Doomsday Virus

Chapter 144: Ten thousand tentacles, ending one cut!

在 At the moment when the two men collided together, the tornado mixed with blood and sand stopped momentarily, and then, like an aging star collapsed, and then suddenly swelled sharply, generating a powerful explosion!

This explosion forced both Fielding and Brooke, two seventh-order baptists, to dodge, or it was not fun to be affected by the residual energy.

The sudden explosion suddenly made the original mess hall completely ruined.

The cement load-bearing column began to pour, and gravel, minced meat, bones, and various kinds of objects mixed with flesh fell from the air, forming a blood rain that stained the ground filled with debris.

This explosion came violently and disappeared quickly.

After waiting for the raging residual energy to dissipate, the two high-ranking backbones and other surviving prisoners and prison guards dared to poke their heads out of the shelter.

They only remembered that two monster-like men had caused the explosion after a collision.

At this time, because of the huge movement caused here, the **** soldiers of the entire Ionian city have also rushed here.

The number of people coming this time is enough to destroy the prison that has been ruined, surrounded by three layers inside and three layers. If any prisoner still dares to escape, as soon as he steps out of the prison door, he will be fully armed outside. Soldiers fired into a sieve.

"Mr. Brooke, here ... what happened?"

One of the officers who came over to the team saw Colonel Brook, who was covered in blood, also here. He immediately came to pay respect and asked with curiosity, and it was obvious that the officer himself had just experienced a war.

"Just ... the prisoner caught by Pullman was a spy from Komodo, the explosion he made ..."

Brook and Fielding looked at each other, and tacitly threw the pot together. They did not say that they and Pullman and others used this as the Colosseum and the main reason for the destruction of the prison.

In fact, they already knew that Pullman was dead, and Fielding, a seventh-tier hunter, could not feel the special breath of any master here.

I never thought that this incompetent master would die in the hands of a prisoner who was temporarily arrested? !!

The final battle between that man and Pullman just refreshed the world view of both of them ...

But the man like a devil should have died in the explosion.

The center point of the radon explosion, even the concrete ground, blasted a giant pit with a diameter of more than 8 meters and a depth of more than 3 meters, and radiated a large spider-like crack in the ground within a few dozen meters!

Everything that was previously engulfed in the sandstorm was evaporated and gasified. It is hard to believe that there would be living creatures at the center of this explosion.

"Clean up the mess here. If there are still prisoners who dare to resist, just kill them. We will report to Master Julian what happened here."

Taking a deep breath, Brook and Fielding flashed through their minds all kinds of lies that were about to be fabricated, and they didn't plan to change their blood-stained clothes, just to prove that they had also suppressed this prison riot. To do.

As long as the company's senior management has not found their playthings are dejected, they will naturally not take the initiative to explain the prison as a casino.

When the two senior backbones, each pretending to be wounded, pretending to be injured and holding each other, were ready to leave here, suddenly they heard the restlessness of the soldiers who went to the center of the explosion to check the situation.

"What is this oval? What kind of eggs do the creatures lay?"

"It seems to be still moving. Could it be buried in the ground long ago and just blown up by this explosion?"

Uh ...

Brook and Fielding heard the exclamation from the soldiers behind them, and they trembled in their hearts.

Shouldn't Pullman be dead before he exploded, condensing the earth elements in time, forming a round protective shell around himself, so that he survived? !!

两个 The two of them immediately turned around and squeezed into the group of soldiers surrounded by the explosion crater, wanting to see what the elliptical object they called was what.

The pupa squeezed into it and saw that at the bottom of the huge pit caused by the explosion center, there was a black egg about two meters high, which also looked like an enlarged version of the insect cocoon pupa.

蛹 The shell of this black cocoon 蛹 seems to be woven from numerous filaments, but the surface is smooth and soapy, and it can even reflect the shadow of soldiers surrounding the giant pit!

This reminded the two backbones of the man immediately, and at the test site, he found that as long as the other party was injured, there would be black tentacles extending from his body to repair the wound.

And the black tentacles are very similar to the black silk that constitutes this giant cocoon, is there any connection between them?

Brook said nothing, grabbed the gun directly from the soldiers on the side, and aimed at the black giant cocoon at the bottom of the giant pit and pulled the trigger.

Da da da! !!

However, until a magazine was finished, there was not even a bullet mark left on the surface of the cocoon.

The projectile hit the surface of the cocoon, as if it had hit a solid metal wall, and the projectile was squeezed flat into a circle and dropped on the ground.

"Damn, what the **** is this? Everyone, don't go any further."

As soon as Brooke's words fell, a soldier who was jammed by his surrounding teammates accidentally stepped on the edge of the giant pit. One stepped down and slid directly from the three-meter-high position to the side of the cocoon ...

He did not wait for Brooke's angry preparation to yell, and the next scene immediately made everyone quiet again.

The falling soldier had a sore **** when he fell, and was about to get up from the ground, but suddenly he heard a heavy bass sound in his ear.

Looking up, this heart-like pacing sound is emitted by this giant cocoon pupa in front of you, and the expanding surface of the cocoon pupa makes it look more like a giant heart full of vitality. What horrible things are about to rush out!

Creak ~

When the cocoon swells to the maximum ~ ~ I only hear the sound of cracks that appear to be porcelain. The entire surface of the cocoon pupa is covered with a dense layer of cracks and there is a tendency to peel off!

Everyone felt a sense of oppression at this instant, and Fielding, a seventh-tier hunter, reached the pinnacle of danger at this instant! !!

"Everyone !!! Get down !!!"

Fielding yelled almost subconsciously, but only he and Brooke reacted and fell to the ground!

Huh! !!

As soon as I got down, another bang came from the center of Jukeng, and then numerous black tentacles spewed out of the tunnel like volcanic eruptions!

I did not wait for the soldiers around the tunnel to return to God. These tentacles pierced each of them's skull or heart as if they were self-conscious. Nearly a hundred soldiers died instantly!

The tentacles are like branches of a banyan tree that has survived for thousands of years. Each tentacle branching out accurately penetrates the deadly point of the creatures standing in this area!

If Fielding and Brook, who are experienced in combat, foresee the danger and lie down in advance, they will also be penetrated by these tentacles!

It took almost less than a second, thousands of tentacles ended all the lives who witnessed this scene ...

And the roots of these thousands of tentacles are pouring out from the body of the naked man in the center of the pit ...

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