Doomsday Virus

Chapter 120: Home delivery

盆地 This basin was actually an abandoned mine in the old times. The cross section of the surrounding mountains was excavated by man-made machinery, which formed a natural barrier for this area.

At this time in the depths of a mine in the basin mountain, the national character face twitched at the corner of his mouth, watching the strange man who had rescued his son and a few men in front of him sitting at the stone table.

In front of Xia Leng, there was an iron basin filled with cooked meat of mutant beasts, and there were five or six huge empty basins on the table. These are his masterpieces ...

Since Xia Leng gained this ability, she has not eaten with her mouth for a long time.

Although his own taste system has been weakened a lot under the influence of black light virus, he is still willing to enjoy the feeling of fullness of food swallowed into the stomach through his throat, instead of grabbing it with his hand, if safety permits. , Food disappears ...

"Boss, we don't have much grain left ..."

矮 A short resident gazed at the hungry ghost-like way of eating in horror, and whispered to the leader of the Guozi face.

And the leader of the Chinese character face did not seem to expect the other party to be so edible. This is the amount of the entire ethnic group for almost three days, and the other party seems to be able to eat a few more pots!

However, he was still an angry opponent and said, "You, the white-eyed wolf! People have saved several of us, of course, my son is also among them. What ’s the matter for them? What ’s the matter, I ’ll give me less food in these months Allocate some, and don't you still have the corpse of the giant bear that was solved by others? Go back and slaughter it! "

Then he came over, watching Xia Leng's hands did not stop, he kept grabbing meat from the basin, and said with a little embarrassment, "Thank you for saving us a few, especially my only son, you Is it the baptist? Why do you appear here, you do n’t seem to belong to any organization or power. "

The leader of the civilian gathering place asked with some curiosity, and he suspected that this man might be an ascetic who passed by here.

In the wilderness, a very small number of baptized persons who have been baptized by the black rain and gained power seem to have been baptized.

They disdain working with all major forces, and will not rely on their ability to oppress other ordinary tribes. Instead, they walk alone in the dangerous wasteland wasteland, exercise through various methods of hardship, and strengthen their bodies and thoughts. Like those ascetic monks in the old days.

Among them, one of the most well-known ascetics in the rumor is a high-level master who relies on his own efforts and talents to reach a higher level, called Klek.

He is wandering in the wilderness, no one knows his exact location, and he will never take the initiative to pick things up, but if someone doesn't provoked him, Cleek doesn't mind destroying the other camp together.

Han Xia Leng listened to the other party's bunch of questions, but still had no answer, and was still solving the pot of meat in front of him, which made the leader embarrassed for a while.

I wonder if Xia Leng heard a whisper between them about food deprivation just now, and after solving this seventh largest pot of meat, he waved to stop serving it.

Seeing that, Guo Guozi's face immediately became unbearable, and then he felt a little guilty about his kindness.

Xia Leng stood up. Although these large pots of meat might not be enough for the iron armor bear spar just swallowed up, they also felt a little full.

He looked at the surrounding environment. It is located deep in the mines left by the old times. It is a very good location in this very hidden basin.

矿 This mine is about several hundred meters long, and there are a few miner's lamps for lighting and other humble necessities.

In addition, Xia Leng roughly glanced at this tribal group consisting of a population of about 40 or 50 people, and all of them were ordinary people, and there was no breath of baptizers.

He was most surprised by the fact that there were women, children, and children, as well as a few elderly men with crutches.

I must know that this is almost impossible to exist in the waste land of the last days. After all, it is difficult for them to support themselves. There is no free food to support the elderly who are of no use. The elderly are either exiled or become "food".

And in this ridiculous environment, the human heart has become extremely distorted, and the moral values ​​such as the one hundred filial piety have long ceased to exist. The lack of rations made fathers and mothers, Yizi eat and so on. Moral loss happens quite often.

The chief seemed to see his doubts and said, "Actually, we have known each other in old times. We were miners working here before this mine was abandoned, and these old people and children are their families. , Immediately after the doomsday, we ... "


However, Xia Leng didn't wait for the other party to finish his words, so he returned the word lightly. He had no interest in the origin of this tribal group. After eating and drinking, he was ready to continue on the road ...

When the Guo Guozi face collar saw the man turning, he was about to leave, and immediately felt the embarrassment of the atmosphere again. Did the asceticists say so little or even face paralysis ...

那个 "Well, do you want to stay as our leader, we can provide you with enough food ..."

The gimmick thought for a while, or finally said this sentence in his heart, after all, this tribal group still did not have the power to protect itself, and it was facing the threat of destruction at any time.

And since recent times, the tribe of another mountain range has been peeking into this hidden area for a long time. From time to time, it is tempted here. The members of the other ethnic group are basically mature men, and even several leaders, including the leader, represent powerful baptism. By!

They did not initiate aggression here because they are not sure about the strength of the tribal group here in the mine. If one day the other party finds out that this tribal group is an ordinary person or even an elderly person with low combat effectiveness ~ ~ Then they will immediately launch a tribal war to start aggression!

There are constant disputes between the big companies and the big forces, not to mention the small tribe groups that are struggling on the edge of the survival line.

"Not interested in."

Xia Leng still left the cold words and headed for the mine entrance.

The response of the other party was as expected by the national character face boss. This man has already saved his own life. Now he still asks others to stay to protect himself, a tribal group with no future. He is inevitably too greedy and shameless ... ...

Suddenly at this time, the alarm bell set near the mine suddenly sounded, indicating that someone had invaded the site here!

Guozi, who was the leader, immediately led his men to pick up their weapons and rushed out, but saw the alarm bell triggered by the men they sent to carry the body of the iron bear.

I just sent six people out, but now only one is back, and I'm covered with blood! !!

"What happened to you, others ?!"

Seeing this, the Guo Guozi collar quickly ran up to help him, and saw a deep boxing mark on his chest, and even his ribs were almost broken!

咳 "Ahem ... a few of them were killed, we met that tribe on the way, they ... have been attacked with full armour, and there are many baptizers ..."

Uh ...

Hearing the words of his servants, the stunner stumbled in place.

When Xia Leng's keen hearing heard the conversation between them, he stopped to prepare to leave.

"Hmm? Is there a baptist?"

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