Doomsday Virus

Chapter 136: prison Break

Xia Leng, who was in the middle of the venue, suddenly heard a slight sound in the wall. Turning his head, the weird weapon that caused electric shock damage to himself extended from the wall again and aimed at himself.

At the same time, a metal cage was raised from the lifting platform on the ground not far from Sinil.

意思 This meaning is very clear, that is to let Xiner return to his cage, and Xia Leng will face the stun of the current!

Seeing this, she immediately entered a charged metal fence, and after the cage was closed, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was so uncontested that she almost died in the monster's hand.

Just as the lifting platform was about to transport him back to the ground, suddenly! A thick thigh flew over at a fast speed, and got stuck in the gap between the lifting platform and the ground!

I squeak! !!

腿 This human leg is exactly the thigh of Xia Leng's thrown, and still killed the fourth-tier eschatology warrior!

Because the leg bone density of the soldier is extremely high, comparable to metal, it caught the gap between the lifting platform and the ground at a glance, preventing the platform from continuing to fall, showing a gap that can accommodate the thickness of the arm!

This scene caught everyone off guard, and when the reaction came, Xia Leng rushed to the cage!

It turned out that this was one of his plans. There was no reason to directly devour those corpses. In addition to not wanting to expose their ability to devour, these high-level warrior bones can also be used as "tools".

Naturally, Xia Leng would not believe that if he killed the 10 people, he would be able to be free. It was true. When he saw the stun gun extended out of the wall, he was even more certain.

"Hurry up !!! Let the lifting platform go down !!!"

Pullman saw this sudden scene, and immediately lost his calmness, and hysterically shouted at the staff!

The staff hurriedly pressed the lift button in horror, but it had no effect. It had been given to the owner by the leg bones of the eschatological fighter.

Feeling helpless, Pullman had to quickly turn around and rushed to the elevator in the back, ready to go down in person to solve the upcoming trouble.

The other two backbones who lost the money are gloating, waiting to see the show, "The surprise that that guy brought to Pullman is one after another."

Uh ...

喂 "Hello, brother, you have already won, you are not obedient to follow the bosses above to eat delicious and spicy, what are you doing?"

Seeing the man rushing here, Sinir in the jail cage immediately asked in confusion, and was a little scared, worried that the other party might have some weird ability to destroy the cage, thus eating himself.

However, his worry was superfluous. After Xia Leng came over, he didn't look at him at all, but put his hand directly into the gap of the lifting platform.

Sineer saw this scene and immediately understood, "I rely on it! Brother will not? You want to pull up this hydraulically controlled lifting platform, even if it is a fifth-tier fighter ..."

还未 Before he finished speaking, he stunned and was beaten on the spot.

I saw Xia Leng squatting with both knees, holding the bottom of the platform with both hands and yelling, and the instant heavy lifting platform began to tremble and shake!

His whole muscles skyrocketed at this moment, and the black light virus gathered at the joints, giving Xia Leng a continuous and powerful explosive power like a turbocharger!

The concrete floor under the stomping foot was also crushed by this force to create a pair of deep footprints!

"This guy has more speed than me, and the power also crushes those end-time warriors, and the pair of claws and eyes, is it ..."

Si Nier saw this situation in amazement, and instantly remembered something. It seemed that it was time to leave the city and report to his real organization ...

"Uh, ah !!!"

Su Xia Leng suddenly made a sudden force again, and the arm muscles were violently blackened by the black muscles condensed by the black light virus. Then he only heard a loud noise, and the hydraulically controlled platform was lifted to a height of one meter by him!

After a while, he immediately rolled over and rolled in, and the platform smashed down again.

At the same time, the only metal gate opened, and Pullman stood at the door with a heavy face, looking at the sky and the disappearing "fighter", with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

"Run, is it? Caught by me will remove your limbs!"

Uh ...

After Xia Leng drilled into the lifting platform, he found that this is an automated transport corridor dedicated to transporting the prisoner's cage into the test site, and the starting point of the corridor is another huge space where he first started, where it was filled with counts Unclear cage.

Without any hesitation, he immediately broke out at his maximum speed and rushed down the channel, because he had just swallowed up so many prisoners' spar, brought all his energy to full state, and added a lot of evolution points. Xia Leng has a hunch, it seems that it is about to break through the fifth-order threshold ...

All the prisons had alarm bells, and every corner was lit with crazy flashing red warning lights. Because of Xia Leng, all the prisons were in the state of highest alert, and all the doors to the outside were closed. Get up ~ ~ At this time, more than a dozen armed baptist prison guards are standing in front of the passageway for transporting prisoners. They just received an emergency notice saying that one prisoner was out of the cage and might pass through the passageway. Come out, even if you can't beat, you have to wait for Pullman and other backbones to come over.

They aimed their respective weapons at the channel, and whenever an enemy showed their heads, they would swarm up.

After waiting for a while, finally, they heard footsteps coming out from the inside, and immediately entered the fighting posture.

However, they are not waiting for people, but a tentacle with blades, dancing to the crowd! !!

The black light whip blade is like a flexible python. After drawing a circle in a flash of lightning among these prison guards, they have been locked in place as if time has paused.

About a second later, the dozen prison guards all had a thin red line on their necks, and then a dozen heads murmured and rolled down to the ground. The expressions on their faces were still fixed on the nervous look just now, right An instant death, without any preparation ...

Xia Leng climbed out of the passage, looked at a dozen corpses on the ground, swept with their whip blades, swallowed their heads with crystals, and turned them into nutrients and evolution points for black light virus.

At the same time, they also obtained a huge part of map information in this prison by devouring their memory fragments!

Xia Leng was preparing to use his ability to disguise himself as one of the prison guards he devoured.

Boom! !!

Suddenly, the ground under his feet agitated, and a sharp spur broke through the ground! !!

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