response ability, some bear the power they should not have at age, and some can perceive danger in the distance.

Luke finally knew that these abilities were brought through the black rain, of course, not only brought superpowers, but also death ...

After most of the plants and animals have been exposed to the black rain, they have become stronger and more brutal than ever!

In the following years, Luke used his enhanced ability and, in conjunction with decades of experience as a hunter, began to hunt around the mountaintops for mutant animals that were not so cruel.

的 The clothes on the children's body are also sewn from mutant animal skins.

当然 Of course, he also wanted to go down the mountain to see what was happening outside. After suffering some hardships on the road, he was almost killed by several bloodthirsty roots before he finally found a trail and returned to the mountain.

However, the desolate wasteland, the storm with deadly germs, and the crueler and crueler species than mutant beasts completely cut off the idea of ​​bringing the children back to the ground.

Except for the occasional use of hunting spar to go to some gathering places in exchange for daily necessities, they basically lived an uncontested and self-sufficient life on the top of the mountain.

Although he often eats a hungry meal, he is much better than those on the ground who are facing death threats at any time.

Until Xia Leng broke into their lives.

Luke was chasing a mutant hare, but saw Xia Leng fighting the strange blood crows in the air.

After that, the man not only was not killed by them, he even let the mutant crows flee!

This shocked Luke suddenly. He had lived here for several years, but he knew very well what the clever crows were.

Soon after, Luke saw the man start to walk towards the church where they lived, and then what happened later.

Xia Leng looked at the children who hugged Luke's old man tightly, and they looked at themselves with a determined and frightened look.

For a while, Xia Leng remembered his wandering childhood, but by comparison, these children had a harder childhood than they did then ...

"What the **** do you want to do, do you want to sell them? !!! Selling to those impersonal forces who only know how to compete for resources, these children will only be a dead end !!"

Although Luke also knew that the gap between his strength and the other side was too big, and he and these children were not opponents, he still hoped and said in a pleading tone.

"Do you think you can have a good time with them in this place?"

Xia Leng naturally has no interest in money trading, but is curious about what supports them to continue living in such places.

If these capable children are sent to a larger mercenary company, they should be able to cultivate a powerful fighter.

According to the habit of the black light virus, encountering the baptist will make him think of desperately trying to kill and devour the other party.

But this idea has not been so strong since the last time I suppressed another dark personality, because it will make Xia Leng easily lose his mind and do unpredictable things.

"I ... I just want them to live alive, I don't want these children to be the cannon fodder of the so-called human guides ..." Luke said with a sigh.

The leaders that Luke refers to naturally refer to high-level figures of major powers. Their propaganda to the world is to build a new world for mankind and create a better life.

However, everyone knows their true purpose, and it is true to create a new world, but everyone wants to be the sole leader of the new world, so the struggle between the major forces continues.

If all human beings can truly unite on one day, then the end of the wasteland will be over ...

"Oh, is that so, tell me where I can get down to the mountain faster." Xia Leng said calmly.

After hearing everyone's words, he felt confused. This guy just passed by and asked for directions? ? ?

Luke was speechless, because the man and the shotgun he had loved with him for many years were turned by the other side ...

"You ... don't you really treat us?"

The old man Luke asked incredulously, but when he saw the other person's slightly impatient expression, he quickly pointed Xia Leng a path that he had secretly dug for five years and went straight down the mountain. All the hidden dangerous plants on that path were After being cleared, he usually walks here if he wants to go to the gathering place to change things.

If it was Xia Leng who was unable to control another personality before, it is estimated that this group of children and this dependent old man will become nutrients for black light virus.

Xia Leng has been fighting against the black light virus gradually occupying his own subjective consciousness. He does not want to be a puppet, nor is he to be directed by anyone ...

So, in the astonished eyes of everyone, he left their vision along the path pointed by the old man ~ ~ nothing happened ...

Luke felt that the scene just now was like a dream. He had thought that he would die, and these children would end up miserably, but it was such a funny result.

In fact, it's just that Xia Leng despise them ...

After waiting for the cold man to leave for about ten minutes, they were completely relieved.

"Grandpa Luke, is he like us, a human with super powers, will I become as powerful as him in the future?"

A little girl under ten looked at the back of Xia Leng's departure, and asked in a childish voice, under the running-in of this environment, her supposedly immature face was now covered with folds and vicissitudes. , But she was also fortunate to be a baptist.

呃 "Uh ... maybe, okay, let's pack up and go back to the church, and who was smashed by the church door just now? Repair it for me!"

Luke looked at the surrounding children's peaceful faces, and smiled with relief. This happiness is extremely rare in the last days.

喂 "Hello, have you seen a man walk by?"

Suddenly at this time, a tall and thin man did not know when he was behind them. He was wearing flared pants, flower shirts, and even a pair of sunglasses at night.

Suddenly, a crimson red knife with a glimmer of light played by the man revealed a scent of death in the moonlight ...

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