Doomsday Virus

Chapter 124: machine

The hawk-eye danced with the red knife, and at the same time, he opened the black light claws from Xia Leng's chopping, and raised the other palm to directly resist the broken touch from the ejection!


Because Hawkeye's warrior ability is more of a strength type, the defense ability is not too outstanding.

So the sharp broken touch manipulated by Xia Leng easily penetrated his palm, letting it splatter thick blood!

But it's not over yet. Xia Leng intends to directly control this broken black light tentacle and drill into the body along the wound on the palm of the opponent, so that he can directly break and devour the enemy from the inside!

"You **** !!!"

眼 Eagle Eye, who was injured by Xiao Xiao ’s opponent, immediately became furious, holding the injured palm and holding it suddenly, the powerful force directly crushed the black light tentacles to the ground!

After a while, he suddenly turned around and threw out a thunderous thunder leg, swept towards Xia Leng's head!

Xia Leng immediately lifted the black light claws in front of him. If the other party dared to hit them, they would be cut into several sections by the sharp claws!

However, it was unexpected that the other party didn't care about the sharp claws that exudes coldness, and the whip leg kicked directly with a strong wind!

boom! !!

Suddenly, Xia Leng felt that his arm was hit by a 100-ton-level collision machine, and his entire body flew out like a disconnected kite, and fell on the ground and rolled countless circles!

I waited for a while and saw that the claw blade that I had just used to resist was kicked off almost 90 degrees!

However, Hawkeye's trouser legs were also scratched by the sharp claws, exposing a metal luster inside, and he even wore a pair of alloy leggings in his pants!

Eagle Eye lowered his head and looked at the alloy protective gear. Three deep claw marks appeared on it, which made him unable to breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had the habit of carrying protective gear, otherwise he just went on his own foot. Your right leg is bound to be cut into sections!

When he complained that the company had given him this hunting task, why didn't he tell him this strange ability? !!

At the same time, Xia Leng's bent claws were restored to their original shape, but just now, it was the place where they felt the strength of the other side.

Whether it is speed or strength, the opponent is above him!

Are you going to experience the feeling of death again today?

When Xia Leng thought of it, the iconic calm expression on his face finally dissipated, revealing a solemn and stern expression, his dark pupil locked in the shadow of the opponent, he never wanted to die again!

"Did you finally get serious, then I have to come up with my own strength, otherwise I'm afraid I might really step into the footsteps of Eric's stupid person."

Seeing that the momentum of the other person's body changed, Wu Ying finally took off the sunglasses he had been wearing, exposing his piercing and sharp pupils, to show that he was also serious.

之间 No one took the lead between them, staring at each other at a distance of about 30 meters.

三十 The distance of thirty meters is almost a blink of an eye for both of them.

Because of the thrilling attack just now, Hawkeye re-examined this man, so he didn't take the shot easily, because maybe he has other more strange abilities!

Suddenly, he lifted his leg and suddenly kicked fiercely towards the ground! !!

Huh! puff! puff!

石头 The three stones on the ground suddenly shot at each other like a pop-up, and Eagle Eye is best at using anything as a weapon!

When Xia Leng saw this, he immediately rolled over and dodged, letting three stones pass by. One of the stones bombarded the trunk and cut it off directly, showing how fierce the other party ’s explosive power is!

But as soon as I dodged to the side, a whistling sound suddenly appeared behind Xia Leng. The opponent actually used a faster speed and rushed over while Xia Leng dodged!

"You die for me."

Eagle smirked and waved a red knife, stabbed at the man's heart severely. The company originally said that it would be best to take the living body back, but now it seems unlikely!

He thought that the other person would protect his heart with both hands to protect his chest. In this way, he would instantly cut the enemy's throat with the hidden blade of the other wrist and directly harvest his life!

But Hawkeye found that the other party did not, but let his own knife penetrate his heart!


Just listening to a muffled sound, the eagle-eye knife penetrated Xia Leng's heart position, almost even the knife handle was almost in!

"Huh, that's it."

Eagle eyes sneered, even if you have the fifth-order self-healing ability, if the heart is hit hard, this will make your combat power drop to the freezing point in an instant, and you can only be slaughtered by anyone!

接下来 However, the expression on the other side made Eagle's inevitable smile stop. This man not only did not show a painful expression, but also bent slightly like his own mouth, showing a weird smile!

Xun Ying was shocked when he saw this. Until then, he realized that his small knife had penetrated into the heart position of the other person, and did not have the kind of touch that originally killed others, but seemed to have simply entered into the muscles with extremely high density.

If this is the case, does the other person's heart grow on the left, or does it have no heart at all? !!

When he reacted, Xia Leng's arms turned into black light claws and slashed at him!

when! !! !!

Although the reaction speed of Eagle Eye was exaggerated enough to block the blow with the alloy armguards on his arm in time ~ ~, but Xia Leng kicked him on the abdomen and made him feel being attacked. How uncomfortable and humiliating it is to give a kick.

The hawk's eye was smashed into the abdomen by Xia Leng's foot, and it flew dozens of meters away. After rolling N circles on the ground, it stopped, and the retro-style clothes were rubbed and shattered.

"Ashit! I'm so pained!"

Eagle eyes and fangs clenched up from the ground while covering his abdomen. Although the upper body was also wearing a pair of alloy armor, he was directly sunken by the other's foot, and was more or less injured.

Xia Leng pulled out the crimson knife inserted into his body and dropped it on the ground. In fact, he found that his heart no longer exists, not only the heart, but even the other internal organs disappeared strangely, and replaced it. Is pure black light muscle! !!

From this point of view, I no longer belong to the category of human beings, no! It does not belong to the basic life form category!

Maybe it ’s no longer necessary to excrete, digestion in the stomach, or detoxification in the liver, so the black light virus absorbs these organs that are in the way, only the purest fighting constitution is kept!

Therefore, this makes Xia Leng even more free from everything to fight. Regardless of physical injuries, just fight. Naturally, there will be black light viruses to repair your body, completely making him a pure fighting machine!

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