Doomsday Virus

Chapter 165: Go to

中 The lieutenant colonel's face was flushed with a word of Colinco, and he wanted to refute but was speechless.

Because he is also a lieutenant colonel of ordinary physiques. If he fights with corpses everywhere in the wilderness, it is estimated that a gun may not be qualified to be their opponent, after all, the speed of those corpses is too sensitive. Weird, and not stupid to let him fight.

"You two, go and put this self-righteous lieutenant colonel in the confinement room for a month. Only one meal is served per day. The charge is against the superior."

Immediately afterwards, Collinco sank and said to the two guards behind him.

"You!" When the Colonel heard it, he subconsciously wanted to swear, but when he thought of the rules in the barracks, he could only swallow the swearing words that would come out of his mouth.

At first, the two guards were not used to it and did not dare to act, but after seeing the aggrieved expression of the colonel, they stepped forward and put him out ...

Because of this episode, no one dares to have an opinion at this moment, and no one will say it again.

After all, they all knew General Bach. His words were like a military order, which must be absolutely obedient. Since he explained that letting this staff officer serve as the city leader and did not cooperate with him, that was to resist Bach himself.

"I know that many of you may disagree with me. I have also followed the General for so many years. I have kept in mind the details and details of the administration of the army and the city. I will also govern the city in accordance with General Bach's management philosophy. ......... "

After a while, Collinco began to use his eloquence as a wise man, and also blessed his mental strength to start subtly thinking about these officers, constantly "brainwashing" them.

Soon, these officers heard a slap, and even created the illusion that he was a young General Bach ...

Xun was only Xia Leng at this time. His mental strength was not lower than this fourth-order wise man, and he would not be affected by the other party. Therefore, this kind of carving worm technique was excluded by his brain.

Xia Leng watched as General Bach stepped out of the curtain door, and quietly left the battle hall while the surrounding officers were stunned by the wise man.

When I came outside the barracks, he saw the bulletproof military vehicle that General Bach was riding parked at the door, as well as the camouflage Hummer with two mysterious personnel!

However, he did not see the general himself.

As a result, Xia Leng used the control of the soil system to begin to sense the people who are stepping on the ground around him. Because of the direct release of the sense, it may be detected by other eschatological hunters in the barracks.

Finally, through the ability of the soil system, he felt that several people were standing in the back of the barracks at this time, maybe they were talking about something, so he quietly approached the past.

"General Bach, just passed the forty-eighth experiment, and the subject has finally stopped being backfired by those viruses, and the survival rate has been greatly improved!" From a bald white coat researcher wearing glasses, the tone was a little excited. Here.

"Survival has improved? Is that 100% possible?" Bach asked in a heavy voice, muteing the two researchers.

"But it is also able to swallow cancer cells and tumors in the body, and by the way strengthen your ability, do not want to take risks, haha, how can there be such a good thing in the world, let's go, I will also explain the funeral in the barracks anyway. It's time to let the young guys rely on their own skills. "General Bach laughed bitterly.

Subsequently, General Bach followed the guards and came to the front of the bulletproof military vehicle. Two researchers took the lead on the previous camouflage Hummer and drove back to the confinement. It may be necessary to do well in advance. What job.

After the puppet guards opened the door, Bach also sat in and waved his hand to signal that they should leave first. Only two of him and his full-time driver remained in the car.

"Prell, has your wife been born, and is production going well?"

Uncle Bach looked at the dim sight outside the window and asked lightly.

"Thank you for the general's concern, their mother and daughter are safe, my daughter's weight is also very normal, thanks to your wife who has equipped you with those dedicated care staff."

The driver named Purel said in a very grateful tone.

After all, in the last days when this resource is scarce and the disease is rampant, the survival rate of production has become extremely low.

Especially if the female refugees in the wilderness are pregnant, it is estimated that the child is still born before the child is born, or because of the effects of radiation everywhere, giving birth to a monster-like deformity.

"Oh, all right."

Uh ...

After a while, General Bach no longer spoke, and it seemed that he had some thoughts that made his thick eyebrows slightly tightened.

The driver looked through the rearview mirror and quietly looked at the general sitting behind him. Suddenly, his pupil flashed an imperceptible darkness!

The driver is not the original Prel already, but before the general and several guards came to the car, Xia Leng had "unpacked" him unconsciously!

When he used his stealth ability and keen hearing, after hearing the general's conversation with the two researchers, he already understood the keywords in their chat content ~ ~ there is what he needs to find clue!

Xi Xia Leng watched the silent general sitting in the back seat, and he was ready to kill him, devour him, and pretend to be the counterpart, so that he could directly enter the secret area with a bright light.

I was just at the gate of the meeting of many officers at this time. If I accidentally noticed it, someone might find it anomalous. In the dark perspective of driving the car to the destination, I would come to this killer.

Although doing so, this city may lose its pillars and even ruin it.

But if this city is really so fragile, then Xia Leng's intervention is not necessary, and destruction is also a matter of time.

Because Bach is an ordinary old man, he has not had many years of energy to manage the huge city of Fairredrod. If it is only lost, the city will be destroyed, then there is no need to continue to develop, So Xia Leng can only be regarded as letting the city into destruction in advance ...

In fact, Xia Leng quite admired the general and his management style, etc., because he might still be in the human camp, maybe ...

"General, can we set off?"

Xia Leng looked at Bach in the back seat for a long time without talking. Is it really dementia? So reminded.

However, as soon as his voice fell, the door of the conference room opened, and the first agent to come out was the current Acting City Lord Kolinko!

This seemingly gentle and wise officer went directly to the chief's car, opened the co-pilot door, and sat next to Xia Leng.

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