Doomsday Virus

Chapter 159: trap

The Thomas businessman, role-played by Xia Leng, runs a small bar in this city, and the hidden wine cellar under the bar is the secret place he usually uses to "slaughter".

Thomas said this time out of the city to transport alcohol to certain forces. In fact, he went to the black market to sell the spar obtained by dirty means. However, he encountered a tide of corpses, robbers, and Xia Leng who came as a savior. ...

Xia Leng is now heading to the tavern run by himself, preparing to inquire about the base.

Judging from the memory fragments of the other party, Thomas usually has good communication with many officers in the city, and may be able to extract relevant information about the second base from the words of these officers.

As he bypassed several streets and was about to reach his tavern, a loud noise from the tavern's door suddenly entered his ears.

"Asshole, aren't you **** blind ?! I smashed the wine I was going to sell, and you said how to compensate !!"

"Oh! Your uncle's new clothes I just bought are still soiled by your broken water. How can you pay for my clothes ?!"

In front of the tavern, two teams of horses and horses stood facing each other with tension. On the ground under their feet, there was a puddle of unknown liquid and a pile of broken glass.

It looks like the two sides collided together while traveling, so that one of the fragile items was broken.

It was only a bottle of wine, and each side made concessions, which was not enough to allow them to fight the risk of deportation in this strictly managed city.

The main reason that caused this farce was the logo of the affiliation on their clothes.

A team of clothes embroidered with a fire phoenix logo on their chests came from the Erni party forces.

On the other pair of clothes was an image of an ancient dragon from the Fire Dragon Church.

These two forces are also deadly rivals in the wilderness for many years. As long as they reach the outside, they will fight for their lives.

Seeing the increasingly tense atmosphere between the two teams, the air was full of gunpowder. When they subconsciously prepared to take a weapon from their waist for a **** fight, they found it empty, only to remember when they entered the city. All weapons were seized by the guards at the door.

However, this does not affect the battle between men and men, and the surrounding crowd of onlookers who are constantly watching and cheering, finally, the two teams began to use their fists to fight their original brutal fight.

boom! !!


A thunderous gunshot rang out over this city where weapons were strictly prohibited, which caused everyone to provoke a shock, and also caused the two teams of chaos to stop attacking, and their postures were still fixed in the scene where the fists and feet were added together.

There is no doubt that only those who were able to use weapons in the city of Ferrerzod were regular guards from the old days.

"Oh, it's hard to come out for a patrol once, and I met a group of troublemakers who violated the city management rules. I don't know if I am lucky or bad."

A dull voice sounded outside the crowd, and then the onlookers of the crowd made a subconscious way, a tall and thin man wearing a camouflage military uniform with a lieutenant colonel on his shoulder came over, behind him, They also followed a team of guards armed to the teeth, pointing at the people from the two forces in the middle of the street with the firearms in their hands.

Xia Leng immediately recognized through the web of memory that the officer was named Huggins, one of the commanders of the city patrol army. He usually came to this bar for a drink and had a good relationship with Thomas on the surface.

"Hit, why not stop?"

Lieutenant Colonel Hudgens walked in front of the two power leaders and looked down at them with icy eyes. The two men kept their punches and kicked you.

As soon as the two leaders looked at the current situation, they immediately woke up from their hot heads, quickly released the other party and stood up. The corners of their mouths twitched and said, "Aren't we playing around? The relationship between the forces is very good, it is rare to meet once, haha ​​... "

Huggins heard the expression, his face sank, and Lengheng said, "Huh, it's a good relationship? Playing around? Can you still bleed?"

When the forces of the two sides touched their noses and swollen faces, they had nothing to say.

"Send this group of guys out of the city well. In addition, according to the rules of the city, the weapons and goods they placed at the gate of the city are all confiscated!"

As soon as Huggins's words fell, the guards behind him stepped forward, forcing them to walk towards the gate with the weapon in their hands.

"Don't! No, we can only be slaughtered in the wilderness without self-defense weapons!"

"Take care of us this time. If we return to the church empty and empty, the punishment given to us by the **** can't afford it!"


Watching the two teams go away crying without tears, Huggins showed a sneer and shoved the muzzle back into the pistol bag around his waist ~ ~ He just An ordinary person, but there were many baptists in the two teams just now. If you want to change to any area outside the city, the roles will only be swapped. It is impossible for this kind of scene to happen.

Huggins turned around to see the pub next to him, and when he was about to go in for a drink, suddenly a familiar voice came.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hudgens, what a great officer!"

Huggins froze. Looking back, it was the owner of this bar, Thomas.

"Did you not go out for delivery yourself, why did you come back so soon?"

"Hey, don't say anything, my goods were all scourged by the barbarous and unreasonable migrant corpses outside, and I almost died in the hands of the wild robbers."

Xia Leng smiled, walked over and hugged Huggins' shoulder directly, seeming to say very intimately.

"Oh, so, I also know the captain who went out to kill the tide this time. I can let them pay attention to your lost goods. If you are lucky, you may be able to send them back intact."

The corner of Huggins' mouth turned into an intriguing smile, and the meaning was already obvious.

Xia Leng listened, and immediately catered to the smile: "Thank you so much, you can drink this month's drinks without charge!"

At this time, he has been completely integrated with "Thomas", showing the face of the adulterer incomparably thorough. If there are Oscars and other awards at this time, it must be Xia Leng ...

Talking, the two of them, like their brothers, entered the tavern chilling.

And this young officer named Huggins thought that this time he took a huge advantage, but he didn't know that he had begun to step into the other side's trap slowly.

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