Doomsday Virus

Chapter 134: Advent

suddenly! The bald man heard the cold tone behind him, so he suddenly turned around and smashed the hammer behind him again!


However, the result obtained this time was that the right hand holding the sledgehammer was folded behind him by a strong force, making a sound of bone fracture!

Before he had time to scream, he clicked and made a crisp sound, and his other arm was folded to his back by a powerful force!

Now, the bald man's both arms are paralyzed and softened, his proud power can no longer be used!

The ability to break his arms at once was naturally Xia Leng.

He looked coldly at the other person, who was so painful that he rolled wildly on the ground, and continued to mourn.

However, this bald head is a doomsday warrior. As long as he has a good physique for a certain period of time, his broken arms can be restored to their original state, but Xia Cooling never gave him such a chance.

He leaned down, grabbed the two arms of the bald man's weakness, and stepped one foot on the other's back, and then pulled suddenly!

It's stabbing ~

Both arms of the bald man were torn apart by Xia Leng, and a lot of blood was sprayed at the fracture ...


The arrogant and bald look of the bald man had disappeared, and the blood screamed with blood constantly in his mouth. The intense pain made him forget all dignity.

But Xia Leng hadn't let him go because of this. After dropping the two broken arms in his hand, this time he grabbed the two ankles of the bald man struggling wildly, and pulled again!

The screams were dumb but stopped, and the strong bald man now turned into a "human · 彘", with his eyes wide open on the ground, and only a rattling sound in his throat ...

At this time, Xia Leng's face rarely appeared with cruel smirks, and this anger made him feel relieved.

After playing enough, Xia Leng clenched his fists again and smashed at the other's bald head

The remaining six people finally fully understood that the backbone was not giving mercy to them, but was throwing a tiger into a flock of sheep ...

"It's time for us to cooperate ..."

"Well ... I think so too ..."


Until then, the remaining talents finally saw the situation, and fighting alone with that guy, they would only be queuing to death one by one, and they no longer wanted to take the lead to kill the other party to get freedom, and to survive That's great.

As a result, they took a deep breath and quietly approached from behind each other.

In the venue at this time, there were only four third-order baptists, two fourth-order baptists, and the first-order hunter who was paralyzed and unable to move.

Suddenly, Xia Leng turned around, his cold eyes looked at these enemies who were close to him.

These people stared at the eyes that didn't look like humans, and instantly they couldn't help but a layer of goose bumps, as if submerged by the cold sea water.

"Let's go together, no time wasted."

After Xia Leng said this sentence calmly, suddenly his hands were covered by countless black tentacles, and quickly condensed into a bullying black light claw! !!

Anyway, it has been seen by the controller of the soil system before, so there is no need to hide this ability.

All the people present, including the backbones who watched it all, were completely stunned by the scene in front of them. Only Pullman, who had seen this scene, calmed down a bit.

"Damn, what the **** is this? Is this guy you arrested a makeover ?!"

"How did those claws suddenly come out ..."

Pullman listened to his colleagues' exclaiming. On the surface, he was calm, but he was very satisfied. Didn't he say he looked down on him before? Why are they all drooling?

"Hey, you fighter give me a high price. His pair of claws are hanging in my office. It's definitely brand-name." The military man looked at the pair of arrogant claws, his eyes full of greedy expression.

"Huh, you rude bao guys look after others' hands? Pullman, you just give me the whole person, I will tune / jiao." Fielding face with an intriguing smile Speaking.

Pullman didn't say a word about their face changes, but focused on looking at the situation on the court, hoping that he could bring more surprises to himself.

At this moment, the prisoners looked with concealed horror, looking at Xia Leng's pair of black light claws that brought a great sense of oppression, and couldn't help swallowing his throat.

Although they dominated in number, the guy in front of him constantly brought shock to everyone, from active to completely passive!

"Why not come? Then I went to see you."

He looked coldly at the prisoners who were now cruel and evil, but flinched suddenly, disappearing under their eyes!


A scream rang out from them, so that the prisoners awakened, turned around and saw a third-tier warrior with a body size of more than two meters, which was directly penetrated by the sharp claws and raised by the opponent with one hand!

Xia Leng once again inserted another sharp claw at the same time, just like the trick of the living corpse king on the Street of the Living Dead, his arms suddenly smashed, and he directly tore him in half, organs The fracture fell to the ground!

"Asshole! I'll screw your neck down !!!"

A fourth-tier soldier next to him couldn't stand the passive situation, and opened his strong arms and hugged them, intending to take advantage of the opportunity to lock the opponent's neck.

This time really let him lock it to ~ ~ The soldier was overjoyed, immediately clamped the arm, and wanted to unscrew the opponent's head directly.

However, it was found that the man's neck was pinched into a weird shape, but the sound of smashing bones could not be heard, as if the other party was made of rubber.

But the next scene made him completely overthrow the three views.

Xia Leng's head turned 180 ° abruptly, turning to the back, Lengyan faced the soldier!

Is this ... can this **** be human? !!


The fourth-tier soldier widened his eyes and subconsciously covered his neck with half of his flesh missing, but it also prevented a large amount of thick blood from pouring out like a waterfall ...

A demon-like groan erupted from Xia Leng's mouth again, and the creepy laughter made everyone goosebumps, and his pupils completely turned into darkness.

Because Xia Leng had just used his emotions, his dark personality came again.

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